We Come Out At Night

Chapter 1

Here I lie, in this four-poster bed over black silk sheets with many lush pillows under and surrounding my head. The sound of crackling wood can be heard from the fireplace to offset the sound of the rain pouring down outside the window beside the bed. The breeze from the wind driven rain makes the sheer curtains dance about like ghosts.

Some would call this setting serene, but here I find no serenity, as I lay waiting for him to finish and get off me. Now and then a groan or a grunt escapes his lips, while I can’t even manage to fake an “oh Marco” just to appease him and make him finish faster.

It wasn’t always this way. At one point, I found myself in love with this man or so I thought, however, I quickly learned the difference between love and infatuation after I arrived at this casino. Two years, I’ve been here and in those two years, I have spent many a night trying to figure out how to get away from one of the most powerful men in Las Vegas.

At the age of 18, I left home with the intent of becoming a model and as most young and stupid girls do, I stood on the side of the road and stuck out my thumb praying for someone to stop and pick me up. It was raining on that day, much like it is right now.

I was soaked to the skin as I walked along the road and after a while I gave up and put my hand down. There weren’t any cars passing by anymore and the ones that did wouldn’t stop. As the dark drew closer, I saw headlights glowing in the distance and as the vehicle came closer it seemed to be slowing down. Slowly, I walked as the car pulled up along side me. When the tinted window rolled down, I saw this beautiful man sitting in the driver’s seat. I didn’t know then that beauty could be so damn ugly.

He offered me a ride and I graciously accepted happy to get out of the rain. He was charming and in less than five minutes managed to sweep me off my feet. He told me he could help me with my career and offered to put me up in his hotel for free until I got my first break and could afford a place of my own. Thinking back, it sounds like one of those after school specials where the girl leaves home to find her dreams and is taken advantage of by a big bad man.

I stayed at the hotel for a while and within a month moved in to his house. He gave me everything I could ever want. Money, clothes, shoes, jewelry, you name it. If I wanted it, I only had to ask and he would make it mine. What I didn’t know was that he was grooming me to work at his casino. When I refused, he gave me a black eye.

On my shoulder, I wear his brand. The letter “M” the mark of his casino The Maker’s Marc, which is also the first letter of his first and last name, Marco Montes. Whatever Marco wants, Marco gets. Any girl branded with an “M” on her shoulder belonged to The Maker’s Marc and was forbidden to work in any other casino. If you were caught doing so, the consequences would be dire. Me, I belonged to Marco. To him, I was a trinket, arm candy if you will. Every night I shared his bed and at first the sex was amazing, I couldn’t have asked for a better lover, but once I realized what my fate was I became less and less attracted to the man I once thought of as beautiful. On my left hand, the finger just before my pinky, I wear a brilliant cut diamond ring, a symbol of the commitment we made to each other, but I’ll be damned if I was going to live this way for the rest of my life.

Finally, he’s finished. Any second now he should be rolling off me and 3-2-1…

“I’m going to take a shower, make yourself pretty, we’re going out.” He never even looked at me as he got up off the bed and went into the master bathroom. I sat up in bed and looked out the window at the rain that was pouring down onto the pavement. How I longed for the day when I would have a lover that would want to simply stay in bed and listen to the rain.

Naked, I stood from the bed and walked across the room to the closet, which was as big as a bedroom in itself. I picked out an emerald green slip dress, his favorite color, the color of money. Green, a color I once loved and had come to loathe. I picked out matching strappy emerald green heels. Being only five feet two inches tall, I lived in heels to give me some height, while Marco towered over me at six foot one.

Having sat down at the vanity, I applied my make up. Deep dark purple eye shadow with black liner and mascara with a clear lip-gloss. I did my hair just the way he likes it, up with curls hanging down in a tangled mess. When the door to the bathroom opened I was met with the intoxicating scent of musk. His aftershave once drove me crazy and now it makes me want to vomit. I felt his hot breath on my neck just before his lips grazed my shoulder. “The diamond tear-drop necklace. Wear it.” I knew that wasn’t a request and as his eyes met my reflection in the mirror, I simply nodded before he walked away and went to the closet to get dressed himself.

