Status: In process of being edited and revised.

Pyschotic at its finest.

“I’m sorry.”
“I’ll do most of my work for now on.”
“I’ll be cooperative.”
“And? The biggest thing?”
“There is no biggest thing.” Matthew retorted looking up at Ava with eyes that could be mistaken as death, and he was wearing glasses he thought he should finally put to use for once. He was really bringing himself into another level by even apologizing to Ava, but he had to do whatever he could to get on her good side. Just to pass.

“You’re never gonna call me a dumbass, stupid ass, jackass, idiot, retard, ever again, yeah?”

“No. You’re pushing it, Avelïona.”

“Don’t!” She looked around the school’s library frantically to make sure no one heard, “Don’t, call me that. At least not in public.”

Matthew actually grinned but with an evil extent behind it. “So I’m the only one who knows?”

“You and Acacia` but she thinks my name is as hideous as me!”

“Then don’t hang out with that bitch.”

“Excuse you! Acacia` is not a bitch, she is my best friend.”

Matthew bit at his nail, not at all afraid of the threatening look Ava was giving him. He put his foot on the table and pushed himself out, making him lean and balance on the chair. “Well I know I’m anti-social and shit like that but I’ve never known for best friends to call each ugly. I mean I’d beat her up if I were you.”

“Acacia` and I been together since grade school.”

“Now’s the time to end it.” Matthew laughed while Ava bulged her eyes and made a face at his ridiculous comment. Meanwhile, neither the two noticed Shelby staring and listening to them from behind a bookcase just until she actually showed herself.

Matthew instantly dropped his chair straight and stopped laughing. Why, he hadn’t seen Shelby since he, well, dumped her. She didn’t look too pleased at the current situation. Mainly because Ava was in it.

She exclaimed with a fake smile, “Hi, Matthew, I haven’t seen you in ages!” Exaggeration made Ava nervous, especially Shelby’s, the girl who everyone knew as being a bit on the loony side and this cued Ava to take a step back from the girl.

“Yeah…” Matthew started, realizing that the fact the last time he saw her was when he dumped her because after that she went missing. They had a class together. “Shelby, long time, no see. What, you died or something?”

“Something like that, actually. And it’s kinda funny you mention it.” Still smiling, she brought both her arms up to show off nasty oblivious scars she made on her wrists. Ava’s eyes went wide and she took a few more steps back. “I’ve been in a psychiatric hospital for a few days, for trying to kill myself. As you can see, my suicide didn’t work out so well.”

The next thing she did would literally make Ava say for only for a short period of time:

Now I’ve seen every fucking thing.