Status: Complete

Skull and Dagger


“I will watch,” Henry Simmons insisted.

Lord Williams had no choice but to nod in acquiescence. Henry’s presence had thrown him for something of a loop, especially since he had managed to speak with Frank before Williams had even learned that he’d arrived. He had no idea what the two men had discussed, and that made him nervous. If Frank told Henry the truth about what happened and Henry believed him... Fortunately, his new business partner still seemed eager for Frank’s blood, so his cover most likely hadn’t been blown.

“These types of things are...nasty affairs,” he informed the other man.

Henry shrugged. “He hurt my baby girl. I want to see him hung now[i/]...”
* * *

“Oi, now, this is getting fucking ridiculous!” Frank exclaimed when the door opened once more.

“The last time,” the guard assured him with a wicked grin. He stepped aside, allowing two more guards to enter.

“Don’t suppose I should hope that I‘ve been paroled?” Frank managed to joke lightly.

“You’ve got a free one-way ticket to ‘ell,” one of the guards informed him, dragging him to his feet.

Frank reluctantly walked with the procession up and out of the dungeon. His eyes surreptitiously scanned the crowds as he made his way towards the gallows that had been set up in the center of the small courtyard. However, he saw no sign of his men.

The smug face of Lord Williams did greet him as he stepped up onto the platform, however. He had half a mind to take the older man’s eye out with Sites little ‘gift’ but just barely restrained his impulse. After all, Gerard had instructed him to wait.

Taking orders from my first-mate now. He couldn’t help but smile at the irony of that. Just brilliant...

The guards backed away from him as the cleric stepped forward to read the charges against him. “Having been found guilty of...”

Blah, blah, blippity blah... Frank caught a slight movement out of the corner of his eye and just glimpsed one of the guards being drawn around the corner and...was that Jepha stationed by the doors to the inner wall?

He quickly reassessed the situation and realized that only a half a dozen or so of the guards were men he didn’t recognize. The vast majority of the real guards would, of course, be set on the inner walls, but those were far enough away that the troops wouldn’t be able to stop his escape if it was quick enough. The large metal gates, however... Those were a problem.

Feeling significantly more confident in his position, Frank openly yawned at the rather long list of charges still being laid against him.

“H-He doesn’t even repent!” Henry Simmons stuttered in outrage.

“End this,” Lord Williams agreed, anxious to permanently remove the thorn in his side.

Frank discovered then that Sites had a talent for exaggeration. The noose hadn’t even come close to his neck when Gerard shouted out for him to duck.

A brief squabble ensued, wherein Frank’s men - he could only guess how they’d acquired the guards’ uniforms - quickly overpowered the remaining guards present at the ‘execution’.

Frank himself had dropped to the ground upon Gerard’s command, the chains he had broken open with the knife Sites had provided him slipping easily from his wrists.

Shouts sounded from above, and he knew that he would stand out as a bulls-eye in the crowd with his white hair. He ducked and rolled off the platform, only to be caught by a member of the crowd and a priestly robe thrown over his head.

Sites himself was in full guard’s uniform and looking quite pleased with himself as well. “Try to look meek and mild,” he instructed with a teasing smile before ushering Frank away from the fight.

New guards rushed into the scene, greatly confusing everything, and Frank’s men all managed to station themselves back by the gates...