Status: In process of being edited and revised.

“Where have you been?”
“Out where?”
“Just out, god!”

Ava threw her shoes she had to carry for the long walk home aside in the living room as her mom began interrogating her, right in the middle of cooking dinner.

“Why did you leave church so early?”
“I didn’t leave.”
“Then why didn’t I see you after?”
“Because you have bad eyesight! God! Leave me alone already!”
“I’ll be in my room.”

Because she didn’t like their arguments, but nevertheless, they still did it here and there. Ava got into her room and went straight to the computer. There were three new instant messages. One from Acacia` asking her where the hell she had disappeared off to, another from a guy friend named Jeff who just constantly bugged her about setting up a date but the answer was still a “no fucking way” and the last was from:


No, not Astrid. A message about Astrid. The girl from their school who had died just a year ago.

“It has been a whole year now hasn’t it?” Ava shrugged, not really affected by the tab she saw because the only thing she knew about the girl was her name. She opened up the message and read:

Astrid Francis, died in the year 2007, at the age of fourteen. There was no note left behind. There were no signs of depression. All that was left was a dead girl. But if you really want to know why she died, it was because she was a fail.

“Who the fuck wrote this shit?”
On Instant Messaging, only people Ava knew and who she gave her email address could send her messages. Now some douche was sending her sick files about dead girls.

!Rarw_its_Avy! Says: Who the fawk are you?
Gustaav_Jgherer Says:

Strangely, four huge red letters spelling out fail flashed in Ava’s mind in a hauntingly way. Shaking her head of the image, she put her attention back on the screen. It was a link to some crazy website she never heard of.

“Let me see this real quick and then get off.” Ava clicked the link and was instantly brought into a webpage of black, pink, baby blue and white. A box appeared asking her, her gender.

“Female of course.” She clicked the tab and then a naked cartoon girl character popped up. Ava arched an eyebrow as she saw how the cartoon moved and acted like a newborn. Weird enough, the cartoon looked straight out the screen, as if looking directly at Ava and waved.

“Oh how cool! How do you dress it?”

Playing around with the new website, she found ways how to dress her Cookie up in clothes, accessories, animations and do other fun stuff. Ava named her Cookie Yolie just because she liked the sound of it. She made her Cookie go and play games, be silly and dance.

“So cute!”

Fascinated, Ava was, at the new avatar she had conducted. After a few hours of playing with it, she noticed there was a forum.
“Other people have joined?” Don’t worry, Ava talks to herself a lot. She clicked the forum button, not realizing that she wasn’t mentally nor emotionally especially not physically stable for what she would endure next.

by KittensNstuff

*Cookie Monster*
KittensNStuff - Yes, I’m really making a pie.
It’s in the oven right nao.
It’s cherry.
My grandma forced-I mean- taught me how to make it.

So how is everyone? :}

*Cookie on Crack*
xSummerNessx - O my gawd! Rainie is back!
Where have you been, biatch?

I’m_kyle - Hey. It’s Rain.
Hi. :}

Kittens&Stuff - I’ve been grounded Nessa & thnx for that biatch part. Ifly too.
Hi Kyle. :}

*Cookie on Crack*
Maxamillion - Rainie ifly.
No seriously.
I so wanted to do the screen when I saw your name.
Why haven’t you called, love or even texted me?

Ava’s head literally cocked sideways, puzzled, at the online conversation she was witnessing. It was…new. It was different. It was fascinating. At one thread some girl put up, in less than an hour it had over a hundred messages.

“This bitch is quite popular!” Ava noted rubbing her chin and liking the idea of getting that kind of attention herself. But then she noticed that if she would make a thread, it would be painfully oblivious as to see her labeled head title.

*Fresh Baked*

“To hell with that.” Ava knew a thing or two about newb posting on boards such as the one she was on. Though she didn’t know much about cyber bullying, she had no idea what was capable of doing to people’s emotional and mental state not to mention their physical health if not careful. Regular cyber bullying is probably what most people would rather go through instead of the things that website caused for people like Astrid to go through.

“Hmm. Maybe I should start off on the newb board.”
And that’s where she started.