We Come Out At Night

Chapter 11

I spent the following day with The Rev learning how to deal. We started with the easy one, Black Jack. He hardly said a word to me other than what pertained to the game. I’m sure he knew how to hold a conversation; I’d seen him do it with the guys. It must be me.

We’d been sitting at a table for nearly 3 hours when he finally stopped and said to take a break and meet him back there in an hour. I knew I was being watched even though I didn’t see Shadows or Gates around, but I didn’t want to go spend an hour in my room.

I decided to take my chances and walk around the casino. I’d never been in any other place besides the lounge and the main room. I passed a few of the cages that several girls sat behind cashing in chips for people, a little restaurant where a few people were sitting and eating and then I came upon a gift shop.

In the window there were random trinkets with the casino logo, but what caught my eye was a little plastic snow globe. I loved them when I was a kid. In the center of this one sat a miniature version of the casino.

“Strange isn’t it?”

I turned my head to the side and saw Vengeance standing beside me.

“What is?”

“A casino in the snow.”

“I suppose.” I shrugged.

“You don’t say much, do you?”

“Guess not.” I looked away from the globe and averted my eyes past him “I should go.”

I walked away to finish exploring the rest of the casino and left him there alone. I know he was watching me because I felt his eyes on my back. I can only imagine who else was watching me.

I walked passed a door that said “Private” on a little gold plaque. I assumed that was where Shadows hid and remembering his words “if you are smart, you will stay out of my sight”, I quickly moved past the door. With the luck I had, it would open and he would walk out.

I walked past an auditorium type of room that I had guessed would be for entertainers when they had them. Another room with slot machines, and of course the Gentleman’s Lounge. I knew there was more to see, but I only had an hour, so I turned back. As I passed the gift shop again my eyes went to the snow globe once more before I turned away.

From where I stood I could see the front door. Freedom was just a few steps away and I could probably make it. I walked towards the door knowing that all eyes were on me, but it didn’t deter me as I walked right out the door.

Outside there was a tree that sat in a huge tera cotta pot, I sat on the edge of the pot in front of the tree and lit a cigarette. Much to my surprise I wasn’t grabbed, thrown or screamed at by anyone at all.

It was cloudy and the every now and again I would feel a little water drop hit my skin, but not enough to say that it was actually raining. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a little red glowing light. As I turned my head, I saw Gates standing there taking a drag of a cigarette while looking straight ahead.

I didn’t give him a second glance, I just continued to smoke my cigarette and when I was finished I put it out in the sand filled ashtray outside and walked back inside. I had 15 minutes to spare so I went to the snack bar to get a soda before going back to The Rev.

I grabbed a Diet Dr. Pepper and walked up to the counter to pay for it, but someone else slipped there hand past mine and told the cashier not to take my money, just to give me whatever I wanted.

“Jesus Christ.” I looked at him. “You guys are everywhere I go!”


“Excuse me?”

“I’m Johnny Christ, not Jesus Christ.”

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the snack bar and headed back to The Rev who was waiting for me without out an ounce of patience I might ad. When I got back to the table he was standing there with his arms folded. I wasn’t late so he had no reason for being annoyed with me. I was back in exactly one hour like he said.

“Go upstairs and change.”

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

“Black Jack dealer called in sick. You start now.”

“But, I’m not ready yet.”

“Ok, perhaps you would like to explain that to Shadows.”

I stood there and sighed knowing there was no winning in this situation. “Fine, I’ll go change.” I walked over to the elevator cursing under my breath. “Six months,” I told myself. “Six months and I’ll be out of here.”

When I got to the room I set my soda down on the end table by the bed. There was something sitting there that hadn’t been before I left the room, the snow globe from the gift shop. I picked it up and shook it and watched the snow flurry around the little casino before setting it back down on the table and going over to the closet to get my dealer’s outfit.


They were watching her, Shadows, The Rev and Gates from Shadows office. He sat behind his desk, as she stood outside his door reading the sign that said private.

“Put her out there.” he said turning his gaze from the monitor to The Rev.

“She isn’t ready.”

“I don’t care. I want her on the floor tonight.”

“I hope you know what you’re doing” Gates said.

“Oh, I know what I’m doing. I’m going to scare her into letting me see what she’s hiding. I’m sure when Marco gets wind that she’s dealing here, he wont think twice about sitting at her table.”

Shadows turned his gaze back to the screen and watched her wander around the casino bewildered. When he saw her head for the door he turned to Gates.

“Follow her”

Shadows didn’t need to say another word; Gates walked out of the office and gave her a little bit of a head start before he went out after her.

Next, Shadows turned to The Rev. “You know what you have to do.” What he meant to say is “Why are you still here?” The Rev nodded and left the office.

When Shadows was alone, he picked up the receiver from the phone that sat on his desk and called the gift shop. “Get me the snow globe in the window.”
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Just a filler chapter...but the next two are drama packed. :)