We Come Out At Night

Chapter 20

Shadows continued

He walked back up to her room and went inside to find Christ sitting on the couch watching television. Christ stood up and straightened out his pants.

“She fell asleep about 10 minutes ago.”

“Thanks, you can go.” He dismissed Christ and took his place on the couch when he left.

His eyes fell upon Isabella and her sleeping form. Tonight he had realized that Vengeance was right, she was in love with him. It bothered him to know that he’d have to break her heart. After Kiera he promised himself that no girl would ever own his heart again.

When she stirred in her sleep he got up off the couch and walked over to the bed. After he sat down Izzy opened her eyes. “The room is spinning.”

He didn’t say anything, instead he just got up and went to the medicine cabinet and got her some aspirin and a glass of water. “Sit up,” he told her as he sat on the edge of the bed. When she did, he handed her the pills and the glass of water. After taking them she handed him the glass back and lay back down.

“You’re drunk. That should help you sleep” he set the glass down on the end table and leaned back against the headboard of the bed. As her eyes closed, he sat there watching her sleep. He felt a strong need to protect her, but he didn’t know why. Something about her made him want to give her the moon and the stars. As quickly as he had the though, he pushed it out of his head.

The following day
Izzy’s POV
I groaned as I opened my eyes and touched my hand to my aching head. Shadows was sitting up against the headboard with his arms folded against his chest. He was sound a sleep and looked as if he were on guard only with his eyes closed.

“Matt?” I said his name, but he didn’t open his eyes. I reached up and touched his arm and his eyes snapped open. He angrily grabbed my wrists and slammed me back down on the bed. I looked up into his intense eyes and was afraid to say anything at all.

“Shit,” he whispered. “I’m sorry; I thought you were someone else.” He let go of my wrists and got back up into a seated position. He was angry and I don’t know what it was that had him so mad, I can only guess that it had to do with Kiera.

“I..um... im going to go take a shower” I said with a shakey voice and climbed over his legs to get off the bed. I walked into the bathroom and shut the door thinking about what had just happened.

Matt’s POV

I don’t know what the fuck just came over me, but when I felt her arms on me, my instinct was to attack. I didn’t know it was her I just reacted. I wouldn’t hurt her if my life depended on it.

When she started singing in the shower, I hadn’t expected to hear what was coming out of her mouth. She’s creeping her way into my heart and I don’t like it.

“Cry alone, I’ve gone away
No more nights, no more pain
I’ve gone alone, took all my strength
But I’ve made the change
I wont see you tonight”

I’d never heard my own song sung that way nor with a female voice. I don’t think she has any idea what a gift she has in her voice.

“Sorrow sank deep inside my blood
all the ones around me
I cared for and loved”

I got up off the bed and stretched my arms over my head. Something told me she could sing the phone book and I would love every second of it. After stripping off my jeans, I walked down the hall to the bathroom.

“Building up inside of me
A place so dark, so cold, I had to set me free
Don’t mourn for me you’re not the one to place the blame
As bottles called my name, I wont see you tonight”

I walked through the bathroom door and stepped into the shower behind her. I placed my hands on her hips and she stopped singing and stiffened up. I wanted her to sing for me, so I leaned forward and pressed my lips to her ears.

“Sing for me.” I whispered and held her close to me underneath the hot water.

“Sorrow, sank deep inside my blood
all the ones around me,
I cared for and most of all I loved
but I can't see myself that way
please don't forget me or cry while I'm away”

I moved my lips down to her shoulders as she leaned back against my chest and put her arms around my neck. “Keep going,” I urged her on as my hand moved over her rib cage down to her thigh.

“Cry alone, I've gone away
No more nights, no more pain
I've gone alone, took all my strength
But I've made the change,
I won't see you tonight”

She turned around to face me and with her arms around my neck kissed my lips. When she pulled back there were tears spilling out of her eyes. “Why can’t you stay away from me?”

“I don’t know.” No way am I going to admit the reason why. It’s not true.

I put my hands on the back of her thighs and lifted her up. “But I don’t think you want me to stay away from you.”

Stepping out of the shower, I brought her back to the bed and showed her just why I can’t stay away from her. We stayed in that bed for the longest time ignoring the rest of the world and never said another word to each other. Everything we wanted to say was expressed through body language.

Afterwards, while she slept with her head on my chest, I thought about the conversation we had last night just before Gates and Christ came into the room. Kiera was in my casino and if Isabella wouldn’t to tell me how to find her, then I would have to take matters into my own hands.

As much as I hated the thought of having to put Izzy in danger, she left me no choice. I was going to have to set the trap and leave her unprotected. There is no doubt in my mind that Marco would show up. Now, it was just a matter of making it happen.
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Keep losing power due to the storm, so this is the last one for the night.