Status: Onnn holdd! Will be for a while!

Did it have to be me?

Intro, no?

Berry Bliss...that's...supposed to be me. Well I'm often told I'm indifferent to everything...but I dont think so. I'm just different, and very relaxed. I dont care what others do or dont, I just lead my own life. I'm called selfish because of my attitude but the real selfish one is you. Yes, you over there who dares to call me selfish while they want everything to evolve around themselves.

As you can guess, I'm very blunt and downright when it comes to facts.

If you want to call me insensitive for it, go right ahead and see if I care.

Oh, I'm 17 and a junior in high school. I dont have any friends except Marcus and his so called 'group'. Marcus is my childhood friend. You could say I knew him since diapers. He's an absolutedork and cry-baby and too annoyingly intruding and loud. To cut it short, he's a total idiot.

Hmm...I'm very calm and I dont ever stick my nose to anyone's business, but people still think I'm abrassive. The reason why is beyond me...Huh. Too bad, but thats their problem.

That's pretty much everything.

Oh, nearly forgot. My motto's are; "Live your life and dont intrude."
" I dont care." and last but not least...
" Dont talk unless needed."

Now that I've explained my simple self, could you please tell me why I am stuck in this MESS??!
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much like the description, but oh well.