Status: In process of being edited and revised.

Different Intentions

“Say what?” Her head almost rolled off her neck from snapping it so hard just to look at Matthew. His question was just downright absurd, and if possible, Ava’s head probably would have exploded. Had that happened, however, all the disorders in her head would have spilled on Matthew and the interior of his car and he would try killing her already dead body. So Ava just gawked in the passenger seat, not even close with what she would respond with. How does one react to: should we head to my place?

“Is there something wrong with your face?” Matthew looked at Ava with an uncompromising expression and grasped the wheel with one hand, deciding whether to start the car or just stay parked. They hadn’t completed a thing in the library—all thanks to that psycho. “God, that girl Shelby.”

“What do you mean head to your place? Head to your place to do what? What do you mean?”

There was something about dumb questions and Ava that seemed to go well together, Matthew realized this. His mouth was poked out, like a pout, but a curious pout at best. “Are you implying something, Ava?”

“Are you implying something, Matthew?” Her question came out strong and defensive, Matthew blinked mystified and took it that the girl was in shock.

“I’m taking you there anyone just so you won’t start acting loony with your parents.”

There was no retaliating with that guy and Ava had to deal with it. Homework, projects, that’s all there was to it. Even though she was at his apartment for ten minutes last time, they still talked about work with the exception of getting off track at the end; still, it wasn’t like he was a rapist or anything.

“On second thought, I’m not too in shock after all; just drop me off at home.”

“No way.”
♠ ♠ ♠
The reason why this update took longer to post was because I had to type it.
That's right.
This is a excerpt I added into the original because I felt it needed more before I go into the next part.
When I read it after a few months of finishing it I felt things had went to fast which is why the story was so short. I want it to feel full and take it's time and go at a steady pace, also, get my characters known a bit better.