We Come Out At Night

Chapter 13

I wanted to run, but there was nowhere for me to go. My back was against the door and it was Gates who stepped forward towards me, his face bearing the most devilish of smirks. “Now, as I said, how about we get you out of those wet clothes, Izzy?”

I shook my head no and moved from the door sideways as he came closer, but he moved in step with me and stayed in front of me as I continued to step away from him until finally it was he whose back was to the door. His hand reached forward and one of his fingers made its way into my belt loop and with one finger he pulled me forward so that I was standing directly in front of him. “I could swear we told you not to try and run.” He spoke with a menacing tone that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. When I stepped back I hit the familiar wall from downstairs. Shadows was right behind me.

Slowly, I turned around and faced him only to see his eyes looking right down into mine. That is when I felt Gates put his hands on my hips. “Can’t you just leave me alone and let me go to bed?”I begged, but they both laughed.

“You can’t go to bed with wet clothes on silly girl.” Gates spoke again in my ear as his hands lifted my shirt up past my stomach. “Fuck.” I heard him whisper as he traced his finger over the fading welts from Marco’s fireplace poker. Shadows stepped behind me to see what Gates was looking at and then appeared in front of me once again.

“Lift your arms.” I knew I could get away with saying no to Gates, he was a lover, but Shadows was another story, he was a fighter. So, I had no choice and did as he requested and he lifted the shirt over my head. From behind me I could hear Gates sigh and I knew it was because of what my back looked like.

Shadows put his hands on my shoulders and turned me around so he could look for himself. After he finished surveying the damage, he turned me back around to face him.

“Tomorrow, you are going to see a doctor. As for tonight, we’re going to play doctor.” Something in the way he said that made me very nervous. Had this been any other time in my life, I would be in heaven right now.

“I don’t want to.” I said nervously and tried to think of a way out of this.

“We don’t care what you want,” Gates said from behind me as his lips found my neck. I tried to move away, but his hands on my hips held me in place. When I looked up at Shadows for help, he smirked at me and moved his face closer to mine claiming my lips as his own while Gates reached around and started to undue my belt buckle.

I was so lost in the kiss with Shadows that I didn’t even notice Gates sliding my skirt down to my ankles. “My turn.” Gates spun me around to face him and resumed where Shadows had left off. “I’ll be right back.” I heard Shadows say just before he walked out the door.

My arms wrapped around the neck of Gates as he continued to kiss me, but his shirt was so cold from the rain I took them away quickly. Assuming he got the hint, he broke the kiss and removed his shirt before smirking and pulling me back against his body.

When Shadows walked back through the door he was holding something in his hands, but I couldn’t see what it was. I stood there between both men who were only wearing jeans. It was a hell of a sight to say the least as I stood there in only lacey purple boy shorts.

Shadows held up a pair of handcuffs and Gates nodded as he took me by the wrists.
“What are you doing?” I asked nervously.

“Making sure you don’t run away.” Gates winked and led me straight to Shadows who was standing by the bed.

“Do we have to do this the hard way?” he asked and I froze at the thought of being handcuffed. “I guess so.” He nodded towards Gates as he spoke and before I could protest I was flat on my back with Shadows hovering over me cuffing my wrists above my head.

“Take them off.” I pleaded with both of them, but neither seemed to be listening.

As they both stood there looking down at me I saw a hint of mischief in the eyes of Gates.

“Something’s missing,” he said as he turned his head towards Shadows and at the same time the both said “Room Service!

While Gates walked around to the other side of the bed and climbed on beside me, Shadows went to call room service. “You guys are crazy, you know that right?”
I asked Gates as he propped himself up on one elbow and looked down at me, but he simply laughed in response.

Shadows returned ten minutes later with a room service cart, but from where I was I couldn’t see anything on it. “Lets make this interesting” he grinned and held up a blindfold. I shook my head in protest, but it wasn’t as if I could stop them. Within seconds everything went black as the blindfold covered my eyes. I could hear Gates laughing as the bed shifted. Clearly there was one on each side of me, but I had no clue what was coming next.

On my stomach I felt a warm liquid being poured followed by an even warmer tongue. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t feel good. When that tongue touched my lips I was given a kiss laced with the taste of Jack Daniels. It was Gates, I’d know those lips anywhere, but the warm sensation went to cold really fast as I felt something on my thigh. It wasn’t a liquid, but it wasn’t a solid either. I was however curious to know what it was, and it had to be Shadows who was licking it off me because Gates had only moved his lips to my ear.

Whatever the substance was made it to my lips by way of Shadows finger. I took it into my mouth eagerly waiting to find out what it was. “mmm whip cream”

“Want some more?” he asked and I didn’t get a chance to answer before his mouth was on mine. He tasted like the best part of an ice cream sundae. While his lips were on mine, Gates was tugging at my boy shorts. After getting them off, I felt something being poured all over the lower half of my body. It took two of them to lick it off and no part of me was taboo for them. All I had to rely on was my senses, especially touch and taste. My legs felt like jello and it must have been obvious because who ever it was that had their face between them had grabbed my legs to hold them steady. This was the most incredible thing I had ever experienced. The other one I don’t know which, poured the liquid that was used on the lower half of my body, right on my lips and licked it off with his tongue just before slipping it in my mouth so I could taste what it was. “it’s sweet, like chocolate syrup” I panted on the verge of an orgasm.

“mmm hmm” I heard Gates say, so it must have been Shadows that was about to send me into overdrive. My back arched when Gates moved his lips to my chest, I literally wasn’t going to be able to take much more of this. When Shadows was finished he moved up over me and touched his lips to mine, there was something between his lips and I took it between mine and bit into it. “a cherry.” I smiled against his lips and expected him to move off and go get another substance, but instead of moving off, he moved up and in. My hips rose up to meet his as he moved inside me. “I think I’ll run away tomorrow too.” If this was the punishment, hell, I would run away every day.

I heard Gates laugh as he grabbed my hair, turning my head towards him so I could take him into my mouth. I groaned against him as a result of what Shadows was doing to me and he pulled my hair harder, which drove me crazy. Not more than a few minutes later Shadows body went rigid and I heard him growl.

“My turn.” I heard Gates whisper in my ear just before moving from my mouth and taking Shadows place. It didn’t take long for Gates to finish as I had already got him pretty worked up with my mouth, but when he did finish he finally took off the blindfold.

“You’re lucky we like you, that could have been so much worse.” Shadows teased while he reached up to take off the handcuffs.

After rubbing my wrists I turned my head to look at Gates whose eyelids seemed to be fighting to stay up. It was hard not to smile at that face; my finger traced his jaw as I kissed him one last kiss. “Sweet dreams, love,” he whispered just before giving in and letting his eyes close.

Shadows got up out of bed and turned out the light, when he came back to the bed and laid down, I moved myself over right into his arms and rested my head on his shoulder.

“Hey! No kiss for me?” Honestly, I was afraid to kiss him, because when I kissed him, I felt something that I didn’t feel with Gates. After picking my head up I brought my lips to his while his hand moved to the back of my head. I kissed him with all I had left in me and I didn’t want it to end, but everything would end soon enough and that was the thought that went through my head as I broke the kiss and rested my head on his shoulder again.

His breathing started to slow down and I knew he was on his way into dream land, but he must have felt the single tear that fell from my eyes because his arms came around me possessively and his lips touched the top of my head. Not long after, I was finally able to fall asleep.