‹ Prequel: Hospital

Tragedy Strikes

Tre Knows All

I slip out of Franky's arms and step quietly out of his room and across the hall to the bathroom, thoughts of last night making me smile.

I step out of the washroom and hear Bill friend's voice coming from downstairs. I step lightly on each step till I get to the bottom of the stairs. I hear him and Tre talking in the living room. I make my way down the hall and suddenly come to a stop.
"What's wrong Tre baby?" Bill friend teases.
"You remember when we were younger and you and Mike would tease me about my after lucky smirk?"
"You're what?"
"You know, you guys were always able to tell when I got lucky because I'd have a weird smirk on my face?"
"Oh yeah, what about it?"
"I think it's genetic." I cup my hand over my mouth to stop from gasping.
"What do you mean?"
"Well last night, Franky and Sadie were out of my radar for a good hour or so, then Franky came into the living room with the same sick smirk!" I'm now biting my hand to keep from making a sound.
"Yeah, now I don't know whether to tell Sadie's dad, or even Claudia for that matter." I'm biting down hard on my hand, he can't tell my dad. There's no saying on what he'd do, or how mad he'd get.
"Well, would you want to know if Ramona-"
"Shut up." Tre says quickly, "Don't make me think that."
"Then you answered your question." Bill friend says wisely, I love Bill friend at this moment. I could hug him.
"What about Claudia?"
"You know what, if it comes up, it comes up." Bill friend says mid-yawn, "Just give Franky another dose of the sex talk, make it a disturbing one to keep his mind off sex for a while." Bill friend chuckles, "Besides, they're not going to see each other for the next three months, then he's off to college, blah, blah, blah, calm down."

With that I turn on my heels and head back upstairs to Franky's room. I slip back under the blankets and feel his arms wrap around me instantly.
"Where'd you go?" he sleepily mumbles.
"Washroom." I whisper, "Then I heard Bill friend and your dad talking downstairs."
"Your dad knows what we did last night."
"He does?!" he asks alarmed, "But how?!"
"Apparently your smirk gave it away."
"Are we in shit?"
"No, but expect a disturbing sex talk." I mumble as I rest my head on the pillow.

We eventually decide to get up and awkwardly face the world. My clothes from yesterday are dry so I wear those. Franky is supposed to drive me home this morning.

"Hi Sadie." Bill friend says overly-casual.
"Hey." I say nervously, I felt like his eyes were burning right through me, Tre on the other hand didn't even look up from his coffee.
"Oh, happy birthday Franky."
"Thanks." He says grabbing a couple of mugs out of the cupboard and filling them with coffee. "You hungry?" he asks me.
"Not really." I lie, I just didn't want to spend more time than I had to with Bill friend and Tre than I had to. I think Franky felt the same way because both of us practically chugged down our coffees.

"Well I best be off now." I say casually.
"I'll drive you." Bill friend volunteers. I imagine shooting myself in the head at this moment.
"Well Franky was go-"
"I need to talk to your dad anyway." He interrupts.
"Okay." I squeak as I go to get my bag.

"I'll see you later." Franky says kissing my lips lightly.
"Alright." I murmur as I follow Bill friend to his car.

As we drive along the street, I can feel the tension and the pressure building up and I'm about to scream.
"I know you know." I say quietly.
"I know you know about Franky and I."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Bill! I heard you and Tre talking about the lucky smirk and all that." I say annoyed that he tried to lie to me.
"Yeah." He says embarrassed, "Don't worry, I'm not going to tell your dad." I can see him mentally putting his foot in his mouth just as he says, "do you want to talk about it?"
"It . . . was . . . . awesome." I say embarrassed.
"No regrets?"
"No, well except that we got caught." Bill friend just chuckles.
"Was it your first time?"
"Yes." He sighs.
"Time to be a responsible adult." He gibbers, "Always use a condom, at least until you're married to Franky and ready to have his babies."
"Haven't thought that far ahead." I say laughing.
"Well I can pin point a lasting couple when I see one." He says slightly embarrassed.
"Oh really?"
"Yup." He says proudly. "And which one is your house?" I come to notice that we're on my street. That one right there, with the blue car. "Ahh." He pulls into the driveway next to my dad's car. I nervously get out of the car. "Ease up Sadie, I already said I'm not going to tell."
"Adults lie."
"In case you haven't realized, I never grew up." He smirks, it's a comforting smirk. I smile as I go to unlock the door.

"Hey kid." My dad says cheerfully, hearing him call me kid right after I became a woman makes me blush. "And Billie Joe."
"Hi." Bill friend says stepping inside casually.
"Do you want some coffee?" he asks the man standing behind me.
"Yeah sure." He says following my dad to the kitchen.
"I'm just going to make sure I have everything." I say as I hear Bill friend start to talk about the tour schedule.

