We Come Out At Night

Chapter 14

Sometime during the early morning hours, Gates had got up and left, leaving me alone with Shadows. Quietly, I lay above his body while he slept. My arms were folded across his chest while my chin rested atop my hands as I stared as sleeping face.

He must have felt my eyes on his face because he opened one of his eyes to look at me. “You’re staring at me,” he said before closing his eyes again, but I didn’t say anything. I just continued to stare at his face.

His hands moved up to his eyes so he could wipe the sleep out of them and then with those same hands, he placed them on my arms and pulled me up so that my face was above his. “Kiss me.” It came out like more of an order rather than a request and I was in no way going to say no. When I pressed my lips to his, he placed a hand on my lower back and another on the back of my head.

It felt like I was falling and that could be because he turned and moved me with him never breaking the kiss and keeping his hand behind my head as it found the pillow.
“Do you always do everything you’re told?” he asked finally pulling his lips from mine and staring down into my eyes.

“I don’t know. Sometimes, I guess.”

“What aren’t you telling me, baby?” His voice was barely above a whisper and his eyelids still looked heavy as if he were still half asleep. Sexy, would best describe the way he looked right now.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“I mean I know you are hiding something. We all know and I want to know what it is.”

“I’m not hiding anything.” I lied. He moved his hand from under my head and used it to move the hair out of my face. The make up had faded and the cut on my face was ever present. I moved my hand up and put it over the side of my face and he moved it away with his. “Don’t hide your face from me.”

I tried to turn my face to the side so he couldn’t see the cut or the tears that were about to fall from my eyes, but he took his hand and placed it on my cheek making me look at him again. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered and because of those words I couldn’t stop the tears from coming. Was he blind?

“Isabella, I need to know what it is that you’re keeping from me”

“I can’t tell.”

“Why not?”

I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t tell him the truth and this was a man that I could clearly seem myself spilling my heart out to, but not this. By now I was unable to keep the sobs at bay.
I took both of my hands and put them over my face so he couldn’t see me cry. He turned to his side taking me with him in his arms.

“You don’t have to be afraid, we’ll protect you. I’ll protect you.” It was nice to hear that, but who was going to protect me from him? That was the question.

We stayed close together for a while just laying there in silence. I don’t know why he was being so nice to me and I wasn’t going to question it. I liked this, just being here like this without having to worry what was going to happen later.

“I sing in the shower,” I whispered ending the silence between us.

“Huh?” he looked at me through those heavy lidded eyes wondering where that random statement came from.

“I’m telling you a secret. I sing in the shower.”

He laughed and kissed the top of my head. “You’re going to make me drag this secret out of you aren’t you?” I didn’t say anything in response; I just put my hand on his chest and sighed. I knew in time all would be revealed and I just hoped that I was long gone before that happened, but even I know that was wishful thinking.

Shadows went back to sleep and I stayed awaked just listening to him breathe, he’d been out for about an hour when he started to stir and wrapped his arms tightly around my body. “Kiera.” I heard him whisper and that’s when I realized I had to come up with a plan to get away…heaven help me if he found out the truth.
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longer chapters are coming...and so is more drama. I promise :)