Status: Done.<3

Friday Is the Best Kind of Day.


Friday sat outside with Ashley to her left, poking at the unappealing salad Ashley had gotten for her. "Friday you have to eat something, it's been three days and I've seen you barley eat anything." Ashley said after swolloing the pizza she had gotten herself.

Since Friday had told Ashley her big secret they had been attached at the hip, Ashley has spent every night with her, holding her when she would cry or talking her through her worry. "I just don't know if this is the best idea Ash.." Friday mumbled finally stabbing at a piece of lettuce and shoving it in her mouth.

"If you have another idea then shoot, but so far I think this would be the best idea." Ashley stated looking at her new best friend with sympathy in her big eyes. "Plus, cheer up tonight is your birthday party! You're finally seventeen!" Ashely cheered trying to find some light in this dark situation.

Friday couldn't help but smile at her friends out burst, nodding her head. "Yeah, you're right." Friday turned her body looking at Ashely. "You're just gonna go home get your dress and come back right?" Friday asked, Ashley nodded her head almost instantly, "Don't worry babe, I got you." Ashley said, both girls laughed smiling at each other.

"Assholes at four a clock," Ashley stated after their laughter had died down. Talking about Nate and his twin sister Nicole and her boyfriend Austin. Friday sighed and slowly held her finger up to her lips. Neither of them had told any of them about Friday's birthday party or her birthday at that.

"Hey!" Nicole cheered as Nate slid in the seat next to Friday putting his arm around her with a grin on his face. Shivers of disgust ran up and down Friday's spine. "Hi.." Friday mumbled, Ashley shoving the rest of her pizza in her mouth to contain her anger she held for Nicole in.


"Come on Friday! I know Gena has been done with your hair and make-up for at least a half an hour!" Ashley yelled pounding on her bathroom door. Friday ignored her friends rant rolling her eyes as she looked herself up and down in the mirror. Her Red and other colored hair cascading down her shoulders in curls, her make-up perfect, black eyeliner with gray eyeshadow, her long lashes covered with mascara. Her earring her father had given her for an early birthday present in her ear lobes. The matching jangles on her right arm.

Her strapless aqua and silver dress made her eyes pop more than anything. Her high heels were the cutest thing in her opinion but trying not to snap both her ankles weren't that cute. Bringing her hands up to clasp the gold necklace around her throat topped off her whole look.

One more pound made Friday jump, "Holy fuck! I'm coming." Friday yelled swinging open the door coming face to face with the person she wasn't expecting. "That's what you said last time," Matt smirked looking at his girlfriend. Wearing an all black button up shirt with a deep purple tie, and black skinny jean's just made him look even more God like.

"Hi.." Friday mumbled trying to have the redness stay away from her cheeks,
"You look amazing." Matt stated putting both of his hands on her hips, crashing his lips against hers. Smiling against his plush lips Friday couldn't help but kiss back.

"Limos here!" Jimmy yelled up the stairs making both of them jump apart, the redness in Friday's cheeks could be seen from space. Matt let out a small chuckle,grabbing her small hand in his huge one he laced both of their fingers together "Let's go my princess."

Smiling both of them made their way down the stairs slowly and unwillingly pulling their hands apart, "Awe! Friday you look so beautiful!" Michelle squealed hugging her. Friday smiled when her eyes landed on Ashley, in a simple black strapless dress with white high heels.

Pulling away from Michelle she hugged her friend, only to be pulled away by her father. "That dress is a little short," Matt joked looking at his daughter lovingly. "But you do look like the princess you are." He said hugging his daughter tightly.

At that moment Friday wanted to cry as she looked at her father, knowing she was keeping the biggest secret from him as his wife held his newest child was probably the most stress any man could deal with ; ever finding out his daughter was holding his first grandchild would send the man into a heart attack.

Taking a deep breath Friday hugged her father, "Thanks daddy." She mumbled.

Pulling away from her father Friday couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter at the sight in front of her, looking at Brian and the youngest Baker who wore the same shirt and tie and black pants made everyone in the room laugh.

"I thought we agreed you would wear the blue tie!" Brian whined shaking his head, before he could even get an answer back his was out the door walking to the limo shaking his head. Thee youngest Baker just shrugged and was following suit out the door.

Looking at Ashley the two girl's linked arms smiling the whole way out of the house.


Pressing her small body against her boyfriend's Friday swayed her hips against his crotch area to the beat of the music. So far the night had been amazing, All of her friend's were here well the ones she knew from other bands the only person close to her age was Ashley that was her friend.

The whole top floor of venue was dedicated in her honor, with loud music, bright neon lights flashing every where and decorations. She could see her cake on stage, was four layers high and had every neon color any girl could imagine. Seventeen candle sticks were being lite as the music was cut off.

"Alright, alright,alright! Can we please get the birthday girl on stage?" The DJ yelled into the microphone. Friday looked at Matt who held a grin on her face, shaking her head she gave her a soft push towards the stage.

The only thing the young girl could do was hold her head high as she walked to the stage, the whole Avenged band was up there with the girls who had taken her under their wing.

As Friday stood on stage her father held a microphone looking at her with loving eyes.

"Alright,Friday. First we all want to start by saying happy birthday and we love." Her father started smiling at her.

Friday gave a dimpled smile back. "And we couldn't be more proud of you. We know this is the first birthday we are spending with you but its not the last anymore baby girl. We love you so much and couldn't ask for any one better to come into our lives, you have changed us all in a better way. Val and I love having you around and we know you're gonna be amazing big sister." Matt stated putting his hand on his wife's huge pregnant stomach.

"And you're gonna do great things in life. We will always be here for you, you're a good girl Friday and I can't express how proud I am of you. I love you." Matt smiled at his daughter who was now holding back tears.

These people love her more than she knows and she had been nothing but cruel to them and was now holding the biggest secret of all. Matt handed the microphone to his daughter as Brian and Zacky finished lighting the rest of the candles on the big birthday cake.

Ashely stood close to the stage looking at her best friend with a smile, trying to get her to speak.

"I-" Friday stopped looking out into the crowd, not being able to see that many people cause' of the bright lights.

Looking back at the huge family she had come to love so much, she couldn't help the next few words that slipped from her mouth.

"I'm pregnant, and it's Matt's kid. Zacky's little brother." Friday spit out, the color draining from her face as the whole place fell into a dead silent. Looking at her father who was now on the floor from fainting.

"That wasn't plan B!" Ashley said loud enough for only Friday to hear.
♠ ♠ ♠

Haha alright. Do you guys want a boy baby or a girl baby! :D You get to choose :)

COMMENT,COMMENT,COMMENT! The more comments I get the more I update.

Friday's Birthday outfit