

Scarlett's P.O.V.

He turns to face me and I gaze into his hazel eyes. I smile.
"Oh! No problem" he sayd shyly. GOD i love him. "I thought everyone had gone" He laughed nervously.
"No i stayed behind to help design the set for the drama production."
At least i didnt have to lie. I smiled at him and he smiled back and held out his hand...
..."Im Mikey" he grinned and took my hand in his.
..." I know" I smiled "I'm Scarlett"
..."I know" He replied mimicking me and i giggled.

Mikey's P.O.V.

Somewhere far off I hear a car horn blast. Dam I thought Gerards here and Im here talking to the girl I love. I look at her now and she is gazing up at me almost longingly. I look to the ground in annoyance that Gerard had to turn up now. I felt her hand on my shoulder. I looked up at her, i met her green gaze and she smiled.

"I'll see you tomorrow" she squeezed my shoulder in reassurance.
"Yeah, cool. I'll meet you at the gate before school then" I replied.

I then did something I never thought I would do. I leant over and let my lips brush over her cheek as Gerard pulled up beside us. I waved Good Bye and jumped into the car and Gerard sped off down the road and I looked behind watching her till she disappeared from view......