Status: Complete

Skull and Dagger

Not quite.

“Yes, because your...gates are so sexy and...” Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief when she heard Gerard’s shout. Because, honestly, even she couldn’t come up with any more gate comments.

“Look!” she ordered. “Look down at your gates as I talk to you.”

The gatekeeper eagerly did so, started in surprise at the fight below, and promptly fell to the ground unconscious.

“I’ll show you where you can shove your gate,” Elizabeth grumbled, dropping the large wooden beam and yanking hard on the lever to open the gate...

* * *

“You know, I had an old friend back at the seminary who believed that Chaos was the most powerful force in the universe,” Sites commented. “A decidedly strange fellow, but he was proven right today...”

“Yeah, you go on and gloat,” Elizabeth huffed, “but I was severely traumatized! I don’t think I’ll ever be able to look at a gate again...”

Gerard wrapped a comforting arm around her waist. “No gates in my line of work,” he reminded her with a quick peck on the nose.

A delighted smile spread across her face. “I remember,” she agreed, pulling him not-so-inconspicuously into a side cavern.

“Williams and Simmons will keep lookin’ for us,” Frank pointed out, unable to keep the wistful smile from his face at the happy pair. “And we’ve got nowhere to run.”

“And now we’re surrounded!” Jepha announced in a panic, dashing into the cave.

Everyone’s attention turned to him.

“Quinn’s back,” he announced. “The ship is in the harbor. And Bob’s with him...”