We Come Out At Night

Chapter 2

……… “Bring that bitch to me.”

I felt the hands of the man who I thought was bringing me to a party, grip my arm and drag me across the wood floor and over to the pool table where the man stood.

I tried to yank my arm free, but the blue-eyed stick figure just held on tighter.

“So, I see you’ve met The Rev.” He said with his eyes leaning towards the tall one. “and Christ over there.” He nodded towards the short one.

I could swear I heard him address his friends as The Rev and Christ and here comes my sarcasm. “Let me guess, you are the Virgin Mary?” He didn’t find my sarcasm very funny and neither did his friends as the back of his hand met my face.

“Did you enjoy your little joy ride in my fucking car?” He shouted.

“Yes, very much.” I could feel the blood pooling on my lip. How can it be that thousands of cars are stolen every year and never get recovered and I have to be the one to get caught? Fuck me.

“Sarcasm will only get you another slap,” he warned and I stood there pretending that he didn’t scare me.

“And slouching will get you a life time of bad posture.” I noted and wished my mouth would stop speaking my thoughts for me. He stood straight up and my jaw dropped. Holy hell he was so much bigger up close.

“Hey Shadows, You might want to have a little look see at your car.”

“Shut up Napoleon.” I shouted at the short one who so nicely informed the beast that I had a little accident with his precious vehicle.

Shadows was his name, well that explains the custom license plate. He moved past me and walked out the double wood doors and from inside where I stood, I could hear him shouting a slew of different obscenities. When he came back inside he was seething with rage. His fists were clenched as he walked back over to me.

“You are going to pay for that.”

“No, no I’m not.” I shook my head defiantly and turned to look up at The Rev. “You can let go of my arm now, I really have to be going.” I smiled, but he looked at me like I was some kind of moron.

He let go of my arm, but his hand was quickly replaced by that of Shadows “Yes, yes, you are going to pay for it.”

“With what? My looks?” No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t keep the sarcasm at bay, it was a side effect of my nervousness.

“Well, as a matter of fact, yes. My eyes grew wide as he flashed a malicious grin. I had no idea what he meant by that, and I sure as hell didn’t want to find out.

“Ok, well I’d like to say this has been fun, but it hasn’t. So, if you’ll just let go, I’ll get out of your way.”

Shadows shook his head as if to say “I don’t think so” and shoved me back to The Rev.

“You know where to put her.” The Rev nodded and dragged me back out the double wooden doors and although I tried to pull away, he was still stronger than me and walked about as if I were not even there. He walked me behind the spiral staircase to another wooden door. We stopped before it so he could pull out his keys from his pocket.
When he found the skeleton key on the chain he slipped it into the lock and turned it.

“This is illegal you know.” I protested.

“Have you ever heard of Grand Theft Auto? I believe that is what they call it when you steal a car and I also believe stealing is illegal too!” So much for him being dumb.

When he opened the door he shoved me in and before I could catch myself I was rolling down a flight of steps. I must have passed out from the fall, because when I opened my eyes, I could feel something sticky on the side of my face. It was blood, blood that had dried from a cut on my head that I must have got when I fell. I turned onto my side and lifted my head and instantly regretted it I felt a level of pain shoot through my body that I didn’t even know existed.

Slowly, I sat up and touched my hand to my head, which only reinforced the pain I was already feeling. This must be a basement. It’s cold and damp and there is barely any light at all. I could see a cot in the corner and a table beside it with a small lamp, the only source of light. In the other corner sat an empty chair. Right now, dare I say it; I would give anything to be back at Marco’s place. No, no I wouldn’t, that is just the desperation creeping in. I stood up and instantly felt dizzy. As slow as I could manage, I walked over to the cot and sat down rubbing my arms to take the chill out, but it didn’t seem to help. What I wouldn’t do for hot cup of coffee right now.

I must have left my damn purse in the car. Of course I did, because that would be where my cell phone is.

I heard footsteps outside the door and I turned my head in the direction of the stairs. Looking up towards the door I watched as it opened and briefly flooded the room with light.

When Shadows walked down the stairs I folded my arms across my chest and sat back against the wall. He walked across the room and grabbed the chair that sat in the corner of the room and brought it over to the cot where I sat. After he sat down in front of me, he too folded his arms across his chest and looked right at me.

“You can’t keep me here.”

“Seven thousand five hundred dollars. That is what it’s going to cost to repair the damage you did to my car. Pay up.”

“Where would you like me to get that kind of money from?”

He was losing his patience and it was written all over his face. Maybe if I pissed him off enough he would get fed up and just let me out of here. “What is your name?”


“Izzy? What kind of name is that for a girl?”

“What kind of name is Shadows?”

He leaned forward and looked me right in the eyes “I am the one asking the questions. Now, how old are you?”


He nodded and bit his lip before speaking again. “I think I’ll make you our new main attraction at the brothel until you’ve paid back the money you owe me.”

I couldn’t believe what I just heard. I stuck my leg out and kicked him square in the chest and knocked him off the chair. “I will not be a whore for you.”

When he stood up he straightened his shirt and looked at me, but didn’t say anything. I watched as he turned his head towards the stairs. “GATES” he yelled loudly and not even a minute later the door opened and another one walked down the stairs.

Shadows stood in front of him blocking my view and just before he walked back up the stairs he turned his head back and looked at me. “Break her” was all he said before he disappeared up the stairs.

The man he called Gates stepped forward and I could see him more clearly now. He stopped in front of the cot and looked down at me just before cracking his knuckles.
I think this could be one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen in my entire life. My hell seemed to be in the land of the pretty people.