Status: In process of being edited and revised.

Love_over_Death meets Yolie

“What the fuck is” Matthew asked out loud talking to no one in his empty apartment space. The small lap top he got from an obsessive over-achieving girlfriend sat in the corner of his “living room” which was also his kitchen area seeing that there was no wall dividing the two rooms. Some random link popped up in the middle of his screen and he hesitated on opening it because of the childish hint it had to it and plus, he had no friends to get linked from.
He decided to click it.
As far as he observed, the website was nothing but a kids’ chat room, but that didn’t stop him from making an avatar anyway. His Cookie’s name was:

“Love_over_Death. That’s wicked.” Unlike most things Matthew really didn’t give a shit about, he was most intrigued with names and words. Give him a dictionary and he’d stay hooked on it for hours. He went to a forum, where he saw a lot of attention whores. He didn’t really like getting attention. In real life or on the internet. Same difference.

Thread: I’m new -_-
By Love_over_Death

*Fresh Baked*
Love_over_Death says: ….Hi?

“This is really stupid.” Matthew scoffed, noticing just how bored he actually was for posting something up. “I’m must be a real loner to do something like this.”

And of course he should’ve known he wasn’t going to get any replies because there was just something about newb posting that no one liked. Until.

*Fresh Baked*
Yolie says: Hey new kid. Welcome to hell. :]

Why hell? He squint his eyes at the choice of words this “Yolie” character used. Then, for some fucked up reason, the word fail popped up in his head.
“What was that all about?” He shook his head, and thought of a response. Then he replied with:

Love_over_Death says: What the hell does Yolie mean?

Yolie says: It’s a name. -___-

Love_over_Death says: It’s stupid.

Yolie says: Well what the fawk does Love over Death mean? I mean, are you emo or some shit?

Matthew became pissed. He hated that word, “emo” and being labeled a type of music. How stupid could internet people get?

Love_over_Death says: Uh, yeah. This conversation is done, retard.

Yolie says: No. This conversation is done with you.

“What?” Matthew said confused.

* * *

Ava punched her computer screen. Why did she post something so idiotic, so stupid, as to make herself look like a complete total jackass?

“Shit…well he started it anyway.” She couldn’t believe that asshole she was talking to. And she was trying to be nice!

That was her first time ever posting something on and she figured it be appropriate to talk to someone new as well. Both of their first conversations were screwed up. She was glad she didn’t know people like that in real life.

“Ef this, I’m going to bed.” And she turned off her computer.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it sucks. I haven't got to edit these past few chapters so bare with the lack of details and horrible grammar please. I worked on this story I think two or three years ago and I've yet to improve the whole thing.
Again, sorry.