Status: Finished

Remembering Sunday

Remembering Sunday

Alex woke up, the room spinning around him. He looked at the clock by his bed. 2 am. He felt sick, nautious- drunk. It'd been days since he'd been fully sober. He wondered where Juliet had been in that time.
He sat up and pulled his shoes on. When he stood, his blood pulsed too fast in his ears and his stomach churned. He went to the window and opened it, feeling the cool night breeze on his face.
It was now Thursday morning. Alex hadn't seen Juliet since Sunday. He remembered what happened:

After another one night of benefits, he and Juliet had woken up at 4 am, and had breakfast together. She could cook pretty damn well- two eggs, two slices of bacon, and toast. Alex watched her glide over the kitchen floor, wearing only a tank top and her underwear. He stared as her hourglass torso flowed and balanced so well with her long legs. He didn't love her, but he did love her body. Yet Alex was under the impression it was real love.
In no time, those two eggs were gone. And he needed another taste of Juliet.
Alex rose from his chair, walking toward Juliet. She was standing in front of the sink, looking out the window as she sipped a cup of coffee. He reached out and wrapped his arms around her-- breathing in the smell of her hair, kissing her neck. She put a hand behind his head, letting him know not to stop. He turned her around and kissed her, first softly, then softly with sex laced in.
A devilish grin broke on her face, and she grabbed his hand, led him out of the kitchen. Up the stairs. Into the bedroom, closing the door behind them, and into a sea of blankets.

They lay side by side together as the sun broke through the window. Juliet's head lay on Alex's chest, and he had one arm around her shoulder as they were still catching their breath.
He kissed her forehead. "Juliet," he breathed into her hair, "I think I love you."
She smiled. "I don't know if I really believe in love, Alex."
"Well, of course you do, liar," he teased. He lifted her chin towards him. "If you believe that I'm here, you believe in love."
They looked deep into each others eyes. Butterflies flew in Alex's gut. He kissed her, fiercely. She kissed back. He tried to start again where they had stopped, putting a hand on her waist.
"Enough, Alex," Juliet broke away. "Don't tell me you're not exhausted."
"I'm not exhausted," Alex grinned. "And I have to do a lot of the work here," he laughed, then started kissing her neck, then her collarbone--
He looked up. "God, Juliet, what is your problem?"
Her eyes narrowed. "My problem is give my body a fucking break!"
He put his face close to hers and kissed her again. "Oh, come on, Jules--"
"No, Alex." She pushed him off and stood up, pulling on her underwear and bra. "This is all sex to you."
He closed his eyes. "Oh, God, that's not true--"
"Oh yeah? Well, you can prove that to me sometime!" She was screaming now.
"Juliet, please--"
"NO!" she yelled.
"JULIET! THIS ISN'T ALL SEX!" he shouted back.
"Juliet, please just listen--"
"To what, Alex? Another smooth, seductive line to get me back into that bed?"
A pounding came on the wall from the next apartment. "IT IS SEVEN IN THE FUCKING MORNING!" a neighbor yelled. "STOP WAKING THE WHOLE GODDAMN COMPLEX!"
The shouting match stopped. Alex stood and pulled on his boxers as Juliet was pulling her tank top back on. He turned her around to face him.
"Juliet," he said quietly. "I love you."
She paused. "And I used to love you, Alex." Tears welled in her eyes. "Before all this. Before the sex. When it was nice." Her tears spilled.
He pulled her in. "Please, Jules, don't cry."
"Don't tell me not to cry, Alex!" she sobbed. "YOU made this happen! If you love me, let me get some air, because I'm tired of being in your pants, and sick of you being in mine."
She started to pull on her skinny jeans.
"Don't be like this." Alex pleaded.
"I'll be how I want." she was sobbing so hard she could hardly move. She buttoned her jeans and just stood and sobbed. Alex wasn't sure what to do.
Juliet turned around, her eyes red, and stared at him.
"You have no idea how much I loved you Alex." She sniffed and stepped into her high heels. "But you didn't care." She marched for the door.
"Juliet, wait--"
The door slammed.

Alex fell on his knees in front of the window at the memory. The alcohol had mostly cleared his head, but he felt cloudy. He kept replaying Sunday in his head until 7 am.
Standing up and pulling on a jacket, Alex stumbled out of his apartment and down the stairs, with only one thing on his mind.
He drove across the city to Juliet's apartment, parking and running up the steps. He buzzed and buzzed on her number, with no response.
He went around to the emergency exit, which had had a broken alarm for ages. He opened the door, ran up the steps and down the hall to her apartment door. He pounded, and called her name.
"Juliet!! Please, please open up. I was a jackass, and I know it. I hate myself for it. But I need you Jules, I love you. Please open the door!"
He knocked for ages with no answer. The only door that opened was her neighbors'.
And old woman stepped out. She didn't look angry or tired, just curious.
"Young man, are you looking for Juliet?"
"Yes!" Alex cried. "Have you seen her?"
The woman paused for a very long time.
"Are you Alex?"
"Yes, ma'am."
She waited again.
"Juliet doesn't live here anymore, son."
Alex's stood quiet. "Wait...she moved?!"
Her neighbor paused again. "Yes. She moved out Sunday afternoon."
He shook his head. "Well, do you know where she moved to?"
The woman looked at the floor. Her face said she knew, but he felt like her mouth wasn't going to follow.
"Please... I need to find her." He paused, taking a deep breath. "All I can dream about is her, and it's driving me crazy. I saw her last Sunday morning, and we had a terrible fight. But I need her to know how sorry I am.... I want to ask her to marry me."
The old woman looked shocked. She opened her mouth to speak, but all it did was hang open for a minute, her eyes searching Alex's desperate face. "I don't know where Juliet is, young man."
Alex nodded, silent.
"Thank you," he said in a quiet voice, then went back out the emergency exit.
He stepped outside to thunder's greeting, heavy rain clouds overhead. Alex felt drunk, but wasn't. He just felt lost. He loved Juliet.... right?
He sat on the metal stairway in front of the door. The rain soaked his hair, his clothes, into his shoes as he sat there for he didn't know how long.
"I get it," he thought. "This rain is God flipping me off. How funny-- classic movie. Can't find Juliet, and it rains....I guess this is what I get." he sighed. "I guess this is what I get... but now I'll have to let her go... But hell, these clouds will just follow me. I can't get away from Juliet. They'll just follow me while I find the next whoever... whoever she may be."

I guess I did move. And I'm not coming back. I've done something too terrible. If I were to see Alex, I'd be too terrified to speak. But I guess you might expect that from me, now that I'm in this state. I still feel so mixed up about it.
But as I sit up here, I'm watching the rain fall onto Alex. I really did love him. He just loved what I could give him. Watch him forget me by the time this storm ends. I'll put it bluntly-- I've got a better eye on the world. I'm thousands of feet up, towering over in my new home in the clouds, where the rain is washing Alex from my hair and my mind. I'm over him now. I am. And good riddance.

Alex stood up from the metal steps and strode to his car, deciding to go home.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is my first one- shot. I've always loved the song Remembering Sunday, so do write about it was fulfilling. Hope everyone liked it =)
Any comments? Hoping to hear from some big ATL fans out there!