‹ Prequel: Hospital

Tragedy Strikes

Chapter 19

I watch as Chicklet climbs into Jesse's lap. She starts toying with his hair a bit. He came on tour for the weekend because its their anniversary of hooking up for the second time. After our first tour, when we were recording the second album they sort of fell apart. They were only kids back then and the fact that we dropped out of school for music and he was about to start college didn't help things. Chicklet went on to dating guys from other bands, us being so young these guys were about five years older. Then last year when we were off for a month they ran into each other at Music World which lead to a coffee, which lead to dinner then I suspect some recollection sex which lead to an ongoing relationship.

Watching them together makes me miss Franky even more. I stand up and reach into one of the over-head compartments for my lap top. I log onto MSN. I decide to talk to Ramona.

Sadie, yes that's it says:
Hey sister in law!

--Ramona-- says:
Hey, how's it going?

Sadie, yes that's it says:
Miss your brother but other than that uneventful, and you?

--Ramona-- says:
Baby's due any day now, Rick and I are debating between naming her Megan and Berlin

Ramona got married to Rick her college boyfriend two years before Franky and I got married, we already have one nephew and now a niece on the way. Our nephew's name is Jaycon, and we call him Jayce for short, he's really cute kid, looks like his daddy. They live in New York but have been considering moving back to Oakland considering how dodgy New York City is for kids.

Sadie, yes that's it says:
I like Berlin, its original...you can't just name one of your kids an original name, Megan is so plain compared to Jaycon.

--Ramona-- says:
True, I've been leaning towards Berlin myself, it's just Megan is Rick's grandmother's name and she just passed away.

Sadie, yes that's it says:
I always found it creepy being named after dead people.

--Ramona-- says:

Sadie, yes that's it says:
Well we'll be passing through New York soon, so if my niece is born soon I'll get to see her.

--Ramona-- says:
I'm looking forward to it, my dad is supposed to come this week.

Sadie, yes that's it says:
Anyway, how is Jayce?

--Ramona-- says:
A handful, two years old and already a smart mouth.

Sadie, yes that's it says:
Well it's genetic.

--Ramona-- says:
That's what I'm afraid of

Sadie, yes that's it says:

--Ramona-- says:
I just laid Jayce down for a nap and now Berlin is kicking me!

Sadie, yes that's it says:
So you decided on Berlin?

--Ramona-- says:
Yeah, because I'm also chatting with my dad and he too likes Berlin better, so it's official; this baby's name will be Berlin Megan Wright Gyloine.

Sadie, yes that's it says:
You're keeping Megan?

--Ramona-- says:
Middle name.

Sadie, yes that's it says:
My middle name sucks, its Gertrude.

--Ramona-- says:

Sadie, yes that's it says:
Damn, we're at the venue now, gotta go.

--Ramona-- says:

I shut my lap top and put it away before filing to the front of the bus. I can't help but have this sinking feeling of missing Franky, yeah I know its pathetic.

"Come on, its only a couple weeks." Kimmy says startling me.

"Damn, are you a mind reader?" I laugh.

"Your expression is obvious," She jokes.

"Look at the shitload of people." Jesse says looking out the tinted window. We all go over to one side of the bus to see a gazillion fans behind a metal police fence screaming their heads off. "So many punkers."

"Punkers? Did you just make that up?" I ask laughing.

"Shut up." Jesse laughs.

"Wait, we'll need markers!" Kimmy says digging through the overhead compartment. She retrieves a pack of Sharpies and gives us two each.

"Ready?" the driver yells over our gibbering.

"Yup," Chicklet says as we go to the door.

The bus doors open and I swear the screaming got a hell of a lot louder. We go up to the fence and start signing CD booklets, pictures and other merchandise.

"Can I have a kiss?!" some guy yells. I laugh and kiss his cheek and I swear he nearly fainted.

"Me too!" some girl yelps, I kiss her cheek too. I sign the chests of three guys and the T-shirts of seven more people.

We head to the stadium door where a body guard is holding it open, Jesse, Chicklet and Kimmy are ahead of me so I take advantage of having the top of the steps and moon my fans. I swear they cheered louder at the sight of my ass crack.

"You just had to do that," Chicklet says rolling her eyes as the guard shuts the door behind us.

"Definitely." I smirk. Suddenly a cell phone starts jingling.

"Who's phone?" Jesse asks as Chicklet and Kimmy stare at me. I pull my phone out of my pocket and answer it.

"Hey baby!" I giggle.

"Hey Franky." I see my band mates roll their eyes as they continue down the hall to the dressing room.

"Watcha doin?"

"Just got to the venue, kissed two fans, signed chests, blah, blah, blah, oh and I mooned them and they went nuts."

"Cool," He laughs, "Just don't go back to the hotel with them."

"Aw, but there was this really cute- I mean of course not." We both laugh.

"I misplaced my porn."

"Just look some up on the net." I say as I continue slowly down the hall.

"I hate whacking off at the computer."

"Babe, do you ever think we're a messed up couple because we look at porn?"

"Uhh yeah, but what's your point, you like it, I like it, no problem." He says I can tell he's smiling.

I see a washroom up ahead so I go in. "I'm going to send you a treat."

"Huh?" I glance around the washroom and see I'm alone. I remove my shirt and snap a picture with my phone. "Ahh a picture."

"Wait," I say in a low voice.

"Oh! Wow!" he laughs, "I like that picture."

"Knew you would sailor." I tease. Suddenly my phone beeps and asks me to accept a photo. I do. It loads up and I see its Franky's 'commando squad.'

"Friggin nice!"

"I know, thank you, thank you."

I sit on the counter. "Got time before the show?"


"Phone sex."

"Oh jeez, you make me laugh sometimes." I giggle. "Sure."