‹ Prequel: Hospital

Tragedy Strikes


Here I am sitting in the car with my dad on the way to the Cool residence. Tre agreed to let us use his recording stuff for our demo. We pull up to the fairly large house, I was half expecting to see some mansion with it's own hillside but no, this was a humble rock star home.
"I'm coming in with you, make sure everything checks out." My dad says as the car comes to a stop.
"I doubt this is the Playboy mansion." I snicker.
"Still." He says containing his laughter. I get my guitar out of the back seat and we make our way up to the front door. I ring the doorbell and wait anxiously.

Franky opens the door and huge smile spreads across his face.
"Hey Sadie." He's says confidently and then sees my father, who's a little scary looking to potential boyfriends, "And Sadie's dad."
"Hi, I'm Mark." My dad says going to shake his hand. "So is your father here."
"Right here." Tre says jogging towards the door, "Come in, come in."
"Thanks." My father says as we step into the house. "So what exactly will be happening today."
"Hey, c'mon, I'll show you around." Franky whispers as he picks up my guitar. I follow him out of the entrance into what must be the living room. I hear my father laughing, dear god he has a loud laugh.

"Well um here's the living room, uhh kitchen, well basically all the usual boring stuff." He gibbers while waving his free arm around. I laugh. "Then there's upstairs where my room is."
"Just informing." He says innocently. "Then downstairs is probably where you want to go." He leads me through the door to the basement where there resides a drum set, guitars, a computer, two amps and a couple of microphone stands.
"Cool." I say looking around. The door bell rings. "That's probably-"
"Maybe we should go back upstairs." Franky suggests, I hurry up the stairs hoping to get to the door before Tre opens it because knowing Chicklet, she'll freak out seeing Tre Cool. We get to the door to see it Kimmy, who's eyes are bulging at the moment, but she's still playing it cool. She sees me standing with Franky and comes strait to us.
"You must be Franky then." She says smiling.
"Yup, that's me." he says as the door bell rings yet again. This time reveling Chicklet, who's speechless at the sign of Tre.
"Hi, I'm Tre." He says trying to break the ice.
"I-I-I-I'm Chelsea, but ev-everyone calls me Chicklet."
"Alright Chicklet." Tre says smirking evilly, mocking her shyness, "If that's everyone, let's start recording."

We all head downstairs to the studio, including my father. Tre and Franky start setting up the microphones and the computer program while we get in the state of mind to play. The afternoon seems to fly by. We managed to record one of our songs and now Franky is combining the different sound recordings while we put away our instruments and help Tre with the Mike's and amps.