Break In


What would you think when someone breaks into your house? If I surveyed most people they would say it was a robber. Not in my case, I would say something different. I would say, what did Bert do now.

My name is Faithfully Loved. I know, my name is weird. I have been best friends with a kid, Bert since I was twelve years young. I am now fifteen, Bert eighteen. Bert is in a lot of trouble. He is the type of kid your parents warn you about. He does drugs, I try so hard to get him to stop. He occasionally stops the drugs for a while. Its hopeless. He is also in a gang.

What a sweet boy, right? No but he really is sweet to and with me. But a lot of the time people come to my house looking for him. Since he sleeps here a lot, not having a house and all.

Sadly, he has a lot of secrets he hasn't told me. That happens to make our relationship kind of hard.


Riley and I were sitting on my bed doing each others nails-when we heard bang. Riley jumped, but I was used to it.

"Bert isn't here," I screamed.

After not hearing any more noise; I figured they had left.

Boy was I wrong. Five men and one woman came rushing into my room.

Riley went to scream, but I covered her mouth, not knowing who they were.

"What do you want?" I asked, looking over them; curious.

All of men looked like they could be brothers. They all looked pale, as if they were deadly sick. Four of them had black hair and green eyes. But the other boy had brown hair blue eyes, still looking like them. They all looked about 6`5, though that was just a estimate.

"Him," the girl whispered and I looked at her. She looked quite short, compared to the boys. But she is probably 5`4. She had brown hair with blonde streaks, and blue eyes.

"Bert?" I asked looking at her.

She nodded and started walking towards me. She walked like a zombie-but yet graceful. It was scary and intimidating. She laid down on my bed and put her head on my lap, as if she knew my forever. Riley backed as far away as she could, without falling off of course.

"He's not here," I whispered, now afraid.

"Emily," She whispered into my lap.

"Who?" I asked, wanting to shoved her off my lap. But, I was afraid to.

She sat up on the bed and started shaking me. "Emily! Emily! She's fucking dead!" she screamed.

I was so afraid and started crying.

The brown haired boy took her off of me and put her into one of the other boys arms.

"I'm Matt Ryan," he explained.

"Who's Emily?" I asked through whimpers.

"Emily was my daughter," He said looking down.

Me being the emotional girl I was cried more. He said was, as in past tense. She was dead.

"She needs to be calm to help us," One of the guys said stepping forward, sitting down on my bed, and putting me in his lap.

I sat there for a while, rolled up in a ball crying into his chest.

After a while he said, "I'm Emanuel. Do you know what Bert is?"

I figured he meant a druggy and gang member so I replied with, "Yes."

"Do you know what he does?"

"Yes, kills and does drugs, just like any other gang member," I replied, then feeling guilty for acting like it was no big deal.

"What does he do with the people he dies?"

I scrunched up my eyebrows, confused. "Nothing."

"What does he do with their souls?"

What? These people were crazy.

"Run Riley," I screamed and tried to get out of Emaunel`s lap. Fail. Matt Ryan caught Riley and I couldn't get out of his lap.

I started crying again and screamed, "you guys are crazy."

Emaunel just rubbed my back and the girl flipped. "My-Cara Saint- niece-Emily Saint, was killed by your friend! Yeah, we are the crazy ones!"

I shook my head, no Bert wouldn't kill a kid. He doesn't kill anyone unless necessary.

The girl-Cara, took out a picture and shoved it in my face. I was guessing it was Emily. "It looks like my cousin," I told her.

"Does she live in cranberry?" She asked, now calm.


"I know her,"
I just had been explain how these people and Bert were ghosts. Bert was apparently a bad ghost and killed people so he could make them go on the bad side. The bad side was a army that was going to be used to take over the world and make it evil, in layman terms. Bert killed Matt Ryan`s daughter-everyone else's niece- to take her to the dark side. He succeeded.

"Bullshit," I said making them all stare at me like I was crazy. They acted surprised that I didn't believe them. "None of you, or Bert for that matter is a ghost."

Cara was about to say something but then Bert came in. He made a shocked faced and said some stuff I shouldn't repeat, then ran out.

One of the guys, that I didn't know his name, ran after him. Dragging him back into the room, through the wall. Cara broke a necklace off of her neck, with a blue cross on it and stabbed Bert.

I cried as I watched him take his last breaths. I cried even more when his body disappereaed. I cried more then I knew possiable, when I realised they were telling the truth. They were all ghosts, Bert a evil one.