Status: ahhhh screw it. I'll get around to updating this sometime soon.

Deadly Nightshade

Chapter Two.

Kain continued to smile at me with that ridiculous look in his eyes. I knew he would be trouble. I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that this gorgeous man in front of me was the very same wolf that saved me from my impending doom years ago. I shifted uncomfortably under his gaze and folded my legs up under me.

"So...ummm...what are you?" I asked bluntly. He laughed and something twinkled deep in his sunny eyes.

"You'll know soon enough. For now, all you must know is that my name is Kain, you are safe, and I'll be sticking around this time." he chuckled, crossing his legs in the soft, cool grass. The birds began to chirp again, as if sensing that there weren't any real predators around. My eyes softened and I smiled weakly at him.

"You know that's not a good enough answer for me, right?" I cocked my head and watched his silky hair wave with the wind. Why does he have to be so beautiful? I yelled to myself. His eyes flashed with humor and he grinned wider.

"I know. But you'll have to wait." he leaned in closer suddenly and whispered into my ear, "...I think you are beautiful, too." His voice was husky and I could hear a faint accent underneath his words. Against my will, I shivered when his warm breath hit my neck and I scooted away a few inches. His eyes looked hurt for a moment, but he sat back and looked at me with a calm, collected expression.

"I'm sorry that I left you for such a long time. I though you would be fine with your friends and school. I should have come back when I felt you get lonely." he scolded himself quietly. My eyes felt hot, but I nodded.

"Where were you? I couldn't sleep for the longest time." my voice cracked and I mentally tried to pull the tears back into my head. "My best friend wasn't there anymore. I waited for so long here," I waved my arm around the clearing, "For you to come play."

His eyes darkened and he looked down at the grass in shame. "I had things to do. I was trying to keep you safe, Airin!" his voice rose. "I wanted to come back to you so badly, but he...I mean business called and I was needed somewhere else." he finished harshly. I allowed a tear to fall before I got up.

"Well, thank you for explaining it. I have homework to do. Maybe I'll see you later, Kain." I looked at him with fire in my eyes and started to walk away, but he was already in front of me. Should have seen that coming. He opened his mouth to speak, but something in the forest caught his attention faster. His pupils grew tiny and his face got sharper.

"Run back to your house, Airin. Lock your doors and only let your mother come in when she gets back from the store." I almost asked him how he knew if she went out, but he silenced me with a severe look and pushed me toward the trail.

"Whatever you do, do NOT come back here until I say it is safe, Airin." his said in a dark, menacing voice. I stared into his eyes for only a moment more and took off for my house. I slowed to turn back, but I could feel his presence in my mind push me onwards.

As I broke out of the woods, I heard terrible snarls and growls from where I was, and flocks of birds flew up all at once from the lake. I kept my head high as I tried not to cry for Kain. Though I may have held resentment toward him, I still loved admired my savior.

I did as he said and locked myself into my room for the rest of the night, until my mother came home carrying bags full of food. I cooked her a quick dinner and set off for my room yet again, grabbing a bowl of strawberries for dessert.

My radio played softly as I chewed on the red berries, my mind off in a different world. A soft thump startled me, making me look at my window. In front of my old window, with the full moon at his back, was Kain, in all his glory.

I knew my face was a sight to see; pale and terrified, but Kain just stepped slowly over to my bed and laid next to me. His eyes held pain and sadness, but still had that ever-present twinkle. I said nothing as I put my bowl on the nightstand and curled up on his side.

He stroked my hair slowly and softly, kissing my forehead every few minutes.

"I'm sorry." he whispered in a sweet voice. I closed my eyes at the sound of his musical voice and nodded into his chest. He kissed my head again and I was finally able to sleep without any nightmares of the man in black since he was right next to me, keeping me safe from himself.
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