Status: Complete

Skull and Dagger

Arrival at 'Dead Man's Island'

“Frank!” A delighted smile graced the face of the man who sat at the end of the table, the seeming friendliness of the gesture subdued by the wicked curl of his lips.

Even as he sat, she could tell he was a tall, broad man. His form practically exuded strength and subtle power. His face was no less striking – strong jaw, dark and penetrating eyes, sensitive brow. He was every bit as handsome as he was reputed to be. And, if the evil glint in his eye was any indication, every bit as dangerous as well.

Her own companion was just as dangerous, however, and didn’t cower in the slightest from the living legend before him.

“Bob,” Frank said evenly, walking right into the center of the dinning room.

Gerard was at his side the entire time and, despite Sites' attempts to hold her back, so was Annabelle.

Bob cast the young woman a curious glance, looking her up and down and obviously approving of what he saw. His attention quickly turned back to the young captain before him, however, an enigmatic little smile curling the corners of his lips.

“We’ve been expecting you for some time now,” he commented, drinking deep from the golden goblet in his hand.

“Got held up,” Frank said simply. “Attacked, actually. Right on the way in. You wouldn’t know anything ‘bout that, now, would you?” There was a harsh glint in his eye when he met the other captain’s glare.

Bob didn’t even blink. “How…unfortunate,” he responded. “Done something else to set the navy against you?”

“Ghost ship,” Frank replied. “Pirates. I din’t know better, I'd think someone set me up.”

If you didn’t know better,” Bob said simply, raising his goblet in a welcoming gesture. “But, you’ve made it after all. By all means, have a seat. I’m sure your crew is hungry.” He shoved roughly at the man to his left, knocking him from his seat.

The man fell to the ground, blinking up dumbly in a drunken haze. The two women that had been fawning over him were instantly at his sides helping him up.

“That seat,” Bob informed the fallen man, “is always reserved for my former first mate.”

The displaced man, apparently too drunk to really care, wrapped his arms around the two women that held him and made his way from the dinning hall. Several other men got up to leave with him, obviously his friends.

“Still with the high-handed gestures, I see,” Frank commented, offering Annabelle his hand so that she could sit on the long bench that lined the table.

“Ah, Frank, my boy,” Bob let out a melodramatic sigh, “you expected something different?”

Frank's eyes remained cold and calculating. “I suppose not,” he agreed.

Annabelle raised a curious eyebrow at the exchange, and Bob noticed her reaction.

“I do believe we’re boring your lady, Frank,” Bob flashed a devilish smile in Annabelle's direction. Before she knew it, he had caught her hand and brought it to his lips for a kiss. “And such a lovely creature should never be kept waiting…”

Despite herself, she blushed. What was it about her and pirates? She couldn’t help but wonder. After years of rejection, suddenly two of the most attractive men she’d ever met were looking at her like she was good enough to eat. She couldn’t deny that all the attention was…nice.
♠ ♠ ♠
More explained in later chaps.
School is kicking my butt.