‹ Prequel: Love Is Only a Myth
Status: the sequel to Love is Only a myth. Comments help me write faster people. Hope you like it.

Fantasys don't last forever


Alexis’ POV

The air was thin and cold. The autumn winds blew fiercely, causing leaves to swirl in the air. The trees were almost bare as they swayed in the wind as well. The sun hid behind the clouds, only appearing every so often. The combination of the winds, and the cloudy day, made the temperature seem colder.

On any other occasion, I would love everything about today. As an artist, I would love the changing colors of the leaves, allowing the environment to look bright yet neutral. I would love the way that the trees branches and leaves swayed in the wind, while the trunk stayed intact. I would have tried to find a way, to capture how cold the weather was, I would have enjoyed sketching everything that I saw.

Only this wasn’t the case today. I didn’t admire anything about the environment today, not the way that I normally would have. Instead I simply ignored it, as if there was nothing special about it.

Everything about this day, depressed me. I wasn’t as depressed about the situation as I could have been, but I was close enough.

I felt as if a small part of my heart was taken from me. I felt as if a small part of me was now broken. A piece of me had left, and that piece was Anthony.

I couldn’t stop the angry feeling that was boiling inside of me either. She had taken him away from me. She simply came here and took the one thing in my life that meant so much to me without putting in much effort. I didn’t understand why she had to come here anyway. She could have simply called him about the emergency, instead of actually coming to see him.

Despite how I felt, I tried to seem as if everything was okay. I bottled up how I felt, the way that I used to. I smiled for everyone, as if everything was normal. I told no one, how I felt, but I knew that this would only last for so long. I could only keep this façade up for so long.

I sighed as I opened my eyes. I decided to skip my first period. Instead of going to class, I simply sat on a bench in the court yard. I knew that the court yard would be empty since everyone was in class. I needed to get some air. The day hadn’t even started yet, and my feelings were starting to take a toll on me.

I missed Anthony; there was no other way to describe how I felt. All of the emptiness that I was feeling, that was the only way that I could explain it. I simply missed him more than I thought I would.

I never thought that I would be the one in this situation. I never imagined myself as the girl who desperately, missed her boyfriend. Just a few weeks ago I was the girl that didn’t believe in love, now I was the girl who didn’t want to live without it. I was now the girl who didn’t want to lose the love her life.

I wasn’t even sure if I was going to be able being apart from Anthony from so long. So far, things weren’t looking up for me. I didn’t want to be the girl that was dependent on her boyfriend, but so far that’s the direction that I was heading in.

I closed my eyes once more, as my grip on the bench tightened. The only sound that could be heard was the water in the center fountain. I began to wish that I had gone to class; if I had I wouldn’t be here alone with my thoughts. I would be distracted by work, my teacher and my classmates. Instead I was sitting in almost perfect silence, meaning that my mind could wander freely without any distraction.

Anthony’s words continued to swim around in my head. I had been thinking about everything that he said since he left. It was all my mind would let me think about.

“This is just temporary,” I muttered.

I knew that if I said it out loud, I would be more likely to believe it. I would be more likely to get over everything that was happening and simply more on.

At least, I was hoping that I would be able to move on.

“Shouldn’t you be in class?” a familiar and horrible voice spoke.

I inwardly groaned as I tightened my grip on the bench once more. My grip was so tight that my knuckles were now white, but I didn’t care. I was restraining myself from doing something that I would regret, eventually.

“Shouldn’t you be scaring a village in China?” I retorted.

“Someone’s off their game I see. I expected more of an insult from you,”

I rolled my eyes as I inwardly groaned again. Though I didn’t want to admit it, she was right. Normally, I would have said a comeback that would have gotten her to walk away. This time, I just wanted her to go away. We both knew the reason why I couldn’t insult her like I normally do. It was because my head and my heart was somewhere else.

“Seriously London, what do you want?”

A smirk danced across her lip-gloss covered lips. She crossed her arms over her chest before sitting next to me on the bench. My gaze remained on her the entire time, searching for any sign of weakness, but there was none. She was as confidant as ever, anyone looking at her could tell.

Her smirk grew as she shrugged her shoulders. She looked away from me, setting her gaze on the fountain.

“I just wanted to come and check on you, you know, to see if you were okay. I know that comforting you is normally Anthony’s job but he’s obviously going to comfort someone else now, right?”

I narrowed my eyes at her in a glare. I could feel my blood beginning to boil out of anger. I didn’t know why I was angry. I could have been angry because London is being London, or I could have been angry because a part of me believed what she was saying.

“You don’t know anything about what’s going on, so just mind your own business, okay?” I harshly spat.

I honestly didn’t need to deal with London right now. I had enough things to deal with right now. London adding her own personal drama only made things worse for me.

London sharply turned her head, narrowing her eyes at me as well. She then went back to her normal composure as she smirked once more.

“Joy’s my best friend, I know everything. I even know a few things that you don’t know, not to mention I know all about Joy and Anthony’s past relationship. What happened while they were dating, how long they were dating, how close they were when they were dating, what happened to make them brake up, I know it all,”

“Not to mention,” she leaned in as if she were about to tell me a secret. I simply continued to glare at her, as if I wasn’t fazed by what she had to say.

“I know how close they still are. I know about all the texts, the phone calls, the fact that they live on the same block as each other, how their families still are to each other, I know it all,”

“But on a serious note, do you completely believe that Anthony’s let go of all his feelings for her, because you and I both know that Joy’s still attracted to him. Even if he doesn’t have feelings for her anymore, do you think that they’re not going to come back with all the time that there spending together?”

“Is your life seriously that boring that you have to go and butt your way into my personal business. Seriously, grow up already,”

I quickly stood up and walked away before she could respond. I didn’t want to hear her response. I didn’t want to hear anything else that she had to say about my situation.

The wind began to blow once more, as I looked down at my shoes. I pulled my jacket closer to me as I walked down the path. Only one thing was on my mind at this point.

What if London was right?
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I'm going to try and get back into my regular habit of updating like i use to. I've been a horrible author to you guys and i'm going to try and get better.

Since I'm on Summer break i have more time anyway, so why not.

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