Worth Fighting For

In Which A Memory Gets Triggered

Jasper’s POV

“What the fuck Edward?” I seethed out, as Edward smirked at me from his piano bench. Fucking pansy.

“What Jasper?” He asked innocently. “It doesn’t matter that I kiss her or love her anyways, she loves me too. You have no right to interfere…”Edward said the exact same words I had said to him a few freaking decades ago. I was going to kill him.

“I do have a right, you stole her from me!” I yelled at him, about ready to lunge when the door opened. I smelt her sweet scent and ran vampire speed up the stairs. I didn’t need to hurt Onyx by accident while I attacked her precious love.

It would do me no good anyways. Nothing these days did.

Onyx’s POV

“You know, Onyx,” Alice whispered to me, her gold eyes glinting with something dark as she stopped me in front of the house. “If you hurt Jasper, at all, I will hunt you down.”

Wow… I’m like super confused now. “Okay and why would I hurt Jasper?”

“I don’t know,” Alice shrugged, her eyes guarded. “But if you do…”

Wow, she was a little creepy… I shrugged and walked on into the house, feeling the eyes of someone watching me, probably Alice, in all her weird pixieness. A slight breeze and a flash of blonde hair passed me but I ignored it.

“Hello, Eddie,” I said, giving him a peck on the lips. He gave me a half smile.

“Hello, Onyx,” he greeted me. “Carlisle would like to speak with you.”

“Would he now?” I asked. “In his office?”

“As always,” Edward nodded as I skipped off to Carlisle’s office. I was in a happy mood today; nothing (even Alice) couldn’t change that. I loved happy moods; with me they’re always rare.

“Hello, Onyx,” Carlisle greeted me as I walked into his room after a knock.

“Hello!” I grinned. He raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

“I wanted to talk to you about the most recent vision you had,” Carlisle said. “The one where… He’s leaving you as well.”

“Yes,” I nodded. Jeez, I really was in a good mood. If today was a regular day I would be tearing up already… “What about it, if I may ask?”

“Well, you said,” Carlisle started to explain when a knock came to the door. “Yes?”

“It’s Jasper,” Rosalie’s voice came through the door. “He won’t talk to anyone again.”

“What happened?” Carlisle asked as he opened the door, though I knew both vampires would be able to hear each other clearly without it open, as if they were yelling in each other’s ears.

“Edward said something that triggered… something and now he’s just not saying anything to anyone,” Rosalie tried explaining though I knew she wasn’t saying it all because I was here. I didn’t care; I was still in my awesome happy mood.

“Um, Onyx,” Carlisle said, his eyes were apologetic. “Can you talk to him? Only you really break through to him…”

“Sure,” I shrugged. “What have I got to lose?”

Everything, a voice said in my head but I chose to ignore it. Bad choices lead to bad lives.

“So, Jazz,” I said, staring at him, as he glared at the TV, I glanced at it and saw That 70’s Show, grinning. “Ah, one of my favorite episodes… When Donna is fired from her radio station for not stripping…”

Jasper’s face stayed emotionless throughout the whole show but he kept cracking small smiles at some of the jokes.

‘You sir are one sixing, sevening monkey fiver,’ Eric Forman said on TV. ‘You think you’re one don’t stink, well, three off you threeing three!’

I giggled and I heard him chuckle a little as well. Out of my peripheral vision Emmett gave me two thumbs up and I grinned shaking my head. They really wanted the whole family back together.

“So, what did Edward say?” I asked, curiously, as the credits rolled. Jasper stared at me for a second.

“Something that triggered a memory,” he said vaguely. “Though you would know stuff like that wouldn’t you?”

I shrugged and giggled. “Who cares? Let’s watch another episode.”

I did not like that kind of spot light from him. It made me all queasy and such.

I thought about his words as another episode of That 70’s Show came on.

Something that triggered a memory…though you would know about stuff like that…wouldn’t you?

It all echoed in my head as if he just repeatedly whispered it in my ear. I shivered as I fell asleep on that couch next to Jasper.

Though I wasn’t awake, I still thought it was sweet that Jasper got a blanket for me.