Status: Not done writing this? But like, you know, some things happen. Maynever be finished. ;d

Still Life.

Chapter Five: CCJF, huh?

Iflaunted orange, well. Already, I was convicted of attempted murder, second degree, and a three year sentence under the care of the Clarkveiw County Juveniles Facility. Clarkveiw County was in Windrixville, a rough ten miles away from Paxtonville. I laughed, smiled and played along with everything. I would soon escape, it was easy to escape. That wasn’t the problem, though. The problem was the fact that I needed a place to escape to. I figured my parents don’t contact my Aunt Stacy, so I’d call her up, go run to Canada, no one would know about my felony there, and I planned, after living in Canada with Dear Aunt Stacy, I’d run away, back to America, back to Michigan, and back to Paxtonville. Clarissa was waiting for me, or more like I was waiting for her. I wasn’t very a patient person, one would figure the opposite.
Yawning, I laid my head down atop of a very uncomfortable, uncolored pillow. I swear, it was filled with bricks. Sighing, tossing and turning, I tried getting comfortable to get at least an hour of rest, not sleep. Sleeping was out of the question. One couldn’t possibly sleep in or on anything like these things. If so, I’d be screwed. I knew it was destiny, though. For the fact that I attempted to drown someone, the CCJF wouldn’t let me have a roommate. I was also put on suicide watch, due to the fact that the day I arrived, I tried hanging myself for my own entertainment. I laughed a lunatic laugh when they started sending me to their ‘shrink.’ The food there was horrible, worse than my mother’s, and that’s really saying something. I couldn’t go anywhere, there was nightly room searches. The best is, the cells were basically rooms, not cells. This Juveniles Facility wasn’t my hell, it was my personal heaven. Awkward stares came from the guards, and the other juveniles, I liked attention. Smiling and smirking, smirking and smiling, weren’t they the same? In my book, they sure were. I used a smile, or a smirk if you will, back at them. Within a matter of days, I was basically the ‘queen-bee’ of the CCJF. I wasn’t used to it, at all. At my school, I was used to just staying back, being off in my own little world. Don’t get me wrong, I worked hard at school and had very good grades, but I was basically a nobody. Clarissa seemed to want to be the center-of-attention, and I let it go by for so many long years. I was sick of it. One-hundred-and-fifty percent sick of it.
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Rebecca's point of view