Status: In process of being edited and revised.

Fugly people are fugly.

“She’s going to be your partner in the Macbeth project that’s due at the end of this nine weeks. Matthew, be nice.” The English teacher walked out the class just right before he whispered to Matthew, “And don’t screw this up, ok?”

“Asshole.” Matthew muttered under his breath right before he slouched in the seat he normally sat in.

Ava twisted her hair and bit at her nails. She didn’t want to work with Matthew Taylor, the school’s ice box. She’s seen this guy go through a round of girls in a month’s time like a little kid eating his Halloween candy. She stood in front of his desk uncomfortably, thinking just what the hell were the odds of her getting with this guy? She didn’t even have a single class with him and with his attitude, they were sure to fail the English project.

“So uh…should we discuss how we’re going to do this?”

That threw her off guard seeing how he finally spoke and the way he did it so rudely at that.

“Well…in order for us to pass, we have to somehow communicate on-”
“Where do you live?”
“Excuse me?”

“Forget it.” Matthew stood up, grabbed Ava’s arm and began writing something in her hand. Pulling away wasn’t happening as Matthew’s strength was something extraordinary despite his exterior appearance. “This is my address. We can talk about whatever the hell we’re doing over there. Be there by six. Don’t be late.” He let go of her hand crudely and left the room. Ava scoffed to herself appalled and laughed in disbelief.

“That guy! He thinks I’ll actually go over there?” She looked in her hand and then quickly looked away, afraid she’d remember the address. “I won’t go. I will not go.” She skipped out of the room--almost tripping over herself-- repeating this line over and over again. She caught Acacia` at her locker looking irritated and she put on her “concerned” look even though she really didn’t feel like it. Acacia` had a tendency to over exaggerate things, especially when she was in a pissy mood. Ava could do without her bitching and more of them just hanging out.

“A, what’s wrong?” She opened the combination lock on her locker and checked her image in the mirror. She paid more attention to the blemish appearing under her chin than what Acacia` had to say.

“That douche, Dean Ford.” She finally responded tightening her fists. “That guy is such a god damned flirt! If I tell him not to do it, he’ll do it even more. “Like’s to see me jealous” he says. Maybe I should just break up with him.”

“It’s only been a week, but, whatever. It’s not my problem.” Ava turned to leave just as uninterested in the conversation before it even began but Acacia` grabbed her arm quickly and squeezed a bit too hard. “Ow. Let go.”

“Ava, recently you haven’t been calling me. What’s up?”


“Are you sure? You’re being quite a bitch, lately.”

Ava snatched her arm away and rolled her eyes. What a way to point it out so nicely. “It’s just my parents,” Ava lied with a forced smile, “they’re just boring and wreak my nerves, that’s all.”

Acacia` nodded her head, as if she really understood and scuffed up Ava’s short brown hair.

“I’m glad that’s the only thing.” She stated.

The truth was (obviously): Ava was more jealous of Acacia` lately. Ever since dating Dean, she got more attention, and overall, her looks had seemed to have gotten more beaming. Her eyes seemed greener, her black hair seemed longer, and her teeth seemed whiter. What the hell, she looked so perfect.

“So, guess who invited me to their house!” Ava blurted out of nowhere making Acacia’s eyes go wide.

“Who, a boy?” She asked.

“Yeah. Just guess.”
“Um…did you finally say yes to Jeff?”
The smile slowly faded for a second and more of a disgusted expression appeared on Ava’s face. “No.”
“Then who?”
“Matthew Taylor.”

Acacia’s face froze, as if put on pause, and Ava had to poke her just to make sure the girl was still alive.
“You there?”
“Wait, whoa. Did you just say…Matthew Taylor? As in…the ice box?”
“No! Fuck no! Ava, are you crazy? He’s just gonna use you, like he does the rest of the girls! What, are you stupid or some shit? What’s gotten into you?”

“Oh! Well…he didn’t officially invite me over. It’s just for…a project.”
“…Right, and I’m the Queen of the Damned. Ava, lying is so not your thing. AND! Don’t get your shit twisted. No guy has ever wanted you, no guy ever will. You’re too fugly, hun. This all of a sudden crush you’re feeling for this guy, is only temporary, because trust me when I say, he’s just looking for a lay...even if he actually did what you said.” The bell rang and Acacia` nudged Ava smiling her perfect pearl whites and letting her shimmering hair cup her face in an angelic way and flow down her curves... “See you at lunch.”

She walked away, scuffing up Ava’s hair before going, leaving the girl to twirl her hair and bite at her finger nails again.

You didn’t have to call me fugly…bitch.