‹ Prequel: Hospital

Tragedy Strikes

Wedding Bells

"I'll see you later," Frankie says as he goes to sit down. I head over to where Kimmy is touching up her makeup.

"Are you nervous yet?" I tease.
"Yeah, my hands are shaking like hell," she says putting her hand forward as it jitters.
"Oh don't worry," I say simply.
"Easy for you to say, you didn't have time to get nervous you got married so fast," I laugh.
"Not true, you had time to think it over and know thing are right but me I had a million thoughts about how we're getting married too young and all that junk. Blah, enough about that, you're getting married."
"No duh." She laughs as she checks herself in the mirror.

"Where the hell is my lipstick?!" Chicklet demands as she bursts into the back room of the chapel where we were getting ready.
"I didn't know mood swings didn't start this early in the pregnancy," I mutter, she glares at me.
"Don't say that word, my sister is here and neither she nor my parents know yet," Chicklet exclaims. She had told Jesse just as she planned to, apparently he freaked out for like five minutes then calmed down and they talked things through. They're currently in the process of moving in together. Her parents found out he was moving in when they called and he answered. They flipped out and started telling her they were too young and hadn't been going out long enough.

"Oh right," I say as I hand her my own lipstick. She rolls her eyes and applies it to her lips. "so when do you plan on telling them?"
"I was thinking never."
"Oh well in a few months it'll be sorta hard to hide, then even harder when you're always 'babysitting' and-" Kimmy starts.
"I know!" Chicklet exclaims, "Just everyone get off my case."

"Can I come in?"
"Yeah!" I call, the door creaks open revealing Kalob's band mate, Sid.
"Umm everything's ready," he says looking us over. "You gals look hot."
"Thanks, but I'm married, she's about to be married and she's in a serious relationship," I laugh as he fake sighs.
"Alright, we're coming," Kimmy says grabbing her bouquet. Chicklet and I grab our single flower bouquets and head out the door.

I'm paired up with Sid and Chicklet is paired up with Kalob's other band mate Jason. We walk down the isle with them and stand up front as Kimmy makes her grand entrance into the chapel. I can tell both she and Kalob are nervous as hell.

I see Frankie sitting in the fifth row next to Chicklet's younger sister. Her sister looks bored out of her mind, but I can tell Frankie is putting on his poker face to pretend he's interested. He winks at me and cocks and eyebrow, the perv.

"And you may now kiss the bride."