We Come Out At Night

Chapter 18

Matt’s POV

I opened my eyes at some point in the afternoon to find that I was alone in Izzy’s bed. I turned onto my back and rested my arms behind my head and stared up at the ceiling thinking about the conversation that I had with Vengeance before coming up here last night. That’s when I heard it….

“My pain filled drama queen is always screaming at your bed
Getting ready to buy you out
Push me under, what goes around comes around
Should’ve known what it was all about
Do not test me”

She wasn’t lying when she said she sings in the shower. I sat up in the bed and couldn’t help, but smile at the sound of her voice. It was beautiful and that’s no lie.

“Cause I'm the fucking king of the world
Get on your knees
I'm the fucking king of the world
Do as I please
So get up and get out and I'll show you
What it takes for me to control you
Cause I'm the fucking king of the world”

When I heard the water in the shower shut off I swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat there waiting for her to come out. Just a few minutes later she came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. She stopped short when she saw me sitting up on the edge of the bed.

“So, you’re the fucking king of the world!” her cheeks started to turn a light shade of pink, clearly I had embarrassed her.

“I…was....well I was just…you heard me?”

“Isabella, you sing really well.”

“You’re just saying that to make me feel better. It was probably just the acoustics in the bathroom.”

She turned to open the closet door and took out a clean t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I made a mental note to get her some new clothes. “I said it because, I believe it.”

“Yeah, well don’t get too excited, I only sing in the shower. I’m not a rock star like you.” It bothered me a little that there was some resentment in her voice when she said that.

“Is something wrong?” I asked as I watched her dress. She made no attempt at trying to hide me from seeing her. I guess after what we did, it was pointless for her to try.

“You really need an answer to that question?” I honestly didn’t, but I did want her to talk with me like she did with Vengeance. It was obvious that wasn’t going to happen.

“I suppose not.” I stood up and followed her into the bathroom where she stood before the mirror brushing her hair.

“So, how do you plan to spend your second night off?”

She set the hairbrush down on the sink and traced her lips with clear lip-gloss before moving past me back to the bedroom. “I don’t know, but I’m sure you’ll be able to watch the show on your cameras.”

“Ok, obviously, you are not in the greatest mood. Maybe it has to do with me; maybe it has to do with the lack of sleep. Whatever it is, I really don’t feel like dealing with it right now. I’m going up to the penthouse to shower and then I have business to take care of. If you feel like talking, come and find me.”

I walked out of her room and towards the elevator frustrated as fuck. She probably wouldn’t spit on me if I were on fire. She’s in love with me? After this morning, I find that hard to believe. She may be the fucking king of the world, but I’m the fucking king of this casino.

Izzy’s POV – Later that night

I sat on the couch watching the Avenged Sevenfold Chronicles on fuse. It was the first time I’d really given a listen to them since the night when Gates played one of their songs for me. I guess they were ok. Ok I guess they were really good, I just didn’t want to give any more edge to the ego of Shadows.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the door to the room open, but I didn’t bother to look and see whom it was that walked in. When Vengeance walked over to where I sat, he looked at the television and then to me and smirked before sitting beside me on the couch.

“You like?” he asked as the video for Almost Easy played on the screen.

“No.” I smirked back.

“Liar” he laughed and nudged my side. “So, since you have a get out of jail free card for the evening, want to go down to the bar and have a few drinks?”

“With you?” I asked and he looked around the room before looking back at me.

“Do you see anyone else here?” I was tempted to say no, but to be honest I could use a distraction from the face that was haunting my television screen. “Sure, as long as I don’t have to see Shadows.”

He stood up and crooked his arm at his side. I stood and slipped my arm through his and walked with him out of the room to the elevator.

Shortly after we left the room, we walked past the main floor of the casino and into the bar. I sat on a stool and Vengeance sat beside me and ordered two drinks.

“So, feeling any better after last night?”

“I don’t know how I feel really. Part of me wants to run away.”

“And the other part?” He asked as he took the drinks from the bar tender and handed me one.

“And the other part is torn between wanting to slap Shadows or fuck him stupid.”

He laughed so hard he had to hold his stomach. “You’d be surprised how many people he has that effect on.”

“So, why don’t you have a girlfriend?”

