We Come Out At Night

Chapter 10

Vengeance POV continued

The following night I decided to go to The Maker’s Marc. It wasn’t unusual, it was expected. We would periodically check out Marco’s place and he would now and then show up at ours. I wasn’t alone though, I’d brought some friends who were placed elsewhere in the casino and were to stay there until told other wise.

From where I stood, I could see The Rev playing roulette and Christ sitting at a slot machine. To anyone watching, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Earlier on, I had managed to get a glimpse of Izzy. Marco must have brought in a damn good make-up artist because the cut on her face that Sammy told me about was hardly visible.

Marco had led her over to a private room in the gentleman’s lounge and locked the door behind her. It wasn’t easy to stand idly by and watch that bastard walk up behind Sammy and kiss her neck. I wanted to rip his damn lips right off his face.

I was walking down past the table where a hand of Black Jack was being played when Sammy finally walked past me and slipped something into my hand. I tried not to smile at her so as not to raise any suspicion. Now all I had to do was wait for the distraction.


It was hard not to laugh when Christ started kicking the slot machine and yelling curses so loud everyone in the casino could hear him. In a matter of seconds, he managed to have the casino security and even Marco standing over by his machine while he continued to act like a mad man.

It’s time.

Izzy’s POV

My nerves were getting the better of me and I can’t get my hands to stop shaking. I knew as I sat there on the bed that any second now someone was going to walk through the door. Someone who had paid to have sex with me and I had no other choice, but to let it happen. I was scared; in fact I had never been so scared.

When I heard the lock on the door click, I shook my head. I didn’t want this to happen; I couldn’t believe that this was my fate. The door opened and when I heard it close again I looked up at the person who had walked in.

“No.” I whispered as I shook my head. “Not you. Please, not you.” I cried and got up off the bed and tried to run. Where I thought I was going I had no idea.

When he grabbed me, he covered my mouth with his hand. “Do not dare make a sound” he warned and opened the door. After he looked outside he dragged me out of the room.

On our way out, we passed Vengeance who looked at me with no expression on his face. As we walked through the door of the casino, I could hear Christ yelling in the background. “I want my fucking quarter back or I swear I’ll kill the machine.”

I was shoved inside a car and blindfolded as he held me in place. Someone, I don’t know who, got into the passenger’s side of the car and when the door closed, the car started to move.

When the car finally stopped again, I was dragged back out and through another door in to an elevator. I didn’t know where I was or where I was going, but it couldn’t be any worse then where I came from.

Finally, the elevator stopped and I was dragged into another room and shoved down on a couch. The blindfold was yanked from my eyes and I came face to face with The Rev. the man who walked into my room at The Maker’s Marc. He set the blindfold down on the table and walked over to the bar to get a drink. Behind me stood Vengeance and Gates and it was evidently clear that this was the penthouse suite at The Sidewinder.

No one said a word to me, but Vengeance kept his hand on my shoulder in a silent attempt at telling me not to dare get up. I didn’t know what was happening, but I had a sudden urge to vomit.

It was another five minutes before I saw him. Shadows that is. He walked out of the bedroom in only a pair of jeans, which gave me the impression that he wasn’t alone in there. He cracked his knuckles and sat down on the coffee table in front of where I was sitting on the couch.

“Six months. You will work for me for six months as a dealer. You won’t get paid because your salary will go straight to me for the damage you did to my car. What ever you make in tips, you keep. The Rev will teach you how to deal starting tomorrow night and you will have a room of your own one floor below this one. Monday and Tuesday will be your nights off and if you are smart, you will stay out of my sight. At the end of the sixth month, you can leave.” He looked up at the two men who stood behind me. “Get her out of here.” This was who he was when I first met him, this was the bastard that I had no compassion for.

Vengeance grabbed my arm and dragged me out to the elevator. When we stopped on the floor below he dragged me across the hall and opened the door to what would be my room. “You wont get far if you try to leave, so you may as well try and get some sleep.” With that he walked back out the door and closed it behind him.

I sat there on the bed looking around the room. The décor was red and white. It was pretty nice actually. Not what I would call modest accommodations. I had my own bathroom and a separate living area. The only thing that was missing was a kitchen and this would make a pretty cool apartment in its own right.

After getting up and walking into the bathroom, I washed the make-up off my face and couldn’t help but stand there and stare at what Marco had done to me. It was starting to scab over and as I brought my hand to the line across my face, I knew it was going to be one hell of a scar.

On my way back to the sleeping area, I passed a closet and opened the door. Inside it there were several outfits that all looked the same. My guess would be uniforms for the casino. There were sleeping clothes and a few casual items as well. It wasn’t a whole lot, but for six months, it was enough.

I pulled out a white pajama set. Just a thin pair of lounge pants with a camisole top and changed. I was tired, sure, but after what happened earlier, I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep. I could watch television, but what was the point? I wouldn’t be able to focus on anything other than what was going on in my mind. So, I opted for sitting on the bed and staring out the window looking out at the city below me.

Matt’s Penthouse

He sat there in the den watching her on the screen as she sat on the bed looking out the window.

“You know Marco is going to retaliate.” Vengeance spoke, but Shadows never took his eyes of the monitor.

“Let him” was all he said in response.

“We handed her a death sentence.” Gates spoke as he pulled a cigarette from his pack and put it between his lips. “If she walks out of here in six months, he’ll kill her before she can get across the street.”

“He can try.” Shadows answered never taking his eyes off the screen.

“Are you coming back inside?” Chelsea, barley dressed, stood in the doorway of the den and Shadows spun around in his chair and glared at her. “Get lost,” he told her and she rolled her eyes before leaving the penthouse.

When he turned his chair back around to face the monitor again, she had already turned the light out and got under the covers in the bed.

Vengeance had excused himself and went out to the living room to find The Rev. Somebody had to go back and get Christ before they figured out what happened or who knows what Marco would do with him.

“Are you going to sit there and watch her all night?” Gates asked as he sat on the edge of the desk.

“Something isn’t right with this whole situation.”

“How so?”

Matt turned around in his chair to face Gates. “Have you ever known Marco to keep someone around for more than a week?”

“No.” Gates shook his head. “He doesn’t like distractions.”

“Exactly.” Shadows nodded.

“I still don’t know what you are getting at.”

“Why would he want to keep Izzy around?”

“Judging by her performance in the bedroom that would be my guess.” It was the only answer Gates could come up with.

“No.” Matt glanced back at Izzy on the screen who seemed to be sound asleep. “She has a secret. She has something on Marco and you are going to find out what it i.s”

“What if it’s not Marco she has something on?” Gates posed the question that made Matt rethink his theory. “What if it’s you she has something on?”

Shadows just looked at him taking in what he said. Was it still possible that she was setting them up?

“I don’t know” he shook his head. “What ever it is, get it out of her.”

Gates nodded and left the den to go down to the lounge in search of a certain redhead who had struck his fancy. He left Shadows there alone to deal with his thoughts and the more he sat there and thought of all the possibilities, the angrier he got.