Home Is Where Your Heart Is

Chapter 3

“No, really, I'm serious!” Sophia cried. “I can’t do this!”

“Yes, you can do this,” Dorrie coaxed as she leaned against the raised railing of the bed and held Sophia’s hand in her own. “Women do this all over the world, every day,” she said softly “I’ve done this, twice,” she reminded her.

“Yeah, well most of them have like seven months of getting used to the idea,” Sophia argued. “Not 30minbutes,” she exclaimed as yet another contraction took over her body.

“Remember to breathe, hun,” Dorrie soothed her.

“I'm bloody well still alive aren’t I?!” Sophia cried as she glared at her friend who was smiling at her.

“Sophia, you need to calm down,” Dorrie said slowly as she ran her hand over her younger friend’s head. “I know that this is a complete surprise for you, but you need to calm down, for both of you,” she said softly. “And you need to do what the doctor tells you.”

“I'm not ready for this,” Sophia whimpered as she squeezed Dorrie’s hand, causing the brown-haired woman to curse her husband’s teammate. Grinding her teeth, she tried to smile reassuringly at her friend whilst trying to ignore the pain shooting up her arm.

‘Where the hell is Max?! my hand is going to fall off!’

A soft knock on the door, brought Dorrie out of her thoughts and when she turned around, she saw Sophia’s doctor come inside the room, holding a chart in her hands.

“Hi, I'm Dr Melissa Barringer,” she introduced herself as she reached over and shook Dorrie’s still throbbing hand.

“Dorrie Eaton.”

“And you are our surprise mum-to-be,” Dr Barringer smiled as she turned her attention toward the suffering blond laying in the bed. “Can I call you Sophia?”

“You might as well considering you're going to see all my private parts,” Sophia smiled tightly as she looked up at the doctor and shook her hand right between a pair of contractions.

“I understand that you're obviously scared,” Dr Barringer smiled softly. “And we’re not going to start wondering why you haven't known you're pregnant,” she stated, “cause from what I can read here, you're already rather far gone in the delivery process. You're already 9cm dilated,” she revealed smiling.

“9?!” Dorrie exclaimed surprised. “She’s 9cm dilated?” she questioned amazed, and maybe even a little jealous…

“Yes,” Dr Barringer nodded smiling.

“Already?” Sophia asked frowning.

“Yes,” the doctor confirmed. “You’ve probably been in labor most of, if not the entire day, which would explain the twinges you’ve been feeling in your back,” she explained slowly. “Unfortunately, this also means that we are not going to be able to give you any direct pain medications,” she revealed reluctantly.

“Oh, that’s just great,” Sophia groaned as she shifted on the bed, feeling yet another contraction coming on.

“Sophia, you’ve been in labor the entire day!” Dorrie smiled widely. “And you still managed to go shopping, and dress fitting for Vero and Marc’s engagement party, and watch a hockey game,” she ticked off. “I would say that you have a pretty high pain threshold,” she pointed out.

“I'm not going to lie, it’s going to hurt, but as your friend rightly pointed out, you have made it this far,” the doctor agreed. “I'm going to examine you again and see if things have progressed any further, but first I wanted to ask you if you have had time to call the daddy-to-be?”

“Time? Yes. Have I? No,” Sophia revealed softly.

“You don’t want him here?” Dr Barringer asked, knowing to tread very carefully.

“I do, but he’s kind of busy at the moment,” Sophia half-smiled.

“Too busy to see his baby being born?” Dr Barringer asked surprised. “Most fathers would drop everything to experience it.”

“It’s a rare situation,” Dorrie intervened.

“How so?” the doctor asked confused.

“He’s busy trying to kick the Bruins’ ass,” Dorrie half-smiled at the obviously confused doctor as she glanced up at the TV where they were showing the latest goal from a different angle. “The baby you're about to deliver, the daddy-to-be is Max Talbot,” she revealed.

“Oh!” Melissa smiled widely.

“He’s probably going to be here the second he finds out,” Dorrie continued, missing the somewhat worried look that passed over Sophia’s features.

“Okay, unfortunately, we might not be able to wait for that.”

“Okay! Whatever!” Sophia exclaimed, demanding attention. “Just get this thing out of me!” she cried in pain.

“I'm going to get a nurse and them I'm going to examine you,” Melissa stated quickly before leaving the room.

Returning with a nurse who introduced herself as Erica, Melissa instructed Sophia to scoot down a bit in the bed and bend her knees so she could examine her.

“Sophia,” Melissa said softly. “You're fully dilated and the baby had its head first. So at the next contraction, what I want you to do is to push as hard as you can,” she instructed as Dorrie was turning slightly white.

“Oh my!” Dorrie exclaimed surprised. “I never thought that this was a part in the friends description.”

“You fucking better not be leaving me,” Sophia growled as she looked over at Dorrie.

“I'm not,” Dorrie reassured her. “I’m just a little shocked here.”

“Okay,” Melissa interrupted as she looked over at one of the monitors. “Sophia, I need you to push.”