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According To Hell

Dagger? Really?

I hold her limp body against mine. Such a beautiful creature, but her lack of self confidence in her power will ruin her. I sigh and carry her to her room. I lay her on her bed and call Alec. As I wait for Alec I recall the moment where Alexandra and I were kissing........and how she ruined the moment by kicking me in the crotch. The bitch is lucky she's alive and not in Hell. I look down at her face and see her face is expressionless.

"Master," I hear Alec's voice right behind me.

"Alec I have a special assignment for you," I begin to tell him of my plan.

"You are to enroll in the same high school I've enrolled. And then you are to get Angela Web to fall in love with you," I tell him.

"May I ask why am I to do this," Alec inquires.

"Well it is quite simple Alec. If Alexandra is to fall in love with me as I had in my vision, Angela, her best friend should be out of the way. And for that to happen you will be her "boyfriend" for some time, understand," I put air quotations in boyfriend and turn to see Alec looking at me with a funny face. I sigh and turn back to Alexandra. If only he knew how much I love this creature. Her uniqueness is astounding. No one has ever held my attention like this since I rebelled against God. And that was a long time ago.

"Alec bring me some Kit Kat's and M&M's," I order.

As soon as I say this Alexandra stirs. I sit next to her and look at her. Her nose is the cutest thing I've ever seen, it's like a button. And when she smiles she has the two cutest dimples on the face of the planet. I could marble at Alexandra for hours and never get bored or tired like any human would.

Alec returns with the chocolate and lays them on top of Alexandra's stomach. I chuckle and reach to get a Kit Kat when all of a sudden in an instant I'm on the floor and Alec is in a battle stance. I look up to see Alexandra fully awake and a dagger in her hand. Hmmmm I wonder where she got that? "Alexandra do you really think that could protect you?” I point at the dagger, “You hurt my ego by thinking you could defeat me with that piece of shit," I say.

"Well I think I could take him down with it," she points at Alec. I smirk. Why it that every girl assumes Alec is weak. Yes it is true he could never beat me, but never underestimate the cute guys they are the ones you should fear them the most. Alec smirks too probably reading my mind. "Well you can try. Go for it," I stand up and go to the far side of the room. Alexandra paces around Alec in a circle. Alec stays still and just closes his eyes. This should be diverting.

Alexandra charges at Alec, but before she could even get close enough to him he had her in a head lock. I start laugh at Alexandra's expression. Dumbfounded she starts yelling at Alec to release her. He looks at me and I nod after I stopped laughing. "You," she points at me,"ugh really couldn't you have warned me,"

"But then what fun would that bring to me?" I ask rhetorically.
Then before I know it she punches me square on the mouth.

"Now was that really necessary? You do know I need this mouth to kiss you, right," I say.

That just got her to blush and turn the other way.

"Alec you may leave now. I have some things I have to discuss with this Wildcat," I rub my mouth to see blood. Alec disappears and I reach out to Alexandra and take her in my arms. Where she's suppose to be. I'm coming to conclude that she is softening me. This may be a problem.
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