We Come Out At Night

Chapter 12

To say I was nervous would be an understatement. I walked over to the Black Jack table and like I expected, The Rev was waiting for me. He stayed there with me as I turned to face the gamblers sitting before me.

There were only two of them and I dealt for them for a good hour before one took his remaining chips and walked away. After another hour, my hands finally stopped shaking. I’m sure my shaky hand was the reason the first guy left. When Gates sat down at the table the other guy got up and left and so did The Rev.

I was uncomfortable to say the least, but I dealt the cards and pretended he was some random guy and not the one who gave me a drug induced sexual cocktail. The first hand was over fairly quickly. I dealt another and another. When his favorite redhead walked by the table, I was hard not to notice him wink at her. Was I jealous? Yeah huh!!

“Hit me” he said snapping me out of my thoughts and I gave him another card. “Izzy, you suck at this.”

“Thanks for the words of encouragement.” I shook my head knowing he was right, I did suck, but in my defense, I was only doing this a few hours.

“Does that hurt?”


“Your face, Izzy.” His eyes went to the side of my face and I lowered my eyes to the cards.

“Yeah, it does. Every time I look at it, it hurts.” I’m sure that wasn’t what he was expecting me to say, but it was true. It was more painful to look in the mirror then the actual cut itself.

“Why you?”

“I don’t know what you mean. Could you just play the game and stop asking me questions?”

He motioned for a waitress to come over to the table and ordered another drink before turning back to me.

“Uh in case you forgot who’s calling the shots here, it’s me. And what I meant by why you is simply that. Why you? Girls come a dime a dozen to Marco so what makes you so special?”

I shook my head and dealt the cards. “I don’t know.” I lied; it was none of his business.

“Come on, Izzy. You and I both know that Marco wouldn’t waste his time chasing after a girl, let alone claim one as his girlfriend.”

“Are you saying that it’s impossible that someone could actually be in love with me?”

He let out a small laugh. “Yes, when it comes to Marco.”

“Well, I don’t know what you are getting at, but I don’t have the answers you are looking for. Why don’t you go ask Marco?”

“I know you have a secret, Izzy. Why don’t you play nice and tell me what that secret is?”

“Why don’t you go play in traffic?”

He laughed again a little more heartily this time. “I will find out what it is one way or another.”

“I have nothing to hide.” I looked him right in the eye while I said it, hoping that I’d convinced him that I didn’t have a secret, because the last thing anyone at The Sidewinder needed to find out is just what cards I was really holding so to speak.

He knocked back the rest of his drink and motioned for a waitress to bring him another one. “Nothing to hide.” he nodded. “When’s your birthday?”

“March 31st.”

“Favorite color?” Great, now we’re playing 20 questions.


“Mine too.” he smiled. “What about your family?”

“What family?”

He nodded and didn’t push the issue. “So, what brought you to Vegas?”

“It was my dream to be a Black Jack dealer at The Sidewinder.” hello sarcasm.

He laughed and took a sip from his glass. “You remind me of someone.”

“Really? Who?” this should be good.

“No one you would know. Just a girl.”

“Well she can’t be just a girl if I remind you of her. She must have left an impression on you.”

“Not so much me as she did on Shadows.” Fuck my life, he’s talking about Kiera and all I can think about is changing the subject as fast as possible.

His face seemed to light up all of a sudden and I turned my head to see what he was looking at. It was the redhead or Ruby as she was called. I didn’t need to know her to know her name. Boy was he in for a rude awakening with that one and if he was smart he would stay away, far away. She was sitting at the bar and waiving him over.

“Well, this has been fun, but I have to other matters to attend to.” Secretly, I thanked God that his interrogation was over as I watched him walk away.

I had been at that table for about 5 hours in total without a break and I was starting to get tired. The Rev had come by and told me to take a 15-minute break. My first thought went straight to my bladder. I headed straight for the bathroom.

When I came out, I passed by the bar and there I saw him for the first time since the confrontation last night. He was sitting there all smiles with Vengeance. Between them sat a girl and it looked almost like they were interviewing her. When she turned around and I got a look at her face, I nearly passed out.

“You look like you just saw a ghost.” It was Christ who was leaning against a wall that made the assessment.

“I did.” I walked away and every part of me wanted to run like hell. When I got back to the table, The Rev informed me that my shift would be over in two more hours.

I stood in front of the table and focused on the game trying to take my mind off of what I had just saw who I had just seen. This had to be the most boring game in the history of gambling.

Finally, for the first time tonight, my table was empty. I stood there alone counting down the time until I could go and relax. My gaze was fixed on the table when I heard a chair pull out in front of it. I mentally prepared myself for the game and looked up at the gambler who had chosen me to be his dealer.

“Miss me?” Marco sat at my table with a cocky smirk on his face. On instinct, I let out a frightened gasp and took three steps backwards from the table right into a brick wall.

A brick Shadows that is. “Deal.” He said from behind me and I shook my head no wanting to get out of there as fast as I could. I was now stuck between two men who had both wanted me for different reasons. “Do it, Isabella.”

I stepped forward and with shakey hands dealt the cards. Two cards each for Marco and me while Matt stood directly behind me with his arms folded.

Marco had a 5 and a 2

I had a 7 and a 2

He tapped the table hinting that he wanted another card. I gave sent one over to his side of the table it was an 8

The next card was mine. Another 7

Marco tapped the table again and I sent him another card. The unlucky 7

My card was a 5

Shadows chuckled lowly. “The Dealer wins. Leave my fucking casino.”

Marco smirked and walked away from the table and I let out a sigh of relief. When I turned around, Shadows was gone. I had about all could take and I wasn’t going to stand here and be a sitting duck any more.

Walking away from the table I noticed Gates turn his gaze from the redhead and look at me. I didn’t care; I wasn’t going to stay here anymore. I walked right for the front door and I heard them following behind me. Not one of them said a word to me, but I knew they were there. The Rev, Gates and Shadows followed me like a bunch of stray dogs and I was a raw piece of steak.

“You can’t get away, Izzy.” Gates yelled as I led them right out into the pouring rain.

“May as well give up and come back inside. We’ll let it slide …this time.” how nice of The Rev to give me a break…uh no thanks. I walked to the parking lot for what reason? I have no idea, but I went with where ever my legs were going to take me.

I’m friggen walking! Yet, not a single one has made an attempt at grabbing me and bringing me back inside. Their mistake…

Mentally, I counted to three and took off, which I guess none of them were expecting because I heard all three of them cursing. I couldn’t believe I was as fast as I was because I made it all the way around to the back of the casino with a good amount of distance between myself and them.

When I heard them getting closer, I ran in the back door of the casino and found myself in the kitchen. I ran through the galley past the chefs who looked at me like I was some homeless person who just ran in from the rain… well technically I was.

After getting out of the kitchen I found myself in a hallway and of course it couldn’t be this easy. Because while three were chasing after me, one was coming right at me.

“Nowhere to run now!” Christ yelled as I barreled towards him

“Get out of my way, you fucking smurf.”

Too easy, I ran right past him and straight into the elevator. It seemed to take forever to get up to my floor, but when the elevator finally stopped I ran straight for my room and right through the door. I locked it as fast as I could and when I turned around I closed my eyes and leaned against it trying to catch my breath.

“How about we get you out of those wet clothes, Izzy?” Gates!

My eyes snapped open and there was Gates against the wall with one leg bent so his foot was on the wall, while his hands rested on his hips. If that wasn’t enough, Shadows was sitting on the bed leaning forward with his arms rested on his legs and his shirt dangling from his hand.
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Yup... ;)