When he was ready to go he reached for my hand and led me out to the black Bentley and opened the passenger side door for me. After he got in he glanced over at me and then started the car. We drove in the direction of the casino and I knew this would be another night where I walked beside him holding on to his arm as he showed me off to everyone who was looking. “Fuck, I need gas.” he exclaimed and pulled off the road into the nearest gas station. When he got out of the car and went inside to the station, I glanced over at the red Ferrari that had pulled up to the pump opposite us. I paid no mind to the driver who got out of the car and left it running as he too went inside to pay for his gas. It was as if fate stepped in and smacked me right in the face. I looked towards the door of the little gas station convenient store to make sure the coast was clear and jumped out of the Bentley and ran over to the Ferrari. Who leaves the keys in a Ferrari?

I drove the Ferrari away from the gas station as fast as I could. Finally, I was away from that bastard. Finally, I could live my own life the way it was meant to be lived, but I would have to lose the car eventually. The license plate read “Shads” and sure there was plenty of red Ferrari’s in Vegas, but not all had a custom plate.

2 days later….

I hocked the diamond teardrop necklace I was wearing along with my diamond ring to get some money for an apartment. I had more than enough as the jewelry was worth a small fortune. I still, however, had to get rid of the car, but tonight, I am going to go out and have some fun.

On this night I wore a pair of ripped jeans and a purple t-shirt with purple heels. I found my destination, a little whole in the wall dive bar where no one would recognize me as Marco’s girl. I pulled right up to the front and got out of the car glancing back at it just before I went inside. Who ever owned that car was going to be pretty pissed when they saw the size of the huge dent on the passenger side of the car. It’s a Ferrari for Christ sake of course I drove it like it was stolen. Well…yeah, I know.

I went inside and took a seat at the bar beside the window. I ordered a whiskey sour and as I sipped my drink I could see two men outside eyeing the car. One was very tall, the other, not so much. They walked in and walked up to the bar just a few feet away from where I sat. The tall one with the pretty blue eyes asked the bar tender who the car belonged to and the bar tender nodded in my direction. The two of them started to approach me and I put on my best flirty girl face ready to shake them off, but I’ll be damned if the tall one wasn’t hot as fuck.

“So, sweet ride you got there.” He said as he set his beer down on the bar top.

“Thanks.” I smiled

“What’s a pretty thing like you doing all alone in this part of town?” The short one asked. Like I have never heard that line before.

“Just looking for some fun.” I smiled again while blue eyes sipped his beer.

“Well, since you are looking for some fun, we were just on our way to a pretty wicked house party. Want to tag along?”Blue eyes asked.

What did I have to lose? “Sure, sounds like a blast.”I nodded.

The two of them looked at each other like they knew something I didn’t, and blue eyes spoke again. “One condition, I get to drive your car.” he winked and man I couldn’t resist.

“Ok.” I threw him the keys and we went out to the car. He got in the driver seat while I took the passenger’s side. Shorty followed behind us in the car that the two of them drove to the bar.

We made small talk for about a half hour until we finally pulled up to the house. Maybe I should say Mansion because that is what it was. It was clearly the largest home I had ever seen. My heels clicked along the stone sidewalk as we approached the door. I gave blue eyes a sideways glance when he didn’t knock on the door and simply turned the knob and opened it. “I know the owner.” he winked.

We walked into a lavish foyer with a huge crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling and in front of us was a spiral staircase that led to who knows where. Blue eyes opened the double wooden doors that led to what I would assume was the living room and led me inside. The party that he promised was no party at all. Inside was the short sidekick to blue eyes and another man who had just leaned up from the pool table where he was playing. I looked back as the wooden doors closed behind me. When I turned back around the other man took off his sunglasses and set down his pool stick on the pool table. He stood in front of the pool table crossing one leg over the other and folding his arms across his chest while he glared at me. He too was tall, but not as tall as blue eyes. He was however, much larger. His arms, his chest, his thighs…he looked like something the Gods themselves created and he was making me very nervous.

“Bring that bitch to me.” he spoke directing his words to blue eyes who grabbed my arm and dragged me forward. I had a sudden feeling that I went from one bad situation to something of an even worse situation. Fuck my life.
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A bit of a character intro. I'm going to try something different and when I type in a character POV use italics. When its the narrator it wont be in italics. If it gets too confusing, i'll switch it back