Status: In process of being edited and revised.

Terrorists have a legit objective.

Shelby jumped on the table on all fours, like some animal, and grabbed Matthew by the shirt, pulling him toward her. It was evident she was a lunatic, Ava concluded, as she was now on the other side of the library for a safe distance, but Matthew still hadn’t move, and he was not fazed by this it seemed.

Shelby said sharply, with big green eyes looking like they would pop, and long red hair invading her face and Matthew’s, “I fucking loved you. You know that?” She had the vibe of a crazed killer. “I stayed up on school nights making a god damn scrap book of you! For your birthday. I remember when you first asked me out, it was so quick I didn’t even know we were together until three days later. You never were nice to me. And I thought you were just trying to hide your true self but that night…oh…that night when you ended it…I just knew…this son of a bitch doesn’t give a shit about anybody but HIMSELF!”

“You done?”

“No, bitch, I’m not done because I’ve learned the hard way, that when I’m fucking done, the relationship is fucking over. So I’m never gonna stop. I’m just going to make your life a complete nightmare. Just as you’ve made mine.”

“No, really, are you seriously done?” This time, the remark came from Ava. And everyone in the library, the teachers, the students, that crazy girl Shelby and Matthew, all looked at her. “Well…why are you so obsessed with that jackass anyway? I mean…he’s nothing all that special! All he does is call you bad names, takes advantage of you, and you never really know what’s going on in his head, that’s the worst part.”

Shelby let go of Matthew. She crawled off the table and stood with her head down for a second. She reached in her back pocket, and everyone watched intensively. Finally she pulled it out. Ava was the only dumb one to think at first: oh, a nail filer… when it was actually a god damned pocket knife.

The screaming from the peers made her come to the realization that something was wrong and before she knew it she was in the grasps of Shelby. The girl grabbed Ava from behind and stuck the knife at her neck.

“This your new toy, Matthew?” Shelby playfully asked while everyone screamed in reaction of a hostage. Ava couldn’t have felt more hopeless, especially since it was at this moment. Was she really going to die in the hands of a psycho?

I can’t go out like that. It’s fucked!

Matthew, casually as ever, stood from his seat, but sat on the table.

“Why? Are you jealous at all the attention she’s getting from me?” That’s what he said, and Ava never hated a boy so much she just thought Matthew wanted her dead so bad. Did he dislike her that much?

“Why her?” Shelby asked, then screamed, “And why not me?”

“I’m not going out with this creep!” Ava protested, trying to clear this up because there seemed to be a BIG misunderstanding, “I’m really not! I don’t even like him.”

“Shut up!” Shelby demanded yanking her hair.

When the school’s terrorist alarm went off, Shelby began laughing.

This bitch is seriously crazy,Ava thought.

“They think I’m a fucking terrorist.” Shelby joked and Matthew laughed with her.

“Yeah. Terrorists are not as fucked up as you are.”

The giddiness swept away from her, and Ava saw her life coming to an end.

I’m going to hunt him until he dies, I swear to god.

But as soon as the knife was at Ava’s throat, Matthew was there in a blink of an eye, and Ava was no longer in Shelby’s grasps. She was in Matthew’s.

“Wow, your reflexes suck.” Matthew teased. Shelby just about went crazy, and then put the knife up to her own neck.

“I’ll kill myself! I really will!”

If there was one thing Matthew hated about suicidal people, he hated fake suicidal people more. He knew for sure, if Shelby wanted to die that night, she would have ended it for sure. Matthew walked up to her, and said into her ear:

“You don’t have the guts to.” And he walked off, pulling Ava along.

She looked back, just to make sure Shelby dropped the knife, and saw that she was vividly crying as well.