Status: ahhhh screw it. I'll get around to updating this sometime soon.

Deadly Nightshade

Chapter Five.

The shadow slowly floated toward me, about five inches off of my plush cream carpet. My eyes widened and I could feel my heartbeat speed to an unhealthy pace. The shadow reached out it's hand and all I could do was scoot back into my bed, away from the long, deathly pale appendages.

"Come now, child. If you do not fight, my master might show a bit of mercy." It said in a chilling voice. The sound grated my ears and made me want to rip them out with a spoon. It was like four people were speaking at once, all in high-pitched, gravely tones.

As it came closer, I could see glowing white skin that was stretched taut against pointy bones, and watery red eyes. The figure's skin was the only light in the room, so I couldn't even see where my door was, but I was desperate to escape this monster.

I bounded off of my bed, somehow not getting tied up in the black sheets, and pushed past the thing I wasn't sure if it was male or female, but when it brushed against me, I gagged when the scent of blood washed over me. It was cold and felt like Death had just caressed my face.

It let out a vicious snarl and sprinted after me as I bounded down the stairs and into the kitchen, trying to find a knife to defend myself with. I also slipped and fell to my death when I stepped in something sticky and warm. I ignored it for a moment since I could feel the temperature in the room drop, and reached for my largest, sharpest knife. I whirled around to face the figure and finally saw what I had stepped in just moments ago.

The glow from the monster's skin gave me enough light to see the deep red blood pooling around my mother's head and her green eyes staring up at me lifelessly. She had a gaping hole in her chest where her wonderful, caring heart had been, and I could feel all of the blood leaving my face when the murderer chuckled.

"Alas! Your poor mother died of a broken heart." It cackled, grinning with pointy yellow teeth. "It's a shame that her young daughter will be blamed for her untimely death. The poor girl went insane and killed her mother over her choice in a lover."

That's when I cracked.

I lunged at he cloaked figure and let out an inhuman scream that surprised both of us. However, he/she was not human, so it brushed me off by throwing me through the sliding glass doors that led to the forest and our backyard.

All I could feel was fire. It shot through every part of my body and brought tears to my eyes. I watched as the murderer floated above all of the glass that had spread to where I was. I could smell the trees from where I was, and my nose was assaulted with a rich, metallic scent that was overwhelmingly sweet.

"Child, I warned you. Fighting will only get you killed....But my master does not want that." It picked up my discarded knife and came closer to me, the knife glinting in the moonlight. I could now see the tall, but sickly-thin creature that would most likely kill me.

The hood of his cloak had fallen to reveal a bald head with two large horns coming from his forehead. His bones showed through his papery skin and accentuated his disgusting eyes and twisted mouth. He raised his hand, palm facing upwards, and I felt myself being jerked up by some invisible power. He walked closer still and bared his teeth, breathing his cold Death smell all over my face.

"Master will not care if his prize is a little damaged, of course." With that, he quickly jabbed the knife into my side and twisted it in a circle. I screamed as loud as I could, hoping that somehow it would make the burning, aching pain go away. The squelching of my insides could be heard along with his sinister laugh.

I could faintly hear the rustle of the trees behind us and a terrifying growl before my eyes closed. I could hear a faint whisper in the back of my mind, and could only respond with a feeble before the world slipped away with a screech.
♠ ♠ ♠
Surprise! I'm not dead! :D
Cliffhanger! Comments? many times did I say "figure" or "it"? Cookie prize if you tell me! lol
OMG I totally cried writing her mom's death scene. :'( I felt terrible, but it's important for the story. I missed ya'll!