We Come Out At Night

Chapter 19

I stepped off the elevator and into the penthouse knowing that this had to be quick because there was no doubt in my mind that Shadows would be up here soon.

“Is that you Matty?” I heard her yell from the bedroom. Matty? What the fuck?

I walked into the bedroom and her back was to the door. “Oh no baby, it’s me Isabella.”

When she turned around she glared at me. “What are you doing here Izzy?”

“Me? What are you doing here?”

“I’m just here to have a good time.” She replied with a sly smirk on her face.

“Is that all? Then you wouldn’t mind if I asked Matt to invite Marco over for a little chat would you?”

She walked over and grabbed me around the throat. “Don’t you fucking dare blow this Izzy. I swear you won’t live to see tomorrow.”

I grabbed her hand and pulled it off my neck. “Do you really think you are going to get away with this?”

“Oh yes, you see that big beautiful man downstairs is as dumb as a fucking stump and right now I have him eating out of the palm of my hands…again.”

I couldn’t believe this was happening and there was nothing I could do about it. The worst part was watching it unfold before my eyes.

“I’m not going to let you do this.” Feeling light headed I ran out of the bedroom and headed for the elevator. Instead of going to my room, I went back down to the casino and as I exited the elevator I ran past Shadows out the front door.

No sooner did I hit the cool night air did I start to vomit. I was crouched down leaning over the curb of the sidewalk releasing the contents of my stomach when I felt his hands on my neck pulling my hair back.

“Are you finished?” He asked and I nodded in response trying to catch my breath. “Come on, I’ll help you up to bed.” Shadows lifted me up and carried me back into the casino.

“I can walk.”

“Shut up,” he replied and continued to carry me to the elevator. When we got to my room I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and when I came back out he was standing there with his arms folded.

“Are you proud of yourself?”

“Don’t lecture me.” I said kicking off my shoes.

“What the hell is wrong with you, Izzy?” I was tired of being asked that question. I walked over to where he stood and slapped him across the face. As fast as I slapped him, that is how fast he slapped me back.

I didn’t want to show him fear so I stood in front of him and shoved him back as hard as I could. After he steadied himself, he shoved me back and I fell down to the ground flat on my ass. I glared up at him, as he stood there stone faced with his arms folded again.

Knowing I was pressing my luck, I got back up and stood in front of him again. I shoved him one more time, but he didn’t even flinch. He shoved me back again and was able to catch myself instead of falling. This time, I grabbed him by his belt buckle and yanked him forward as hard as I could. When he stopped in front of me I grabbed the hem of his shirt and lifted it up over his head. After putting both hands on his chest, I shoved him again and this time he staggered back a little, but when he steadied himself, he grabbed the neckline of my t-shirt and pulled me forward. Showing his strength he ripped my shirt right down the center and slid it off my shoulders before he shoved me back.

I shook my head as the tears started to fall. The fact that he was probably relishing in the fact that he’d made me cry was reason enough for me to slap him again. When I tried to he grabbed my wrist and stopped me. He held my wrist in his hand and put the other hand around my neck. I stood there more nervous than I’d ever been since meeting him for the first time. “Let go,” I cried, but he shook his head and smirked at me. I hated not being in control of this situation.

Shadows stepped forward and brought his lips down on mine and although instinct told me not to do it, I kissed him back anyway. I put my free arm around his neck and he let go of my other wrist so I could do the same with that arm. While our tongues danced happily together, I felt myself being lifted up and as my legs wrapped around his waist he walked over to the side of the bed never breaking the kiss.

As I fell back on the bed, we continued to kiss, but I couldn’t take my mind off the girl upstairs in the penthouse and how this was all going to end.

I turned my head sideways and broke the kiss. “Stop.” I told him, but he just moved his lips to my neck instead. When I put my hands on his shoulders and tried to push him off me he stopped and looked down into my watery eyes.

“What is the matter?”

“I can’t do this. I’m sorry.” Putting both hands over my face, I cried, but he pulled them both away.

