Status: In process of being edited and revised.

Ava and Alycia`

*One Year Later*

“And by God! You will for surely repent for all your sins! God will have his mercy upon your soul! And you will be saved! In the name of Jesus! Amen! By God! Amen!”

The church shouted in an uproar, praising and rejoicing at the preacher’s sermon. To be honest, Ava truly believed that the church was just too small for all that hollering, shouting and jumping about. She even got elbowed in the face by her mother who was so into “the spirit” and it wasn't one of those normal churches that her ethnicity was used to. She, her mother, and Acacia` were the Caucasian minorities while the church was full of black people. Ava was always baffled at the reasoning why her mother chose that place over others in Cadmus Island but it didn't really matter. Christians were Christians, and they went crazy when they found the Holy Ghost.

“Let’s get the hell outta here.” Before Ava knew it, she was being pulled then dragged out of the church through the back way while her mother and everyone else in the church shouting didn’t notice.

Acacia` was like Ava's blood sister only Acacia was evil, speaking in the terms of a mean bitchy girl, she had longer darker hair, better skin…and prettier looks overall. Ava was a plain-Jane, a girl who obsessed over her looks because they weren't up to her satisfaction, her skin nearly sun bleached from being in the sun too long in spaghetti strapped dresses, and her short thick hair always caused the back of her neck to sweat, no matter how many times she cut it short. Nonetheless, the two were the best of friends; a friendship that started in grade school.

“What’s all that BS about being saved this, being saved that every single Sunday?” Acacia` groaned while taking out a cigarette to light. They were still right outside the church. “I swear that preacher Bishop Johnson baldy whats-his-face-”

“Isn’t it Jackson?”
“Whatever. He’s such a fake.”

Ava playfully laughed and she began mimicking his preaching. “And by God! If your children are doing poorly in school, God does not state that you should not beat your child. So God is letting us know, it is OK to hit our children with the belt! And BY GOD! They will become better children of the Lord! By God!”

Acacia` “Christ, you sound just like him. Funny.”
“Who does he think he is; a character out of the Canterbury Tales?”
“I never read that. I skipped, remember?”
“Oh yeah.”

The girls laughed as they did some more mimicking of the preacher and smoking cigarettes just until they heard someone approaching from the other side.

“Oh shit.”

“What are you naughty little things up to?” A sigh of relief escaped both girls as they heard the familiar voice coming from someone who, well they didn’t like, but knew.
The teenage boy that appeared was on his bike and in outdoor clothing. He apparently wasn’t doing any church-like things. Dean Ford was a country bumpkin with killer abs and dimples to die for. Though straight of the boondocks, it didn't stop him from being a party hardy.

“Dean Ford, you gave us a scare there, pretty boy.” Acacia` teased suddenly starting to flaunt herself in her dress. “What are you doing over here? I’m sure you’re not trying to get saved or better yet, there’s no hope for a bad boy like you.”

“I was making a quick delivery to Bishop. I’m done now. I was going to head over to Molly’s house.”

“You’re seeing that skank Molly Winchester?” At the sound of that both girls twisted their faces because whenever it came to Molly Winchester every boy was down right crazy for her and would give their only soul just to talk to her. Acacia` tightened her fist and swore under her breath.

“No. She’s just having a small party." Dean confirmed cooly, "I can ride you two over there if you want.”

“Sheeeit, let’s go!”

Without any hesitation, Acacia` hopped on the back of Dean’s bike. She tucked her yellow dress under her and then grabbed Dean’s waist tightly. He, on the other hand, seemed not to notice this touchy-feely gesture and instead was noticing how Ava didn’t move an inch.

“Dean will come back to get you, Ava.” Acacia` said, “Don’t worry. Let’s go, Dean. Hurry up, they’re doing the benediction already.”

After one last look, Dean peddled off. Ava was left with a mix of emotions all of a sudden. She felt awkward, but she was blushing. She twirled her hair and bit her nails. She and Acacia` weren’t friends with Dean. He didn’t hang out with their crew. But he was friends with some of their friends. That’s how it was at their high school. Everyone didn’t know everyone but everyone was at least connected to someone. And there were no ranks. Such as, there were no “most popular girls” “most popular boys”. Those things, in real life, did not exist. Most people didn’t even care about how many friends the other had. All that matter was their friends.

Church had ended and Ava could see when she walked up to the side of the church to peek at the front that her mother was searching for her. She hid herself but debated whether or not to go home with her mother or stay and wait for Dean Ford. Her decision was finally made when the bike pulled up next to her.

“You ready?” Dean asked. Without a word Ava just looked at him and then at her mother, still looking around dumbly. Thinking, to hell with it all, she hopped on the back of Dean’s bike.

“We'll ride out through the back.”

And By GOD! If any evil befall our children, such as sex, drugs, the INTERNET, then By GOD! May the lord have mercy on their souls!
Amen! And Amen!