Status: Complete

Skull and Dagger

“You’re infamous,”

“You’re infamous,” she informed him coldly, “as a thief and a ruthless murderer. That’s not something to be proud of.”

“Maybe to you,” he countered with a toothy grin. “Your father, huh? Who’s he then?”

“Henry Sutton,” she said proudly.

He blinked. “Never heard of him.”

“He’s very wealthy,” she assured him before gasping at the error she’d just made. “If you hold me for ransom…” she began.

“Painful death, yadda, yadda, yadda,” he said disinterestedly. “So, your father’s Henry. That would make you…?”

“Annabelle,” she said sullenly.

“Annabelle” he repeated. “Suits you – very pretty.”

She blushed slightly and turned her head away so that he couldn't’t see her cheeks redden. In the past men had had an unfortunate tendency of thinking her pretty, then meeting her and instantly changing their minds.

“So, ‘Annabelle, how ‘bout we come to a little agreement?” he suggested, cocking his head to one side slightly to look at her.

“I don’t deal with criminals,” she informed him.
“’Course not,” he said with a cheeky little smile, “but in the interest of keeping’ me from wringing’ your lovely neck…”

“You’re not exactly convincing me that I can trust you,” she pointed out.

He laughed at that. “Got me there,” he agreed. “Now, will you just listen to what I‘m proposing?”

“Do I have a choice?” she gestured to the ropes that bound her.

“You will soon if you just keep quiet for one second!” he exclaimed, his infamous impatience on the verge of breaking.

She let out a little sigh. “I’m listening,” she agreed.

“This room here,” he gestured to the small cabin furnished only with the chair, the small desk, and a mattress, “Is pretty impossible to break out of. I‘ve got the only key,” her eyes flicked to the silver key that was tied at his waist right beside the sword he wore, “and the only way out’s through my cabin. Now, how ‘bout I untie you, and you can have this room all to your lonesome throughout our voyage?”

“Like I could sleep knowing you’re in the next room,” she said with a little eye roll.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really want to take that last line sexually.. But I cant. Silly argumentative characters.