We Come Out At Night

Chapter 22

“What did you say?” Shadows asked me to repeat myself, but I knew he had heard me.

“Your precious Kiera was pregnant. The night she came back to The Maker’s Marc, I was standing outside Marco’s office.”

“You’d be wise to not continue, Izzy?”Marco warned, but I was too pissed to care what either of them did to me.

“Marco told Kiera he was going to make you pay for what you did to her face. He said you would pay with your life.”

“Izzy.” Marco warned gripping my arm tightly, but I wasn’t going to stop there.

“Kiera asked him not to kill you and he told her that he wouldn’t because she was going to be the one to do it.” Matt folded his arms across his chest and never took his eyes off me. I noticed that he didn’t seem to care that Marco had his hand around my arm either.

“That’s when she told him she was pregnant and that’s also when Marco got up from behind his desk and walked over to her with a letter opener in his hand. He shoved it right into her stomach and told her that her problem was solved.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Shadows whispered as the shock was written all over his face.

I didn’t get to answer before Marco spoke. “As fun as this has been, I have other matters to attend to so if you’ll just produce Lilly for me, I’ll be taking my girls and leaving.”

“You’re not taking Izzy,” Gates yelled as he jumped down from the stage and over to Shadows who hadn’t stopped glaring at me.

“Where is Lilly?” Marco turned his attention to Shadows and completely ignored Gates. When Shadows nodded at Christ, he pushed a button and the wide screen started to rise. Behind it was Lilly, who was hanging from the ceiling with a rope around her neck.

“Suicide…so sad” Gates nodded, he was sicker then I thought he was. “She had so much to live for…let’s all pray,” He teased looking up with his hands folded in prayer formation. I held back my laughter; I was hard to laugh with Shadows staring at me like I was the devil.

“Looks like it’s going to be an eye for an eye.” That is when Marco pulled the gun from his waist and jabbed it in my side. “Follow me and she’ll leave a nice little blood stain on the carpet on the way out.”

I looked at Shadows with pleading eyes, but he seemed unfazed when Marco dragged me out of the door of the auditorium.

Matt’s POV

I didn’t want to be a father, but the thought that I had created a child and it was taken from me without my even knowing about it had me frozen where I stood. I couldn’t move if I wanted to. The fact that Isabella knew put the icing on the cake.

I stood there listening to the banter between Marco and Gates and I saw the gun, but I couldn’t stop him. I couldn’t snap myself out of the state of mind I was in.

When Marco dragged Izzy out the door, Gates snapped his fingers in front of my face. “Hello? You want to do something about that? Like right now!”

I nodded and reached for the doorknob and as soon as my hand touched it, I heard a single gunshot.
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How much do i love a cliffy? :)