“You can’t kiss me? You seemed to be doing just fine.”

“No.” I shook my head. “I can’t let myself feel the things I feel when you kiss me. I can’t, because I know you don’t feel the same and this is going to be over soon.

He rolled off me and sat up on the bed. “Isabella… he started to say, but I sat up and cut him off.

“Please just go away, Matt.” I pleaded, but he shook his head and pulled back the covers.

“Get in,” he said looking at me with a stern face. “I won’t touch you, I promise.”

I crawled up to the head of the bed and got under the covers. When I was settled down on the pillow he pulled the covers up and lay down beside me on top of the covers. I knew he had something to say so I just lay there quietly and waited for him.

He turned on his side and propped himself up on his elbow. “Isabella, I know you have had a lot to drink tonight, but I am going to ask you a question. I’m not in the mood to be lied to, so I would really appreciate it if you would tell me the truth.” I didn’t like the seriousness in the tone of his voice.

“Isabella, is Kiera in my casino?” Damn it, I should have just put my feelings aside and fucked him.

I looked up at him and his eyes were looking right into mine. “Isabella, I’m waiting for an answer,” he said and it didn’t seem to matter to him that he had intimidated me to the point of tears.

“Yes.” I said with a shakey voice and mentally braced myself for what was to come next, but it never came. He just looked at me with an expression that would best be described as hurt.

“Are you her?” He asked and now it was his voice that was shakey.

“No. I’m sorry, I’m not.” How could he still have feelings for her after all she did to him? Now that he knew Kiera was back, it was just a matter of time before he found out what happened in Marco’s office that night when she came back.

“Izzy, you have to tell me where she is.” The tone of his voice was pleading and I hated seeing him like this.

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

Before I could answer, Gates came through the door of the room with Christ following behind him.

“Sorry to interrupt, but we have some trouble downstairs that requires your attention.”

When Shadows sat up in the bed I grabbed his arm and he looked back at me. “Don’t go down there,” I begged, but I knew he wasn’t going to listen. He turned and looked at Christ.

“Stay here with her. No one, but Gates or myself are to come back into this room. Understand?” Christ nodded and with that, Shadows got up off the bed and walked out of the room with Gates.

I turned on my side and ignored Christ as I silently cried wishing this night was over and done with already.

Shadows Office

Gates walked Shadows into his office and when they got there they found a very pissed off red head yelling at Vengeance.

“What the fuck is this about?” Shadows said as he walked through the door.

“I fired Ruby and she refuses to leave. She says since you are the one who hired her, then you have to be the one to fire her.” Vengeance spoke and it was clear to Shadows and Gates that Ruby had got on his last nerve.

“Why am I firing her?” Shadows asked while Gates took a seat on the edge of the desk and started cracking his knuckles. He already knew the answer to the question.

Vengeance stood up and folded his arms. “Well, apparently Ruby has an attraction to money. So much so as a matter of fact that when she figured she wasn’t going to find what she wanted here, she took a liking to Marco and his money”

“Excuse me?” Shadows said glaring at Ruby who was ready to protest.

“Oh yeah, our dear little Ruby here has been hanging out at The Maker’s Marc on her nights off.”

“He’s lying, he’s just listening to what that bitch, Izzy told him.” Ruby protested, but her face was met with the back of Shadows hand.

“Get her out of my sight,” he said to Gates. “And incase you need to hear it from me for yourself, you’re fucking fired.”

When Gates got off the desk he grabbed Ruby by the arm and dragged her out of the office. When they were gone he turned back to Vengeance.

“We have a big problem.”


“Kiera is in the casino.”

“I’m sorry what? I could swear you just said Kiera is in the casino” Vengeance looked at Shadows as if he were nuts.

“I did” he nodded. “I cornered Izzy and forced her to tell me, but she wouldn’t say where. I don’t know why or what it is that has her scared to tell me, but I don’t have time to find out. Start asking around and see what you can find out”

“Ok.” Vengeance nodded and knew just who he was going to call.