Status: In process of being edited and revised.

It's a love hate thing.

Thread: Oh me, Oh my
By Yolie

Yolie says: Break me, if you must.
Call me stupid, I guess.
Whatever help you need, if so.
I’ll do it, no questions asked.
Because I know you’ve already been broken, somehow.

Love_over_Death says: What was that?

Yolie says: The world that I live in. The drama I go through.

Love_over_Death says: What is it, like a poem or something?

Yolie says: No. Just words. You like? :]

Love_over_Death says: It’s so me. I’m stealing it from you.

Yolie says: Go ahead. It’s not copyright or anything. P:
So how was your day, if I may ask.

Love_over_Death says: It was shit. I’m going through a crisis.

Yolie says: Who isn’t? There are idiots no matter where you go, so of course they’ll cause you hell. You laugh, you cry, you deal with it. It’s life.

Love_over_Death says: o_o why don’t I know people like you in real life?

Yolie says: Maybe because people like us would fall in love which is so not supposed to happen because real life people don’t meet their real life soul mates.

Love_over_Death says: You’re my soul mate? That might explain this odd connection I have whenever I’m on here. I’m at peace, believe it or not. I sound like a fag.

Yolie says: Yeah, me too. Not that last bit. LOL. We’re online soul mates. Weird. P:

Love_over_Death says: I’m listening to Lit On by Buckcherry now.

Yolie says: That cocaine song? I love Josh Todd. He’s so skinny. I just have this thing with skinny guys. I’m like obsessed.

Love_over_Death says: I weight 145…I think. That’s like in between.

Yolie says: You’re lucky I don’t know where you live. I’d so stalk you. Wait. How old are you again?

Love_over_Death says: 17…-____-

Yolie says: I fucking love you!
* * *

“I fucking hate you! God, how could anyone be such a dumbass like you!” Ava threw at Matthew, who showed up at the library empty handed, a pile of make up homework assignments that SHE worked on for hours.

The plan was, she’d do half his assignments and he’d do the other, just to kill time. He seemed to understand all the work, he was just too lazy to be bother picking up a pencil. But when they met up and he said that he could’ve SWORE that Ava was going to do ALL the work, she went ballistic. Now in the public library on a Saturday and surely everyone was watching by now at their uproar, Ava wasn’t going to stop for anything.

“You’re a pure asshole, you know that?! I’ve busted my ass off all night to do your make up homework and what do I get?! You think I’m going to do the rest!? I’ve tutored you this whole week and all I’m getting from you as a thank you, Matthew, is actually a FUCK YOU!”

She stuck her middle finger so close to his face it was apparent that Ava was too pissed off to think of the consequences for that action. But Matthew didn’t even budge. He kept still in his seat just listening to Ava’s rant about him and waited until she was done.

“You finished?” He asked folding his arms. “I’m sorry. Ok? Is that what you wanted to hear? I’ll actually do my part this time.”

“It’s too late for that shit. I’m leaving.” Ava grabbed her back pack and began quickly walking away. Matthew got up from his seat, his anger almost about to surface but he knew better for it not to.

“Come back, Ava.” She didn’t listen. “Ava, get your ass back over here!”
♠ ♠ ♠
So I won't be updating anymore until I edit all the chapters I have. I promise I'll try to do it ASAP so I can get the rest up.