We Come Out At Night

Chapter 15

Lilly, the girl who was sitting at the bar with Shadows and Vengeance the night before, had been hired as a showgirl. I stood behind the black jack table watching Gates and Shadows practically trip over their dicks to see who was going to get to her first when she walked through the door.

“Jealous?” I looked up to see Vengeance sitting at my table and rather than answering, I just dealt the hand.

“I see the way you look at him so, I’ll take your silence as a yes.”

I looked up from the table and stared right into his green eyes. “Why are you such a jerk?”

“I’m just stating a fact.”

I pursed my lips cocked my head to the side. “How about I state a fact.”

“Go for it.” he shrugged.

Well he can’t say he didn’t ask for it and I knew I was treading troubled waters, but I really had nothing to lose. “Sammy is in love with you.” He nearly choked on his drink.

“I have no idea what you are talking about.”

I laughed lightly and I could see him starting to blush. “Just like you have no idea that she works for you and Shadows as well as Marco.”

I probably shouldn’t have revealed the fact that I knew Sammy was their inside girl, but fuck it. If Shadows wants to go make nice with Lilly in front of my face, then I was going to play with fire. Vengeance motioned for The Rev to come over to the table and told him to get someone else to fill in at my table for a little while. When the other girl showed up, Vengeance grabbed my arm and dragged me out the front door of the casino.

He lit a cigarette and handed it to me before lighting one for himself. “Spill. How do you know about Sammy?”

I blew a steady stream of smoke out of my mouth and smirked at him. “You’d be surprised at the things I know.”

He seemed nervous now. “Who else knows?”

“Oh don’t worry, Marco doesn’t know about Sammy… not yet anyway. He’ll find out though, he always does.”

He was pacing back and forth now and I could see that the wheels in his head were turning. “How did you find out?”

“I saw her with you, it was easy to figure out, that and the fact that she wants out of The Makers Marc more than anything.”

He stopped and turned to face me. “She told you that?”

“Yes, she’s my friend.”

“What other secrets are you hiding, Izzy?”

I sat down on a bench and patted the spot beside me for him to join me. When he sat down I threw my cigarette butt on the ground and looked at him. If you want more, it has to be give and take. I told you something, now you have to tell me something.”

“What do you want to know?”

“I want to know about Kiera.”

“Why? She’s long gone now.”

“Is she?” I asked and he raised his eyebrow. I meant it when I said I was the one holding all the cards.

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” he asked.

“Give and take, Vengeance.”

He let out a sigh before tossing his cigarette on the ground. “Fine. Kiera was the one girl who knocked Shadows on his ass. Not literally, but you know what I mean. He fell head over heels in love with her. Treated her like she was a princess and no one else was allowed near her. He never let her work either, what ever she wanted, he gave her.”

He looked around to see if anyone was coming before he continued. Kiera, I assume was a subject that no one was allowed to talk about anymore.

“Turns out that she was working for Marco and he sent her in here to get to Shadows. While she was here, she told Marco everything about the casino and everything about Shadows. She nearly cost him everything including his sanity.”

I’d be lying if I said it didn’t pain me to hear those words. Especially since I already knew the story, I’d seen the aftermath.

“What happened to her?”

“Let’s just say that what Marco did to your face is nothing compared to what Shadows had Gates do to Kiera’s”

That was an understatement, I saw the face, and it wasn’t even recognizable. One thing I did know for sure was that Marco isn’t one to sit back, he would get his revenge when they least expected it and it was already starting, they just didn’t know it.

“You like him don’t you?” He asked snapping me out of my thoughts.

“Is it that obvious?”

“I knew it!” He laughed.

“Whatever, it doesn’t matter.” I reached into his pocket and pulled out his pack of cigarettes. He didn’t seem to mind so I took a cigarette and lit it before putting the pack back in his pocket.

“What are you doing out here?” I heard Shadows say as he approached the bench.

“Vengeance said I could take a smoke break, sorry, I should have asked you.”

“No, it’s fine, as long as someone is with you.” He nodded and went back inside and I let out the breath he was holding before turning my gaze back to Vengeance.

“It’s Zacky.”

“What?” I asked not knowing what he was referring to.

“My name, you don’t have to call me Vengeance, its Zacky.”

I nodded and wondered why the sudden change of heart, but decided to press my luck anyway.

“He’s still in love with her, isn’t he?”

“I think he’s moved past it, it’s just made him a much harder person than he used to be.

I nodded and took a drag from the cigarette. “Zacky, if I could guarantee Sammy’s safety, could you help me?”

His head snapped around and he looked at me with a shocked expression. “What do you mean you could guarantee Sammy’s safety?”

“Just like you, I have friends on the inside and as I said, Marco will find out about Sammy sooner or later.”

“What do you want?”

“I want you to keep Ruby away from Gates and you can’t ask me why.”

“Done.” He nodded. He must have feelings for Sammy too.

“There is one more thing. If you tell anyone we had this conversation, Sammy won’t live to see her next birthday and that’s a promise.”

I stood up and tossed the cigarette in the street before going back into the casino.