Status: Just testing this one out. Comment for more chapters.

Saving Logan

Three. Tres. Trois. Drei. Tre. Tres. III.

No one understood.

Ok, yea, maybe they did, but that doesn’t mean I wanted to talk to them about it. I mean, seriously, if I don’t know what I’m feeling then how in the name of Zeus is someone else going to?

I leaned against the rail and looked out at the lake. Every once and a while, ripple would emerge from nothing. I knew it was probably just fish, but it was really cool to see, because whatever was making the ripples wasn’t visible. The air wasn’t chilly, and I’m sure I could’ve gone swimming if I wanted too, but after we filmed the first scene, I’d had enough of water for a little while. They made me sit at the bottom of a pool for upwards of thirty seconds fifteen times a day for like two weeks, just for that one tiny little opening scene. It sucked balls, and no way was I getting back in the water anytime soon.

I heard the crunch of a leaf and turned around. There wasn’t anything directly behind me, but a long way off, two girls were talking. One of them might have been Alex. I couldn’t recognize the other one from this distance, but she looked familiar.

I turned around, refocusing my attention on the lake as I watched air bubbles rise to the surface of the water. A proverbial thought bubble rose to the surface of my mind, reminding me of the conversation I had with Chris a week ago:

“Are you ok Logan?”

“Yea, Chris I’m fine.”

“Are you sure? You don’t need anything?”

“No, really, I’m fine, I swear.”

“Well, if you need to talk to someone, I just want you to know I’m here.”

“Thanks Chris, I’ll keep it in mind.”

I had had similar conversations with a lot of people on set in the past couple of weeks. They always ended the same way; with me assuring them that I was fine. And I really was. I was just… confused...
♠ ♠ ♠
ANGST!!! Logan has it!!! And I'm gonna have it too, if you guys don't COMMENT!!!!!

PS - After this, I'm done writing in specific POV's. Now I'm just doing general POV's. And in case you didn't get it, Chapter 1 was Mandy's POV, Chapter 2 was Alex's POV, and this chapter was Logan's POV. This was mainly character establishment. Ok, done ranting, Laura out.