Status: In process of being edited and revised.

I didn't sign up for this.

“We need to work on Macbeth. Like now. And make it good.”

Ava was confused. She could’ve swore she was in the cafeteria just a minute ago, almost getting her Snickers ice cream bar but now she had somehow teleported to the library?

“Hey, idiot! You listening?” Never mind that. It was just Matthew being an ass. Ava shook the sleepiness out of her and tried paying attention to what this guy was getting at.

“Why the sudden urge to do this project?”

“My parents.” He stated simply, but sharply. It was the most emotion Ava ever saw him have. Knowing he was getting ready to tell a personal story, Ava sat herself down at one of the group tables. Matthew sat across from her, knowing he’d have to explain sooner or later to someone. Just his luck, it was this idiot.

“When I found out my dad was getting back out of prison, I filed for a legal age contract. Which is basically classifying myself as an adult and I didn’t need my parents permission or guidance into doing anything again. That’s how I was able to get my own apartment.”

“So the problem now is…?”

“They want me back. And they’ve complained to my lawyer that I’m not getting the correct parental guidance that I “hearsay” need. So now the federal court has looked into it, and they’ve seen my grades. And I don’t have a stable job. So now, if I’m failing any of my classes this nine weeks, it’s back to the hell hole for me.”

“Well is it that bad?”

“Look. Don’t ask me too many more personal questions right now because I might have to kill you if you know too much.”

Ava made a quick note of that in her head.
But still, she wondered why Matthew was so worried about his parents. Everyone knew that he hated them, especially his dad, no one knew why, except for the teachers and staff maybe.

“So English is the only thing you’re failing badly in?” She asked feeling that it was good that Matt finally understood the importance of education and maybe Ava wouldn’t have to do all the work after all.

“Uh, no.” Matthew said rolling his eyes, “I’m failing everything. I have an average below ten in all my classes.”

“Oh my fucking god!” Ava couldn’t believe her ears. How could someone still be in high school with such grades? It was just down right impossible!

“I heard you were smart.” Matthew frantically added, even grabbing Ava’s hand, noticing the girl looked distraught and a look in her eyes daring to run away from this disaster any second. “I saw that you got all A’s and B’s. Is that true?”

“With the acceptations that I actually do my work and it’s the easiest shit in the world. I’m no genius Matt. Are you asking me to be your tutor or something?”


“No! I have a life, ya know! Don’t drag me down into yours now that you’re into a crisis! God, I don’t even know you. It’s not my fault that you’re stuck with this mess. I’m only helping you with the English project as instructed to and that’s it. Bye and good luck.”

Yes, that may have been harsh but Ava really couldn’t believe what Matthew just asked of her. All that time, he treated her like garbage since the start of them working together, and now all of a sudden he needs her help, EXPECTING her to do it, and for what? Just to get called “dumbass” again when it’s all said and done? No way.

But then.
Ava stopped at the exit of the library door. She looked back to see Matthew still at the table, his hands locked together with head down and leg jumping up from anxiety. He really was stressed about the situation his parents were trying to put him through and Ava really wanted to care less but…something told her other wise. She walked back to the table, rolling her eyes, twirling her hair and sighing.

“Fine. I’ll help. But my tutoring won’t come easy.”

She thought she might have heard a real tiny sincere whisper from Matthew saying “Thank you” BUT…this was the ice box she was dealing with. And Ava dug through her ears so she wouldn’t get fantasy mixed up with reality.

“Yeah, whatever.”