Status: Not done writing this? But like, you know, some things happen. Maynever be finished. ;d

Still Life.

Chapter Seven: You'll Never Know.

You'd not like to and never know how bad almost losing your life feels. There's even a saying- it goes: "When you see your life flash before your eyes; make sure its worth watching.”- And I’m sticking to that quote. But, all in all, I didn’t see anything pass before my eyes as Rebecca was pushing me under the water. All I could see was black, water, Rebecca’s hands and well, the veins behind my eyelid. Sighing, I turned off my almost-dead iPod and put my dead cell phone away. I didn’t feel like moving, for my body was still numb. I yawned, looking around my balloon, stuffed animal, flower and card filled hospital room. The nurse-in-training told me that Doctor Belsner said “You’ll be leaving within a few weeks.” What was a few weeks? Two? Three? Shaking the anticipated departure, I took a sip of water. God how I hated ice cold water now, God how I hated water, period. “Honey, someone is here to see you.” My mom said, opening the door before knocking. I don’t get it, since she’s a professor, how does she not know to knock BEFORE she opened the door?
“Who is it, mom?” I asked, fiddling with my fingers. I looked over to her, her worried face just staring with tired eyes.
“A special someone, just wait.” She said, beckoning the ‘special someone’ out in the hall to come in. Great, who was it? The chairmen of my dad’s lawyer friend’s wife’s someone-or-other?
“Miss Clarissa,” Spoke a familiar male voice. It couldn’t be him- could it?
"Yes?” I asked, squinting to get a view. Walking in was that familiar stranger’s body, then his baby-like-but-very-hot face. I’ve never felt that way with a guy before. It was my savior, the guy who pulled me out of the water. Shivering, I came back down to earth. “Oh. You- Thank you. For saving me and all.” I said, looking away.
“Don’t thank me, at all. You don’t owe me anything- even for these flowers.” Walking in, the boy handed me four white roses, all smelling fresh. “I’m Andrew, by the way.” He added, staring at me expectantly.
“They-” I couldn’t get the words out, so instead I just indulged myself with the smell of roses. They were wild, and so was this boy named Andrew. I’d ask questions later, but right then alls I really wanted to do was just sniff roses.
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Haha. Quickly wrote. Sorry :3 Clarissa's got the butterflies.