We Come Out At Night

Chapter 21

I opened my eyes and lifted my head from Matt’s chest to look up at his face. I guess he never fell back to sleep. I rested my chin on top of his chest and continued to look at him. “Why didn’t you take a nap?” I asked him wondering why he wasn’t as tired as I was.

“I’m not tired. Besides, you’re the one who needed it. How’s your hangover?”

“I’m fine.” I smiled, but something wasn’t right. “What’s the matter?”

“Nothing” he shook his head. “I do have to get up though and go talk to the guys about something.” I moved off his chest and he sat up. “You have a few hours before work, what are you going to do?” he asked and pecked my lips lightly.

“I don’t know.” I shrugged. “Probably just hang out in here and watch T.V.”

I watched as he got up off the bed and pulled on his jeans. His face was so serious as if he was deep in thought about something. After he had dressed, he leaned over on the bed and kissed me again. “I’ll see you later.” I nodded and watched him walk out of the room. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that his thoughts pertained to what I told him last night.

Later that night

I stepped off the elevator and walked over to my table where The Rev was waiting for me.

“You’re on your own tonight.” he told me as I approached him.

“What do you mean?”

“There is a button under the lip of your table, if you find yourself in trouble, just push it and security will come.” What the hell is going on?

“Where are Shadows and Gates?”

“There’s a secret show tonight in the auditorium. So, we’ll all be a little busy.” Seriously, they are leaving me alone out here? Why don’t they just walk me back to The Maker’s Marc?

“You can’t be serious.”

“Does it look like I am joking?” he asked.

“I suppose not.” He smirked and walked away shaking his head. I have no idea why he disliked me so much. I never did anything to him personally.

I was setting up my table when Vengeance walked over to me. “Hey, I need to ask you a question”


“Sammy was supposed to meet me at the bar today and she never showed up. Do you know where she could be?”

“No, I’m sorry.” I would assume that Kiera had a hand in this.

“Ok. If you hear anything, please tell me right away.” He was practically begging.

“Of course.” I nodded. I watched as he walked away and couldn’t get the image of his face out of my head. He seemed so nervous, scared even.

As the night went on, I stayed behind my table, but customers were pretty scarce as it was a Wednesday night. But given the fact that Avenged Sevenfold was playing live, you'd think it would be busier. Honestly, I was curious myself to see them, but I was stuck dealing black jack for fat, ugly, drunk pigs.

I could hear the faint sounds of music coming from the auditorium, as the show must have started. Standing there behind the table was torture, I’d much rather be watching Shadows in his true element. As I stood there thinking about the man I secretly loved a chair was pulled out from the table and a new comer sat down.

“You better leave.” I warned Marco as he smiled up at me. “I can have security here in seconds.”

“I have done nothing. I’m simply here to play a game.” He smirked as Lilly walked up behind him and put her hand on his shoulder.

“Sammy says hi.” Lilly spoke with a look of satisfaction on her face.

“What did you do to her?” I demanded.

“Nothing that she didn’t deserve.”

I lowered my gaze to Marco who was smiling back at me. “When is this going to stop? You can’t keep playing with peoples lives like this.”

He laughed again. “I’m only playing with yours, Isabella. As long as you bear my brand, you belong to me.”

“I BELONG TO NO ONE!” I shouted. To that statement, he laughed again. “I want you to leave.”

He set a chip down on the table and looked up at me. “As I said, I am here to play a game. Now do your job, and deal.” I hated that he ordered me around like that, but I stood there and dealt to him anyway.

“Where is Sammy?” I asked as I slid another card over in his direction.

“Resting.” He smiled.

“You’re a bastard.”

“Keep talking to me like that and she will rest six feet under.”

I snapped my head up and looked into his brooding eyes. “What is it going to take for you to let her go?”

“Don’t play stupid Izzy; you know what I want and what Lilly came here to do”

I shook my head. “No, I won’t let you do it.”

The two of them laughed and Lilly walked away. I knew she was heading straight for the auditorium.

“There’s nothing you can do to stop her.” he nodded towards Lilly just as she turned the corner. Remembering what The Rev told me, I pushed the button under the lip of the table.

“Security? Really, Izzy, I’m flattered, but I was just leaving. Gonna go watch the rest of the show.”

He winked at me and got up from the chair he was sitting in to follow Lilly. I didn’t care what the ramifications would be if I left my table, but I did. I closed my table and followed after Marco.

I could hear him laughing at the fact that I was right behind him. “You’re just as dumb as I thought you were, Izzy. You’re walking right to me.” When he reached the door of the auditorium he turned to face me before going inside.

“It’s your funeral,” he laughed and walked through the door. I ran up to the door as fast as I could and when I walked into the auditorium, the only people in there were the band. It was a set up; there was no live show, just the video of Live In The LBC playing on a wide screen. The one person I didn’t see was Lilly.

“Took you long enough.” Shadows said as he jumped off the stage.

“So, we meet again” Marco noted and kept his voice somewhat pleasant.

“You think you can infiltrate my organization again and get away with it?”

Marco laughed at Shadows and looked back at me. “What ever that little idiot told you is completely false.”

Shadows bit his bottom lip and put his hands on his hips. “One…she isn’t and idiot and two…she hasn’t told me anything.”

Shadows turned his face back to the stage and nodded at Christ. The video switched from Live in the LBC to the penthouse the night I went up there to see Lilly and confront her about being Kiera. I felt a sudden urge to vomit. He knew and he had the nerve to question me?

“Did you think I’d let my guard down after that last little incident with Kiera?” Shadows had left Marco speechless for once. “There is one thing however that has yet to become clear.” His eyes darted in my direction. “What is it that Kiera came here to do, Izzy? Tell me what she and Marco are planning.”

I was so angry with Shadows right now I didn’t care to hide the secret anymore, after tonight I was leaving this place once and for all. “Kiera came here to kill you just like Marco killed your baby.”
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Ok so I am moving at the end of the month and been busy packing. Gonna try and keep you updated, but you may have to settle for one update a day instead of 3 or four until I get settled in. Also working on the set ups for part 2 and part 3...i'm excited for both and this one isnt even finished yet.