

Mandy Morgan is finally graduating from Middle School. Who knew that this scene would be a relief for her. Mandy is a 13 yr-old girl. Brunette. 5 feet and 4 inches tall, with a light skin tone.
While waiting for her name to be called, Several flashbacks were flashing inside her head.
"Ah. Bitter memories. I just can't wait to be a freshman. It's time to turn over a new leaf."
Mandy murmured after the flashbacks rushed in her head.
"Dee, What are you waiting for? Whoa, You spaced out a minute. Come back to earth!"
Lara said.
Lara is the stepmother of Mandy. She was so much better than her first mother. Well.. That's Mandy's opinion.
Because she remember the times when her biological mother, Amanda, was always abusive to her, But the exact opposite to her twin, Maurice.
Even though they have servants at home, She was always the one who's ordered around to do heavy household chores.
Amanda has a habit on smoking cigars, drinking a LOT of expensive margaritas, and loves to spend her money in the casino. Gambling, in other words. Because of that, Mandy's father, Phillipp, decided to annul their marriage.
Amanda was flabbergasted. Dumbfounded. She left Phillipp and their children without a single word from her. Mandy & Maurice were only 6 years old back then.
Mandy started enrolling in an Art Class to pursue her childhood dreams. And there she met Lara White, her Art Teacher. Lara has been a second mother to her ever since the first day of class.
Phillipp was amazed at Lara, because she was the only one who can make her daughter smile, laugh, like a normal child. They started hanging out. They fell in love. And there, they decided to be united.
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Sorry if the story is lame. I'm just a beginner.