Crash the Cemetery Gates

For once im the saviour

Franks p.o.v

This guy he keepslooking at me i wounder what he doing he is probably still confused over everything i mean look he has just obviously passed out from drugs or something thats the main thing that happens at these parties any way but he just seems to beautiful to be wasting his time here!Well i dont really know were here is but i know that its were everyone gets drugged up! Well atleast thats is what this guy told me this afternoon i think his name wass ummm bert ert mccraken yeah that is right Bert Mccracken hes a total loser offering me drugs and to suck him off sure guys are fun but not ones that look like they are off there face! And especially a guy that will pretend he cares for you just for a blow and u get drugs garr i have anger problems with this shit at times im just like a girl that has her periods "i sniggered to myself laughing at my own immature words!"

Then i am snapped out of my thoughts by this guy he is saying something i try to understand but i cant and then he.Pukes.In.My.Lap.Ew! but i sit there and take it hes just so beautiful i sit tere comforting making sure hes okay this all new to me as for.Fucking.Once.I'm.The.Saviour!


I'm trying to say something to this beautiful beautiful boy but the words won't come out of my mouth instead vomit i feel so bad but he doesnt care he sits there with puke all over him not careing about it all he is doing is making sure im okay its amazing how wounderful this boy is he must be some type of angel or something then i relised he is doing all this for me and i still have not said what i was trying to so i say"Thank you so so much" and with that he smile well more of a smirk then a smile and i am just taken in by him!He replies just by wiping the vomit of my face and moving away my hair and says in a simple yet beautiful voice "No dont thank me i am sure anyone would help someone out if they were in need"But unfortunately he is wrong and we both look around at all the other passed out half dead people lying around us!

After seeing that what i have done actually isnt really what anyone else would do i feel i slight bit of pride at that he smirked knowing that i had relised i truely did help someone!
I try and help him stand up it doesnt really work his legs just seem to pull him back down so i try a new concept i skoop him up one arm under his legs and the other suppourting his head and neck.His not big but he isnt too small either he is just an average size but a lil bit of difference added to it! His eyes start drooping into a sleepily fashion rather then a passed out fashion so i allow him to slepp whilst i carry him accross the park to my mums house luckily shes out for the week so i wont get my head kicked in!We finally reach my house i open the door with a stuggle but i managed to get my key out and open the door without dropping Him i think ill just put him in my bed as i know how painful it is to pass out on the couch and then wake up on it Man it hurts i take him up and tuck him into my bed i wouldve removed his vomit covered clothes would be kinda weird so he is just gonna have to stay with those.

I go down stairs to sleep on the couch to relise puddles our dog has made a place there and i have no were to sleep what should i do??....