Status: Not done writing this? But like, you know, some things happen. Maynever be finished. ;d

Still Life.

Chapter Three: Arriving.

As the ambulance pulled up to the hospital, a thought hit me. Maybe a remembrance?, I didn’t have any clothes with me, and I was nude. I sighed, then got lifted out of the ambulance. Paramedics, doctors, nurses, all surrounding the gurney I laid upon.
“Get a ivy in her, stat. “ Said a grey haired doctor.
“Got it, doc.” Said an assistant.
“Get her to the urgent care, looks like we’re loosing her.” He said. Loosing her? Loosing me? No, I felt fine. I wasn’t dying, no, not at all. I tried to speak, but, I couldn’t. It was hard.
They weren’t loosing me, no. I then felt the air whiz by me, fast. It hit my head, making me shiver violently. Have you ever had a dream where you feel like you jerk roughly, but, in reality, you only flinch? That’s what was happening, although I wasn’t having the jerking sensation, I was having the shivering sensation.
“Clarissa? Is that really her? No, that’s not my baby, my baby is filled with life!” I heard my mother say, concern and confusion dripping strong off of her tongue. I had no idea where I was.
“Mrs. Winston, we’re going to have to ask you to leave if you keep acting out.” The grey haired doctor said to my mother. All I could make out were voices, everything else was in a haze, like you were crying. Mamma, I’ll be fine.. I wanted to tell her. Desperately, I tried to reach up. I couldn’t, had they given me novacane? My muscles felt like brick, maybe I had severe frost bite? Before I knew it, I fell into a deep, deep sleep.