I practically sprint to my room, I let out a deep breath. Only now is it sinking in that I'll be away from Franky for the next three months. Then he's going to college down state, three hours away. I shove the final items into my suitcase and sit on my bed for a while, Franky has been there since Tragedy Strikes started recording and now we're going off to tour and he won't be there with me.

"Sadie! We should go now!" My father calls. I zip up my suitcase and glance around my room to make sure I didn't forget anything. I leave my room, pulling my suitcase behind me. Bill friend is standing in the entrance.

"Oh! I just have to call your mom." My dad says going back into the kitchen, I stand with Bill friend in the entrance for a second.
"Bill, can I ask you something?"
"Is it worth it?" I say slowly, "Touring, leaving everything behind and-"
"Yeah, its definitely worth it." He says smiling, "Trust me, Franky will be right here waiting when you return."
"Okay." I say nervously.
"And Sadie."
"Calm the fuck down!" I laugh.

Within the hour we arrive at Adeline Records and there's a big tour bus in the parking lot.
"Wow! We get to tour in that!" I exclaim, my dad and Bill friend just laugh.
"Yup, you get to travel in style." My dad says still laughing. Bill friend parks the car and we get out just as Chicklet, Jesse and her parents arrive.

"Oh my god Sadie!" Chicklet squeals in excitement.
"I know!" I laugh as she starts to bounce on the balls of her feet anxiously.
"C'mon girls." Bill friend calls as we head inside
"Where are we going?" Chicklet asks as Bill friend leads us down an unfamiliar hallway.
"Conference room."
"Why?" I ask as he opens the door.
"Your going away party." He says opening a door.

Inside the conference room is Kimmy and her parents, my mom, Adie, Tre, Claudia, Ramona and of course Franky. The table is covered in hot dogs, chips, and soda.
"Sorry, Adie wouldn't let us serve alcohol." Tre says laughing.
"I don't want a law suit." Adie says crossing her arms.

"Can I get you a hot dog m'lady?" Franky asks wiggling his eyebrows evilly.
"Is that food or a sexual advance?" I ask giggling as he wraps an arm around me. Franky and I grab a couple of hot dogs before heading over to Kimmy.
"Hey Kims, what's up?" I ask casually, I see a look of disappointment cross her face. She sighs and looks down at her feet.
"Angelo and I broke up."
"Well," I say slowly.
"The guys in Warped Battery are hotties!" Franky says quickly. I just snort with laughter. Kimmy laughs to.
"Hope you're right."

"Tre put that hot dog down!" Claudia exclaims, we all whip around to see Claudia trying to pry a hot dog away from Tre.
"Its only one!" Tre whines.
"No, you have to be careful what you eat or you'll get stones again." She lectures.
"Oh god." Franky says burying his face in my shoulder. I pat his back as I try not to burst out laughing.

"Hey is that them!" Kimmy asks eagerly as a handful of people cheerily walk into the conference room. Franky removes his face from my shoulder.
"Yup." He says quickly before putting his head back on my shoulder.
"Babe, I wanna see your face." I murmur into his ear.
"Oh fine." He says standing up straight. I turn to Kimmy.

"Now would be a good time to introduce yourself." I say cocking an eyebrow, she smirks and walks off. Franky laughs as he cups my cheeks and kisses me deeply.
"He there!" my father says in mock sternness.
"Sorry sir." Franky says pretending to me a soldier.
"At ease soldier." My father says laughing as he goes to talk to my mom.
"Sorry little man he said at ease." Franky says looking down at his crotch, I slap his arm playfully.

Before I know it, we're in the bus with Warped Battery for the next three months. I look out the window what I'm leaving behind and let out a sigh.
"Three months pass faster than you think." The bassist from Warped Battery says sweetly. I smile. "Even with boyfriends back home." I laugh.
"Leena!" one of her band mates yells in an annoying voice.
"Boyfriends on tour can be so distracting." We both laugh.
"Yeah Shaun!"
"I need to be-" he pauses, "Hugged."
"Hugged?" I snort with laughter.
"He's a major attention seeker." I sigh as I look over at where both bands are seated, Kimmy is getting her flirt on with the other drummer and Chicklet looks just as sad as me. I go over and sit next to her.

"You're silent."
"So are you." I say throwing my head back.
"I guess leaving our man whores is. . ."
"I had sex with Franky."
"You what now?" she says her eyes bulging. "You're kidding."
"Wow." She stays silent for a moment, "Was it good?" I can't help but burst out laughing, "Was it tiny?"
"It was good, and no it was not tiny!"
"What's tiny?" the Shaun guy demands.
"Your brain!" the drummer known as Keith yells. "And your penis!"
"Hey! That's my territory." Leena laughs. I look around and am glad that these are the people I'll be touring with.