Status: In process of being edited and revised.

Bad attitude, good music.

Someone kept knocking at Matthew’s door. The thought of his parents being there on the other side made him grab his steel bat. No way in hell was he going back to live with them. The knocking soon turned into banging and Matthew slowly began walking toward the front. He leaned against the door, trying to look in the peek hole at the same time but he couldn't see a thing.
He shouted, “Who is it?” He tightened his grasp on the bat, ready to swing the hell out of it at any intruders.

“It’s me.” Ava’s voice muffled from the other side. Matthew, confused, opened the door so hard it almost came off its hinges, and he looked at Ava like she was crazy. “You said…to come right?” Ava asked a little frightened noticing the bat and the look on Matthew’s face.

“What time is it?” Matthew asked and Ava instantly looked at her watch, trying to be as much help as she could because it was obvious he was in a bad mood. She had no idea how much she misjudged that thought.

“It’s 7:45.”

Matthew nodded his head, biting his lip, still looking at Ava menacingly.

“Yeah…” He said, “And what time did I say to be here, exactly?”

Ava’s mouth dropped, as though she completely forgot but she knew for sure what time he said, she just had to wait till her mom went to bed and seven was the earliest time.

“Well I-”

As if he didn’t want to hear the explanation in the first place, Matthew slammed the door in her face. Ava really didn’t appreciate that, at all.

“Hey! Open this door, right now! I’m going to kick your ass!”

“My what?” Matthew came out before Ava could even function a plan into how would “kicking his ass” actually come into place. She noticed he still had the bat in his hand.


“Get in.” He pulled her in quickly before she could make a run for it. Inside, Ava noticed the emptiness of Matthew’s flat. It consisted of one couch, a lap top in the corner, a book shelf full of CD’s and a 3 foot refrigerator in the “kitchen”.

“Wow. It’s so homey.” Ava joked but stopped herself from laughing once seeing the evil look on Matt’s face. “Yeah, so Macbeth.”

They sat on the floor, Ava Indian style and Matt just lying down. It was apparent that he wasn’t going to speak first so Ava started.

“So, I was thinking we’d do like a MySpace profile on a character from Macbeth. Like, we upload a picture; we do a bio, write some blogs, and add like a kick ass medieval song on the page. I’m sure we’d get like a A++ or some shit like that, don’t you think?”


“…Right. So…anything you want to put in?”


“Uh…do you want to choose a character you want to do the project on?”

“Um no because you see, I didn’t read Macbeth.”

Ava dug through her ears, trying to get things she didn’t want to hear mixed up with reality.

“Sorry, could you repeat that? I couldn’t really hear, I thought for a moment you said you didn’t read the story.”

“I didn’t.”

Ava blinked, her mouth opened to say something but for a moment she just had to stay in awe.
“So you didn’t…read Macbeth?”

“That’s what I said.” Matthew stated chewing on his fingernails. The English teacher wasn’t lying when he said that Matthew's attitude reflected on his four average and that he did nothing throughout the whole semester. He was going to be a tough one.

Ava stood and went over to his book shelf. Matt quickly followed as Ava began nosing about, looking through all his CD’s. She noticed one of her favorites.

“So you like My Chemical Romance too!”

“No.” Matt said snatching the CD from her, “I just like Black Parade.”

“Oh…well who’s your favorite band?”

“No one.” He went to lie back down in his spot. Ava sat back down in hers.

“So…you just like certain songs, but not the actual people that do them?” Ava asked finding Matthew weirder by the second. “But you like a lot of cool songs I guess. Like maybe, um, Smells like Teen Spirit by Nirvana?”


“Awesome! See, you like a lot of…true music. Like, you like a song, but you might not like all the songs that artists do. Because like, I like Womanizer by Brittney Spears, but I hate that other shit she has out.”

“Um-” She didn’t catch the “I really could care less” look on Matthew’s face.

“And like, have you ever heard of Jeremy, by Pearl Jam? That’s my favorite song in the whole entire world. Because, it’s based off a real event. About a teen killing himself in front of his classmates. It was so fucked, dude. Throughout the video of the song, he’s being neglected and as well as bullied, but he falls into this dismal universe of his that leads him into death. It’s almost as though he went insane. Nothing but pure darkness that just fell upon him. God; don’t you just think the world is so jacked up now?”

“I think…”

Reality struck Ava like Hell first striking Lucifer as she came to realize that she was just going on and on about nothing and that she was talking too much. So now she was probably about to get told off by Matthew Taylor and be emotionally scarred for life like the rest of his ex girlfriends.

“I think…I want you to download that song for me.” He got up to get something off his shelf, and then came back only to hand her a blank CD. “I want it first thing, tomorrow.”

“Oh…sure! I’ll have it to you by then.”

“Great. Now get the fuck out.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah so this has too much dialogue in it. I'll try to edit it ASAP.