Status: complete

My Human Size Doll

Chapter 1:My Life Sized Doll

"Josh. I have something for you." a voice called from behind me. I turned to smile at my dear older brother Samuel. He had on all black making his blonde hair and green eyes stick out. He had beautiful skin he was just like my dolls. I got up from my cot bed and walked over to touch his beautiful hand but stopped. I wasn't able to touch my brother with my dirty hand so I washed my hands and my brother waited. "Are you done?" he asked as I dried my hands. I nodded and he opened my door and walked out into a long hallway. My life was very quiet since I never went out to the outside world. My brother said there is nothing out there that is worth seeing. Once I asked him why he went up there a lot and he said it was so he could rid the world of all the wicked women. I never thought that but what did I know. But the only women I've seen are my dolls and they are beautiful and sweet to me. They say they love me every time I see them. They can't be the same wicked women my brother says that are outside. He came to a stop in front of my white room. I looked up surprised and he smiled at me. "Open it Josh." he smiled again and I did. At first I saw nothing but there she was.
Long jet black hair with a crimson red bow in her hair with a black dress on with red flowers on the dress. But the only thing that I was unable to see were her eyes. "Brother? Her eyes?" I pointed to the blindfold but my brother slipped my hand. It hurt for a moment but my brother hugged me and smiled.
"You must never take them off no matter what Josh. She'll die if you do." my brother said and touched the doll and some how that brought her to life. She first screamed and tried to run but found out that there was no place to run. I enjoyed that. I smiled and ran after her. Making scary sounds as she ran away but then she tripped over my dolls. Before I had time to react my brother picked them up, "It's your fault Josh. You should but your toys up like a big boy." he smiled and put my precious dolls in a safer place. "Enjoy your new toy." Samuel said and left me by myself with my doll. She was still on the ground crying. I think she was saying something but I couldn't understand. I sat beside her for a moment and waited until she only trembled and spoke.
"My name is Josh....." I said shyly, "what's yours?" I asked trying to be polite. She didn't say anything and at first I thought she couldn't talk but I remembered her screaming at the top of her lungs. We sat there for what seemed like hours but then she spoke.
"Elizabeth. Taylor. I. Want t-t-t-tto. Go. H-h-h-ome." she said through tears. I smiled. I never say anyone cry before but it made me very curious about her eyes.The tears ran down her face and I smiled and got up and tried to look for tissues. I saw that on a movie. I hand it to her but she first thought it was something else and slapped the tissues out of my hand. "YOU FREAK!!!!!!! LET ME GO!!!!!!!! THE POLICE WILL BE AFTER YOU SOON ENOUGH AND YOU'LL BE KILLED FOR SURE!!!!!!!!" she yelled even louder. I covered her mouth but she bit me as hard as she could. My finger began to bleed and funny how things turned out I began to laugh. I never felt this kind of pain and it hurt so much that I found it funny. None of my other dolls did this. They loved me but this one she was different she was special. I smiled and pushed another finger into her mouth.
"Again." I order her but she didn't listen. I pushed my finger deeper down her throat and she began biting harder and harder. Then pain was unlike anything but all good things always had to come to an end. Samuel came in and saw my last intact finger in her mouth. "We are playing brother look." I smiled and showed Samuel my bleeding fingers. They felt numb now but she has been biting a lot. She was like an animal but a beautiful one. Her mouth was covered in blood. She threw up a few times but nothing big or anything to worry about. "You want to play." I said as she bit my last finger. My brother smiled and shacked his head.
"No my dear Josh. It's time for you go to bed. Clean your fingers. I'll bandage them when I'm done in here." my brother said and walked me into my room. I did as my brother said a little upset that he was making me go to bed. But I asked if she could stay in my room but he said no. "I have to clean up the mess. Besides she's my doll too. We must share her." my brother smiled at me and I smiled back. But once I was in my room getting in bed a high pitched scream came out but died of real quick and I drifted off to sleep. Dreaming of my beautiful doll.
The days went by and three months have pasted by. It was amazing but the curiosity of my doll's eyes were driving me insane. Where they blue? Red? What color? I asked my brother but he said that it wasn't important and remind me not to take off the blindfold. I promised. I walked into the white room and just as I did Samuel was standing at the door. "Have a good day. I'll be late coming home so don't wait up." my brother waved good bye. I smiled at the thought of me and my Elizabeth talking all day. She started to talk after the first few weeks. She told me about her life and what her family was like. I liked her voice it was high and beautiful. But she didn't like it when I put my finger in her mouth and I was a little bit upset at first but if I could hear her voice then I wouldn't put anything in her mouth. I smiled to see her in a new outfit. She was wearing a dark blue dress with light blue flowers on it and a black choker on her neck with a red rose in the middle. She looked beautiful.
"Good morning Elizabeth." I said softly as I sat beside her. I had my other two dolls with me. "Would you like some tea?" I asked her and held up a tea cup. She didn't answer at first so I thought she was still asleep but then she smiled at me and grabbed the tea cup and said thank you. I smiled. I was very pleased how she was treating me just like my other dolls. Now she was fully mine. "Tell me more about your parents." I said after the tea party. I always enjoyed her stories they helped me imagine what the outside world was like.
"Let's not talk about that right now Josh. Don't you want to see my eyes?" she touched her blindfold softly. I told her no and said that brother would be very mad at the both of us but she didn't listen. "It'll be our little secret Josh. Just one look won't hurt. Please." she smiled at me and I couldn't help but undo her blindfold. She had her eyes closed.
"Open." I demand. I closed mine hoping when I opened them I would see big ocean blue eyes but instead there was only black holes. Empty?
"Josh. What did I tell you about not undoing the blindfold. Now we got to kill her." my brother said behind me. He walked over and grabbed my doll by the hair. "This is all because you didn't listen to me.Did I ever told you that curiosity killed the cat Josh? Well now you're that cat." he said over the screams of Elizabeth but before I could beg him to spear her life it was over. He cut her throat and blood was all over the white room and my dolls. My Elizabeth was not so beautiful anymore. She was beheaded. "Now you'll have to be my new doll Josh." he said as he came near me with a knife in one hand. The next thing I remember is darkness.....
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hey people I know this story is kind of creepy from my other stories but I had this thought and I had to put it in a story since it didn't fit with my other stories. THANKS FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and don't forget to leave a comment and telling me what you thought about it I would love to hear your opinion thanks so much again!!!!!!!