He blushed a little bit. “Don’t have the time and I don’t want the hassle. Besides, it’s not like I can’t find a girl if I want to have a little fun, I can take my pick from that room back there.”

Clearly, he was full of shit because if Sammy walked in here right now and told him she wanted to be with him he would be on her like white on rice. “Ok, next question.”
After taking a sip from my glass, I continued with my questioning. “Why are you being so nice to me?”

“Because I know what it’s like to be you. I’ve been the kid with no friends and I’ve had the lost feeling and I know what it’s like to want something so bad and have everyone throw every fucking roadblock possible in the way to try and stop you from getting it.”

I was about to ask another question, but he brought his glass to his lips and held up one finger. He set his drink down on the bar and turned his gaze back to me. “My turn. Why did you ask me to keep Ruby away from Brian?”


“Sorry, you know him as Gates.” So, Synyster Gates wasn’t his God given name after all. Not that I believed that it was.

“Ruby is nothing more than a gold digger. I’ve seen her around The Maker’s Marc. She goes where the money is. She’s playing both sides of the fence.”

“Thank you for telling me that, Izzy. You have no idea how vital that little bit of info is to this casino, not to mention the fact that you probably saved Gates from a world of hurt.”

I waived the bar tender over to order another drink. “Don’t think too much of it, it’s the least I could do after you listening to my psycho babble last night.”

He laughed and put his arm around my shoulder. “I think you and I are going to be great friends, Izzy.” Yeah, sure until my six months is up or Shadows puts a bullet in my head.

We sat there drinking for quite some time and periodically Shadows would walk by and smirk. When Gates walked into the bar with Ruby at his side, Vengeance set his drink down and looked at me. “I’m on it.” he winked.

I watched as he walked over to where the two of them were sitting and say something to Ruby. She pouted and walked away. Gates stood up and folded his arms waiting for an explanation and from the glance that Gates gave me I am assuming that Vengeance told him what I said about Ruby. Gates nodded and walked over to where I sat while Vengeance walked off after Ruby, my guess would be to fire her.

“So, how much has our little Izzy had to drink tonight?”

“Not enough!” I said taking his beer from his hand and drinking it.

He sat down on the stool next to me. “You’re drunk.”

“noooooooo I am not!” ok maybe just a little, but so what!

“Yesssssssss you are!” he laughed. “And you’re going to have one hell of a hang over tomorrow!”

I laughed, as everything seemed funny to me right now. “I’m gonna go trash the penthouse, see ya later.” I got up and walked away…well I stumbled away I should say. My legs seemed to have a mind of their own.

I knew he was coming after me and when he caught up to me he put his arms around mine pinning them at my sides as he walked with me. “You can not trash the penthouse,” he laughed.

“Why not? Don’t you think Shadows needs a little excitement?” He cracked up laughing and continued to walk with his arms around mine.

“Come on Gates, let me just have a little fun!” He laughed again and this time we had the attention of Shadows himself. He sat at a poker table and glared right at me.

“Watch this.” I told Gates as I held up my middle finger in Shadows direction.

“Oh man.” Gates tried to hide his laughter by hiding his face in my neck.

The anger showed all over Shadows face and I stood there with a Smirk as I watched him get up from his table and whisper something to The Rev.

“Ooooooooh he’s gonna tell the string bean on me. I’m in trouble now!” I pretended to shake my legs. “I’m shaking in my shoes!”

Gates whispered in my ear “stop,” but it was followed by a laugh. When The Rev came back he had Lilly with him. It was her who Shadows turned his attention to and Gates must have noticed the hurt because I didn’t say another word. He whispered something in her ear and I watched as she smiled happily and headed for the elevator.
That fucking bastard just sent her up to the penthouse.

It was he who was smirking now. “Come on, Izzy. Let’s get you up to bed”

“No!” I shook my head. “I don’t want to go to bed yet.”

“Well then what would you like to do?”

“I would like you to go get us a bottle of Jack so we can have our own party”

He laughed lightly in my ear. “Ok, you go upstairs; I’ll be there in a bit”

Fuck that, I wasn’t going up to my room… yet. Not until I had a little chat with Lilly. As I stepped onto the elevator, I turned around and blew Shadows a little kiss.
♠ ♠ ♠
The song she was singing in the shower is "King of the world" by Porcelain and The Tramps.