Status: finished. =]

Those Eyes

Okay I am officially insane someone lock me up

I am going insane.
I mean what are the odds?
I never expected to see him again other than in the weird flash backs I get in
My head.

I rewinded the footage up to the point where he came in.
He was sitting down at a bench with a sketchbook in his hands and he was drawing something.
He was rather focused.

All I can make out was his profile.
His pale profile.
A nose shaped perfectly for his face, a square jaw but not a harsh one.
He had almost delicate features.
But it suited him.

After a while he stood and started to walk away but not before putting on some shades.

He was insane what kind of guy wears a leather jacket and all black?
Well in California that is.

He must be from somewhere where they is an actual winter then.
Maybe the east coast? New york?
get a grip!

I decided to kill some brain cells by watching television.
It helped. I mean I watched soaps with all the fake dramatic and cheesey moments it was humorous and made me forget.

A friend oh mine came over he needed help designing his new office and what color scheme to pick out so I helped.

“Hey what about samon?”
“samon? what am I fricking chick no.”
“Just think of it as a really really light red.”
“Ha yeah right no.”
“Fine you are impossible just go with a blue.”
“Problem solved. So how are the classes going?”
“They are going fine. I mean I never thought I couldn’t create well anything. And now I feel a bit better about myself.”
“That’s great. Will I be seeing anything soon?”
“Oh no. Not happening I am too shy so no.”
“What is it with you artists too shy to show your work?”
“I am just my own worst critic that’s all.”
“Yeah yeah yeah. Hey look I just met this guy he just moved here from another state and he is an artist too. I thought you too would get along.”
“Uh no.”
“But no. Now drop it and get out I want to paint.”
“Now out!”
“Well I know where I am not wanted.”

He always tried to set me up with guys. It never worked out.
They were either looking for a easy lay, or were just there for a free meal.

I went to the second room in my place which doubled as my studio.
It saved me tons of money.

I just got in front of a canvas and painted whatever came to my mind.
I wasn’t really paying attention.
A long time later I stood back and looked at my finished product.

I didn’t realize what I painted.
You have to be kidding me.

It was his profile.
His jaw, his nose, his lips, eyes, and the hair all there.

Okay I am officially insane someone lock me up.
♠ ♠ ♠
let me know what you think.
